A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

Racism and bigotry is part of life and I condemn the man actions and he should have been dragged to his death for what he did the fact remains racism and bigotry is part of life and you know what it will be until the end of humanity!
Of course the core issue is the coward spitting on the child, but why did he spit on that child? Because he thought the child was black.

Why did Black men kidnap and torture a White couple before killing them? Why did Black kids chase a White kid home after dousing him with gasoline?

Kind of hard for me to confront him Shithead, when this happened in Kentucky and I am in Georgia. I am pretty sure your coward ass wouldn't have done nothing if you saw this happening in front of you, you would have fit right in with the cowards who were sitting there.
In your fantasy world I am sure how that would go.
I live in Indiana, obviously been to Kentucky many times. And I can say for a fact - there is no time warp that rolls back the time to 1962 when you go there.
So yeah - it didn't happen, and we all know it.
You racist hag, you do realize that BLM consists of whites, asians and blacks.

overwhelmingly whites. come to think of it...i've not seen any asian blm members......and whites overwhelmingly outnumber the blacks. Looks like your movement has been coopted. HHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Give me as best of a description of the guy as you can, I live within driving distance of Lexington and am there several times a year. I'll keep an eye out for him if he has any unique identifying marks. Than I'll beat his ass on your behalf. No one should go through that.

some black men hate whites and raping white women is something they have a strong urge to do
That another part of America's racism problem. Americans of all skin colours have become racists.
Why did Black men kidnap and torture a White couple before killing them? Why did Black kids chase a White kid home after dousing him with gasoline?

If you can show me where they were calling them the Cword while doing I would say because they were white.
In your fantasy world I am sure how that would go.
I live in Indiana, obviously been to Kentucky many times. And I can say for a fact - there is no time warp that rolls back the time to 1962 when you go there.
So yeah - it didn't happen, and we all know it.
Well that doesn't usually happen to White folks, you sound like the racist whites who tried to make it seem like the murder of Schwerner, Goodman and Chaney was a hoax.
No its not ok. Saying that this lady's comment is a lie is very unkind. This is not a unique event.
Well that doesn't usually happen to White folks, you sound like the racist whites who tried to make it seem like the murder of Schwerner, Goodman and Chaney was a hoax.
You need to swallow all that racist hate you have so I can understand you.
You racist hag, you do realize that BLM consists of whites, asians and blacks.
They got their different color fruits as well---all rotten and all trash. BLM is a terrorist organization that extorts money....so what is your point, idgit.
No its not ok. Saying that this lady's comment is a lie is very unkind. This is not a unique event.
Put the whole racism thing aside, and tell me anybody in a restaurant would ignore someone spitting, either on someone or even on the floor. The act of spitting in a restaurant is so out of place it would be nearly impossible to ignore. Not going to happen. This is pure fiction.
They got their different color fruits as well---all rotten and all trash. BLM is a terrorist organization that extorts money....so what is your point, idgit.
Are the Proud Boys a terrorist group?

Was 1/6/21 an insurrection?

Are you a racist POS?
Yea, dealing with racist idiots.
You are not helping racism, you are perpetuating it while diminishing actual racism.
Calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist is both ignorant and counter productive to what you proport to stand for.
You are the #metoo of racial conflict.
Just like a teen girl outraged by some guy merely looking her direction and posting on twitter about getting "visually raped" - here you are doing the same thing only with race.

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