A Message From Our Great President

shhhhhhh don't let the facts confuse this stoop.

Actually we are closer to war than ever.
Don't let that confuse you.
we are? fk man, you fks on the left get information about classified material all the time. wow, I'm shocked at your hierarchy.

Truth hurts.
that you have nothing? I find it quite enjoyable to make fun of daily in here. you got fking nothing boogers hanging all down your chin.

This is what you are good for. Go take your meth.

Yes we are closer to war than ever. Idiot. Truth hurts.
how? everyday that stupid fat fk kim designed that rocket the closer you got. so why didn't obumer stop him? why did you back that piece of shit loser?

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

Dow highest ever occurred how many times under Obama?
How much as the unemployment rate lowered?
Now you asswipes are satisfied with a higher GDP _ I thought we were promised 4% growth?
Dirtier air & dirtier water are great for business
Coal is still near dead. Lying about creating coal jobs is not ending the fictional war on coal
Handing money to rich people has never worked
Factories still moving even after being rescued by Trump
There was never welfare for illegals you stupid shit
You were always free to pursue your dreams - getting drunk & driving in your jacked up pick ups with a congederate flag waving was always legal.
America has always been great.

Only a true dumbass would piss off a 6 billion large market to try to capture a 300 million market.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Dow highest ever occurred how many times under Obama?
and now higher under trump so?

One liner.

Idiot like you----- DOW is too complex for you to understand.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

Dow highest ever occurred how many times under Obama?
How much as the unemployment rate lowered?
Now you asswipes are satisfied with a higher GDP _ I thought we were promised 4% growth?
Dirtier air & dirtier water are great for business
Coal is still near dead. Lying about creating coal jobs is not ending the fictional war on coal
Handing money to rich people has never worked
Factories still moving even after being rescued by Trump
There was never welfare for illegals you stupid shit
You were always free to pursue your dreams - getting drunk & driving in your jacked up pick ups with a congederate flag waving was always legal.
America has always been great.

Only a true dumbass would piss off a 6 billion large market to try to capture a 300 million market.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Dow highest ever occurred how many times under Obama?
and now higher under trump so?

One liner.

Idiot like you----- DOW is too complex for you to understand.

I'm too complicated for you
Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.
maybe enemy was a little too strong How about America under Trump can't be trusted any more?

You are talking different things here. First you say it's about making enemies with our friends, then changed that to Trump being critical of them, and now it's to not trusting the US?

I don't recall Trump doing or saying anything to any other country that would make them distrust us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
because he hasn't. it's a DNC talking point. it's all they got.

One liner post.

Bad mouthing your neighbors or your friend is a lot different from bad mouthing another world leader or a country. That is called amateurism, unprofessional, childish and idiotic that a low life like you do not understand.
Think Israel still trusts us after trump opened his mouth to russians?

I'm sure they have more trust in Trump than the ears who hated Israel to his last day in office. BB and Trump go back. They are old friends.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

All garbage. Read Neil levinson.
Growth same as Obama who had to battle with 750000 jobs a month lost
I guess you like America first? WWII amErica nazi party ?
Coal jobs are minimal, less than fast food.
Illegals don't get welfare. Like the Muslim who invented your iPhone?
Such stupidity
Like a guy who groped women and peeked into teenager dressings rooms?
My god, how can you support a low life.
The economy is the same as 2016
they get food stamps
they get health insurance

Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Sure it has, and if it continues the next six years, you will still be saying that.
WTF has that ah done so far except digging a hole into with who were once our friends?

Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

All garbage. Read Neil levinson.
Growth same as Obama who had to battle with 750000 jobs a month lost
I guess you like America first? WWII amErica nazi party ?
Coal jobs are minimal, less than fast food.
Illegals don't get welfare. Like the Muslim who invented your iPhone?
Such stupidity
Like a guy who groped women and peeked into teenager dressings rooms?
My god, how can you support a low life.
The economy is the same as 2016

I assume you are sucking pff your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

All garbage. Read Neil levinson.
Growth same as Obama who had to battle with 750000 jobs a month lost
I guess you like America first? WWII amErica nazi party ?
Coal jobs are minimal, less than fast food.
Illegals don't get welfare. Like the Muslim who invented your iPhone?
Such stupidity
Like a guy who groped women and peeked into teenager dressings rooms?
My god, how can you support a low life.
The economy is the same as 2016

Don't do crack.
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.

What a fucking excuses. If the president's agenda failed. The president failed.
The same measurement that was applied to Obama.

The difference is ---- You have a Republicans control both senate and congress----- You have an amateur republican president. Results----- Nothing but Trump finger pointing not taking any responsibility. What a loser.

* Dow highest ever.
* Unemployment hits 16-year-low
* Increased GDP
* Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
* Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
* Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
* Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
* Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
* Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
* Factories returning.
* No welfare for illegals.
* American free to pursue their dreams.
* God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

All rhetoric. Not a single fact in there. Sheeple gotta sheep.

Didn't you noticed ------- The OP TheGreatGatsby NEVER came back with any rebuttal to support all these lies?
That is very funny.
He was also the cause of me losing my employer medical insurance for the first time in my life. Now every day is a gamble. So here you go: THANKS DUMBAMA!
You can't blame him for every pos that comes into your life Step back and think of all the good he did or tried to do

I don't rate somebody on what they tried to do, I rate them based on how good or bad they made my personal life. And at the ripe age of 57 and never being uninsured until that big eared clown came to town, I rate him as a F President.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservative measure success by results.
Rush Limbaugh
Why don't you buy insurance?

Can't afford it. Commie Care was designed to give affordable insurance to likely Democrat voters at the cost to likely Republican voters. If you make french fries for a living or sweep floors for minimum wage, you're in luck. If you are a middle income earner, you're Fd.
You were just bragging about how much money you made in the stock market and I've heard you talking in the past about owning an apartment complex and with all that you can't afford health insurance??

My IRA did very well in the market. Can't touch that money until I retire.

I work full-time and yes, I am a landlord. Commie Care only offered one insurance company for my doctor and hospital. They wanted over 25% of my net pay, had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental, no prescription, no eye care, and a $50.00 copay for doctors visits. It was hardly insurance at all, and nobody wants to live broke for the rest of their life because of Commie Care.
I guess you never heard of Quantitive Easing then, huh?
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?

Because a lot of people like you who believed his lies and promises. A con man.
not trusted how?
awww look at eddie, can't answer a simple question from a statement he made.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.

Compared to Trump almost on daily basis and non stop lies?
Don't let that confused you.
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.

What a fucking excuses. If the president's agenda failed. The president failed.
The same measurement that was applied to Obama.

The difference is ---- You have a Republicans control both senate and congress----- You have an amateur republican president. Results----- Nothing but Trump finger pointing not taking any responsibility. What a loser.
what is inaccurate? did the congress work on his agenda? nope. so without them he can't push his agenda. and the left is busy on russia russia, funny. constituents are what matters, and we all see it is the congress failing the american people, not trump. sorry little person.
maybe enemy was a little too strong How about America under Trump can't be trusted any more?

You are talking different things here. First you say it's about making enemies with our friends, then changed that to Trump being critical of them, and now it's to not trusting the US?

I don't recall Trump doing or saying anything to any other country that would make them distrust us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
because he hasn't. it's a DNC talking point. it's all they got.

One liner post.

Bad mouthing your neighbors or your friend is a lot different from bad mouthing another world leader or a country. That is called amateurism, unprofessional, childish and idiotic that a low life like you do not understand.
Think Israel still trusts us after trump opened his mouth to russians?

I'm sure they have more trust in Trump than the ears who hated Israel to his last day in office. BB and Trump go back. They are old friends.
Goes way back with Putin too buddies
Yes, a method of increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates by purchasing securities and releasing capital to our financial institutions. Its used to promote lending and economic growth at times when interest rates are low. What is your point Ray?

Point is the stock market did not reflect our economy--it reflected funny money being pumped into the system. It was not the low interest rate, it was not active business activity.
Oh yeah, I can agree with you there. The stock market is a whole other game based on speculation, rumor and the influence of Wall Street, bankers and hedge funders that have way too much control over such a crucial element of our economy. It's a shame that we let it get so far that it is a near necessity for our citizens to be invested in what is essentially a fancy casino.
Correct not many places to invest your money
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Frankly, failing with his agenda is the best thing he can do for the country, so paradoxically he actually may be succeeded by just not fucking up. LOL
well he isn't failing his agenda, the congress is failing his agenda. and that will be corrected in 2018. How dare that the president of the US would put deadlines on work. That just shows he ain't part of the scum that is DC. they do things at their pace and only their pace, and fk the constituents. Trump is all about the American people.
Trump was is and will always be about trump
then why did he beat hitlery? why did the middle class see his vision? why can't you accept that happened? why do you wish anguish on americans?

Because a lot of people like you who believed his lies and promises. A con man.
ahhhhh are you butt hurt cause youuuu wost?
You are talking different things here. First you say it's about making enemies with our friends, then changed that to Trump being critical of them, and now it's to not trusting the US?

I don't recall Trump doing or saying anything to any other country that would make them distrust us.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
because he hasn't. it's a DNC talking point. it's all they got.

One liner post.

Bad mouthing your neighbors or your friend is a lot different from bad mouthing another world leader or a country. That is called amateurism, unprofessional, childish and idiotic that a low life like you do not understand.
Think Israel still trusts us after trump opened his mouth to russians?

I'm sure they have more trust in Trump than the ears who hated Israel to his last day in office. BB and Trump go back. They are old friends.
Goes way back with Putin too buddies
did you mean two buddies? seems to make more sense. And were you stalking him to know this? I mean putin. you love that guy don't you?
awww look at eddie, can't answer a simple question from a statement he made.
How not trusted??? Ever listen to the trump pos ?? Says one thing one day and different the next day
how liberal of him.
LOL yeah JUST heard him brag about the employment and unemployment numbers and heard him say we're looking at it 5 x in one sentence what an idiot
and in 8 years you never heard obama say something stupid.

amazing to me really. people get caught in a "rut of hate" they won't even try to get out.

Compared to Trump almost on daily basis and non stop lies?
Don't let that confused you.
the only confused are you
Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
WTF has that ah done so far except digging a hole into with who were once our friends?

Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.
How many 1000's has trump stiffed?? He's nothing but a con man
The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.
How many 1000's has trump stiffed?? He's nothing but a con man
you keeping track? let us know. name them. i expect a list.

Forum List
