A Message From Our Great President

maybe enemy was a little too strong How about America under Trump can't be trusted any more?

You are talking different things here. First you say it's about making enemies with our friends, then changed that to Trump being critical of them, and now it's to not trusting the US?

I don't recall Trump doing or saying anything to any other country that would make them distrust us.

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because he hasn't. it's a DNC talking point. it's all they got.

One liner post.

Bad mouthing your neighbors or your friend is a lot different from bad mouthing another world leader or a country. That is called amateurism, unprofessional, childish and idiotic that a low life like you do not understand.
Think Israel still trusts us after trump opened his mouth to russians?

I'm sure they have more trust in Trump than the ears who hated Israel to his last day in office. BB and Trump go back. They are old friends.
Turns out they are both frauds.

Israel does not run our country.
Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
WTF has that ah done so far except digging a hole into with who were once our friends?

Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

Tru p's lying is hirting us everywhere.

You are right, Trump dioes act like a 8 year old.

Me: Donald you told a lie
Trump : your mother is ugly.

You call that action Presidential?
The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

Tru p's lying is hirting us everywhere.

You are right, Trump dioes act like a 8 year old.

Me: Donald you told a lie
Trump : your mother is ugly.

You call that action Presidential?

America has succumb to the ill effects of public education being raised in an amoral vacuum.

Raising children on Jerry Springer and his ilk has produced Trump.

Now enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

Tru p's lying is hirting us everywhere.

You are right, Trump dioes act like a 8 year old.

Me: Donald you told a lie
Trump : your mother is ugly.

You call that action Presidential?

Sorry you don't like his showmanship, but I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about what he can accomplish. So far, I like the things he's done or tried to do. And to be quite honest, I like a man that sticks up for himself. I like somebody that punches back. I respect a guy with guts.
You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

Tru p's lying is hirting us everywhere.

You are right, Trump dioes act like a 8 year old.

Me: Donald you told a lie
Trump : your mother is ugly.

You call that action Presidential?

Sorry you don't like his showmanship, but I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about what he can accomplish. So far, I like the things he's done or tried to do. And to be quite honest, I like a man that sticks up for himself. I like somebody that punches back. I respect a guy with guts.
then you support a con man a grifter whose financial papers can never be found ...who has been stealing from the gov't from way back in the 80's but have no fear It's just a matter of time before it all comes to light What's really funny- it won't change your mind
Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

What is your post has anything to do with my post blasting your cis.org fake and hate group? Your group.

Trump badmouthing is a sign of weakness, dumb and idiotic like a little kid. How is that helping US? But make us stupid, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world.

It's not hurting us and pretty entertaining to boot. Trump seldom draws first blood. Most of his attacks are in a response to somebody that bad mouthed him.

Tru p's lying is hirting us everywhere.

You are right, Trump dioes act like a 8 year old.

Me: Donald you told a lie
Trump : your mother is ugly.

You call that action Presidential?

Sorry you don't like his showmanship, but I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about what he can accomplish. So far, I like the things he's done or tried to do. And to be quite honest, I like a man that sticks up for himself. I like somebody that punches back. I respect a guy with guts.
then you support a con man a grifter whose financial papers can never be found ...who has been stealing from the gov't from way back in the 80's but have no fear It's just a matter of time before it all comes to light What's really funny- it won't change your mind

Oh please with your made-up nonsense. The IRS audits people like Trump every other year or so. Do you really think that if there was a smidgen of truth to what you believe, that Hil-Liar, Sanders, the Democrat party would have found it before the election? For crying out loud, they found a ten year old audio clip of Trump and used it against him.
The reason they can support Trump is because they feel a kinship. Trump liked to peek in on teen contestants while they were changing their clothes. How many Republicans would do the same if given the opportunity? Probably most of them.
I don't even think they believe him anymore. But they support him anyway. Because they share moral and family values.

No, we support him because of what he's doing and trying to do.

The border results and immigration is exactly what we wanted. A great decrease in border crossings and people getting into this country.

We got a great supreme court judge, and others to follow depending on deaths or retirees.

We have a great reduction in business regulations that help create jobs.

We have a strong market and lowering unemployment. A decrease in government dependency and an increasing workforce participation rate.

We have a leader that's strong enough to challenge our enemies instead of pandering to them.

The MSM is trying to pollute those accomplishments and promote this phony Russia thing. They know nothing will come of it, but they are able to take people's focus of the real issues in the meantime.
I am far from a Trump fan but I can admit that much of what you just listed is true and those are good accomplishments. I'm curious if you can recognize and acknowledge some of the criticism that his opponents are talking about? If so, then what?

I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say is that the left is doing all they can to make sure his accomplishments are buried on page B-3 somewhere. Take the face and personality out of the picture, and just focus on how hard the guy is working and what he's trying to do, and you would have a totally different opinion of his presidency.

But let's advance to his criticism. Okay what are they?

Pussy grabber. Tweet freak. Russian collusion with no evidence whatsoever. He leaves the White House on weekends to play golf. His son talked to a Russian lawyer. There is abrasion between him and the Republican party.....

The criticisms are designed to take the eye off the ball. They are nothing more than a distraction from the real issues.

Now......I'll be the fist to admit Trump is the least elegant Presidents we've ever had. I'll admit that he doesn't think things out before he speaks. I'll admit that he is not the thickest skinned spokesman for our country. His rants are even childish at times. But those are (or should be) secondary issues to the main issues that mean something to our country.
Ray, you must see that when you dismiss the criticisms like you did at the beginning of your post, you're doing the same thing that the MSM is doing when they ignore and dismiss the achievements. Now your last paragraph is a step in the right direction. Maybe if our politics wasn't so divided And partisan we would both be able to give fair critique and acknowledgment. Unfortunately you're in a position where you always have to defend him and others are in a position where they feel like they cannot give him praise. You have to admit he is one of the most divisive presidents that we've ever had.

How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?
No, we support him because of what he's doing and trying to do.

The border results and immigration is exactly what we wanted. A great decrease in border crossings and people getting into this country.

We got a great supreme court judge, and others to follow depending on deaths or retirees.

We have a great reduction in business regulations that help create jobs.

We have a strong market and lowering unemployment. A decrease in government dependency and an increasing workforce participation rate.

We have a leader that's strong enough to challenge our enemies instead of pandering to them.

The MSM is trying to pollute those accomplishments and promote this phony Russia thing. They know nothing will come of it, but they are able to take people's focus of the real issues in the meantime.
I am far from a Trump fan but I can admit that much of what you just listed is true and those are good accomplishments. I'm curious if you can recognize and acknowledge some of the criticism that his opponents are talking about? If so, then what?

I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say is that the left is doing all they can to make sure his accomplishments are buried on page B-3 somewhere. Take the face and personality out of the picture, and just focus on how hard the guy is working and what he's trying to do, and you would have a totally different opinion of his presidency.

But let's advance to his criticism. Okay what are they?

Pussy grabber. Tweet freak. Russian collusion with no evidence whatsoever. He leaves the White House on weekends to play golf. His son talked to a Russian lawyer. There is abrasion between him and the Republican party.....

The criticisms are designed to take the eye off the ball. They are nothing more than a distraction from the real issues.

Now......I'll be the fist to admit Trump is the least elegant Presidents we've ever had. I'll admit that he doesn't think things out before he speaks. I'll admit that he is not the thickest skinned spokesman for our country. His rants are even childish at times. But those are (or should be) secondary issues to the main issues that mean something to our country.
Ray, you must see that when you dismiss the criticisms like you did at the beginning of your post, you're doing the same thing that the MSM is doing when they ignore and dismiss the achievements. Now your last paragraph is a step in the right direction. Maybe if our politics wasn't so divided And partisan we would both be able to give fair critique and acknowledgment. Unfortunately you're in a position where you always have to defend him and others are in a position where they feel like they cannot give him praise. You have to admit he is one of the most divisive presidents that we've ever had.

How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?
I am far from a Trump fan but I can admit that much of what you just listed is true and those are good accomplishments. I'm curious if you can recognize and acknowledge some of the criticism that his opponents are talking about? If so, then what?

I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say is that the left is doing all they can to make sure his accomplishments are buried on page B-3 somewhere. Take the face and personality out of the picture, and just focus on how hard the guy is working and what he's trying to do, and you would have a totally different opinion of his presidency.

But let's advance to his criticism. Okay what are they?

Pussy grabber. Tweet freak. Russian collusion with no evidence whatsoever. He leaves the White House on weekends to play golf. His son talked to a Russian lawyer. There is abrasion between him and the Republican party.....

The criticisms are designed to take the eye off the ball. They are nothing more than a distraction from the real issues.

Now......I'll be the fist to admit Trump is the least elegant Presidents we've ever had. I'll admit that he doesn't think things out before he speaks. I'll admit that he is not the thickest skinned spokesman for our country. His rants are even childish at times. But those are (or should be) secondary issues to the main issues that mean something to our country.
Ray, you must see that when you dismiss the criticisms like you did at the beginning of your post, you're doing the same thing that the MSM is doing when they ignore and dismiss the achievements. Now your last paragraph is a step in the right direction. Maybe if our politics wasn't so divided And partisan we would both be able to give fair critique and acknowledgment. Unfortunately you're in a position where you always have to defend him and others are in a position where they feel like they cannot give him praise. You have to admit he is one of the most divisive presidents that we've ever had.

How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?

I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than any other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?
Last edited:
I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say is that the left is doing all they can to make sure his accomplishments are buried on page B-3 somewhere. Take the face and personality out of the picture, and just focus on how hard the guy is working and what he's trying to do, and you would have a totally different opinion of his presidency.

But let's advance to his criticism. Okay what are they?

Pussy grabber. Tweet freak. Russian collusion with no evidence whatsoever. He leaves the White House on weekends to play golf. His son talked to a Russian lawyer. There is abrasion between him and the Republican party.....

The criticisms are designed to take the eye off the ball. They are nothing more than a distraction from the real issues.

Now......I'll be the fist to admit Trump is the least elegant Presidents we've ever had. I'll admit that he doesn't think things out before he speaks. I'll admit that he is not the thickest skinned spokesman for our country. His rants are even childish at times. But those are (or should be) secondary issues to the main issues that mean something to our country.
Ray, you must see that when you dismiss the criticisms like you did at the beginning of your post, you're doing the same thing that the MSM is doing when they ignore and dismiss the achievements. Now your last paragraph is a step in the right direction. Maybe if our politics wasn't so divided And partisan we would both be able to give fair critique and acknowledgment. Unfortunately you're in a position where you always have to defend him and others are in a position where they feel like they cannot give him praise. You have to admit he is one of the most divisive presidents that we've ever had.

How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?

I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than on other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?

Remembering what Trump said since announcing his candidacy, he is very abrasive once he is attacked first. How can you call that divisive? If I say your posts are stupid, and your respond by saying I'm stupid, does that make you the divisive one and not me? Of course not, your comment was reactionary to mine. I drew first blood.

Partisan and division are two totally separate issues. Both parties are partisan, but that doesn't mean they are divisive. Remember that Commie Care passed without one Republican vote. Afterwards Republicans gave into Obama's Doc fix. The Republicans confirmed Loretta Lynch. The Republicans confirmed Sotomayor. The Republicans caved to tax increases for the wealthy. The Republicans caved on Planned Parenthood funding. The Republicans caved on the southern wall funding. The Democrat Senate blocked Kate's law.

So maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't recall where the Democrats gave Republicans anything they wanted the last few years. And recently, not one Democrat voted for the mini Obamacare repeal.

So don't say both sides are the exact same. Democrats are very divisive--much more than Republicans ever were, and Democrats vote totally partisan most all of the time.
Ray, you must see that when you dismiss the criticisms like you did at the beginning of your post, you're doing the same thing that the MSM is doing when they ignore and dismiss the achievements. Now your last paragraph is a step in the right direction. Maybe if our politics wasn't so divided And partisan we would both be able to give fair critique and acknowledgment. Unfortunately you're in a position where you always have to defend him and others are in a position where they feel like they cannot give him praise. You have to admit he is one of the most divisive presidents that we've ever had.

How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?

I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than on other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?

Remembering what Trump said since announcing his candidacy, he is very abrasive once he is attacked first. How can you call that divisive? If I say your posts are stupid, and your respond by saying I'm stupid, does that make you the divisive one and not me? Of course not, your comment was reactionary to mine. I drew first blood.

Partisan and division are two totally separate issues. Both parties are partisan, but that doesn't mean they are divisive. Remember that Commie Care passed without one Republican vote. Afterwards Republicans gave into Obama's Doc fix. The Republicans confirmed Loretta Lynch. The Republicans confirmed Sotomayor. The Republicans caved to tax increases for the wealthy. The Republicans caved on Planned Parenthood funding. The Republicans caved on the southern wall funding. The Democrat Senate blocked Kate's law.

So maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't recall where the Democrats gave Republicans anything they wanted the last few years. And recently, not one Democrat voted for the mini Obamacare repeal.

So don't say both sides are the exact same. Democrats are very divisive--much more than Republicans ever were, and Democrats vote totally partisan most all of the time.

If I say I disagree with you and you respond by calling my mom a whore then does that make it ok? You were just reacting and punching back harder right? Is that the logic? Cause that's what Trump does and that's also what we teach our children not to do. Most of the "negative press" that he is "reacting" to is the media exposing his own words that are either untrue or contradictions to his past statements.

There is an honorable way to react to opposition then there is Trumps way that is on par with a school yard bully. Acting his way is immature and divisive, plain and simple.

Republicans made it a mission to make Obama a one term president after he was elected... they sat on their thumbs for most of his terms and focused more on negative campaigning than legislating. Dems are upping the partisanship and obstruction for Trump and I think that is largely due to how Trump has been acting. When someone calls you crap it doesn't motivate you to work with them or help their agenda. I'm not playing the "who's worse game" I never said the were equal or even I just said they are both responsible. They both also have dedicated hard working members that are open to bipartisan efforts. Those people should be praised not condemned as rhinos or traitors. The problem with our drama hungry media and public is we want to see the fighting and controversy. Trump brings that. But it is ineffective and counter productive.
How so? Who is he dividing?

I don't have to defend Trump or anybody else for that matter. I'm under no obligation to do that. I've criticized Bush (and still do at times) when he was in office. I've said bad things about our Governor when he was running for President.

Nobody divides the country more than Democrats. Democrats separate people into groups and decide what groups they like and what groups they dislike. Black vs White, cops vs criminals, gun owners vs gun haters, big business, big pharma, big oil, tobacco users, men vs women, homosexuality vs straight, rich vs blue collar. The entire party platform is separation. How did this cross dresser thing become an issue? Democrats made it an issue; more separation.

If you're looking for bipartisanship, then you won't find it in American politics. The divide gets wider every election. The Republicans have an in-fight between the establishment and the Tea Party types. Tea party people are constitutionalists. On the left, an admitted socialist almost became the nominee, and the US Communist Party endorsed the last three Democrat candidates.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalists and communists? There is none.

You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?

I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than on other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?

Remembering what Trump said since announcing his candidacy, he is very abrasive once he is attacked first. How can you call that divisive? If I say your posts are stupid, and your respond by saying I'm stupid, does that make you the divisive one and not me? Of course not, your comment was reactionary to mine. I drew first blood.

Partisan and division are two totally separate issues. Both parties are partisan, but that doesn't mean they are divisive. Remember that Commie Care passed without one Republican vote. Afterwards Republicans gave into Obama's Doc fix. The Republicans confirmed Loretta Lynch. The Republicans confirmed Sotomayor. The Republicans caved to tax increases for the wealthy. The Republicans caved on Planned Parenthood funding. The Republicans caved on the southern wall funding. The Democrat Senate blocked Kate's law.

So maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't recall where the Democrats gave Republicans anything they wanted the last few years. And recently, not one Democrat voted for the mini Obamacare repeal.

So don't say both sides are the exact same. Democrats are very divisive--much more than Republicans ever were, and Democrats vote totally partisan most all of the time.

If I say I disagree with you and you respond by calling my mom a whore then does that make it ok? You were just reacting and punching back harder right? Is that the logic? Cause that's what Trump does and that's also what we teach our children not to do. Most of the "negative press" that he is "reacting" to is the media exposing his own words that are either untrue or contradictions to his past statements.

There is an honorable way to react to opposition then there is Trumps way that is on par with a school yard bully. Acting his way is immature and divisive, plain and simple.

Republicans made it a mission to make Obama a one term president after he was elected... they sat on their thumbs for most of his terms and focused more on negative campaigning than legislating. Dems are upping the partisanship and obstruction for Trump and I think that is largely due to how Trump has been acting. When someone calls you crap it doesn't motivate you to work with them or help their agenda. I'm not playing the "who's worse game" I never said the were equal or even I just said they are both responsible. They both also have dedicated hard working members that are open to bipartisan efforts. Those people should be praised not condemned as rhinos or traitors. The problem with our drama hungry media and public is we want to see the fighting and controversy. Trump brings that. But it is ineffective and counter productive.

You don't teach your children that if attacked, punch back even harder? Your kids must get beat up a lot.

Trump stands up to his attackers, Trump stands up to the media, Trump stands up for America, and I'm sorry, but I approve of that.

Yes, Republicans wanted to see DumBama as a one term president, just like Democrats want to see Republican Presidents as one term. This is shocking to you?

And as I have pointed out, Republicans did cave to Democrats on several occasions, and I can't recall one major thing Democrats have ever given in to Republicans on. Of course you don't want to play the "who's worse game" because it's a game you would be soundly defeated on.

Now let me give you some famous Obama quotes:

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Republicans can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat!"

But it's the Republicans who are the obstructors?

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
You honestly don't understand how Trump is divisive?! Wow Ray, that's something I shouldn't have to explain to you. If you really want me to I will. Also, you have to see the hypocrisy in your last post. You are blaming the Democrats and taking no personal responsibility or acknowledging responsibility of the Reps in the other side, that do the same partisan BS that the Dems do. You last post is just as partisan, stereotyping, judgemental, labeling and divisive as those, Dems, that you blame. You do recognize that don't you?

No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?
I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than on other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?

Remembering what Trump said since announcing his candidacy, he is very abrasive once he is attacked first. How can you call that divisive? If I say your posts are stupid, and your respond by saying I'm stupid, does that make you the divisive one and not me? Of course not, your comment was reactionary to mine. I drew first blood.

Partisan and division are two totally separate issues. Both parties are partisan, but that doesn't mean they are divisive. Remember that Commie Care passed without one Republican vote. Afterwards Republicans gave into Obama's Doc fix. The Republicans confirmed Loretta Lynch. The Republicans confirmed Sotomayor. The Republicans caved to tax increases for the wealthy. The Republicans caved on Planned Parenthood funding. The Republicans caved on the southern wall funding. The Democrat Senate blocked Kate's law.

So maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't recall where the Democrats gave Republicans anything they wanted the last few years. And recently, not one Democrat voted for the mini Obamacare repeal.

So don't say both sides are the exact same. Democrats are very divisive--much more than Republicans ever were, and Democrats vote totally partisan most all of the time.
If I say I disagree with you and you respond by calling my mom a whore then does that make it ok? You were just reacting and punching back harder right? Is that the logic? Cause that's what Trump does and that's also what we teach our children not to do. Most of the "negative press" that he is "reacting" to is the media exposing his own words that are either untrue or contradictions to his past statements.

There is an honorable way to react to opposition then there is Trumps way that is on par with a school yard bully. Acting his way is immature and divisive, plain and simple.

Republicans made it a mission to make Obama a one term president after he was elected... they sat on their thumbs for most of his terms and focused more on negative campaigning than legislating. Dems are upping the partisanship and obstruction for Trump and I think that is largely due to how Trump has been acting. When someone calls you crap it doesn't motivate you to work with them or help their agenda. I'm not playing the "who's worse game" I never said the were equal or even I just said they are both responsible. They both also have dedicated hard working members that are open to bipartisan efforts. Those people should be praised not condemned as rhinos or traitors. The problem with our drama hungry media and public is we want to see the fighting and controversy. Trump brings that. But it is ineffective and counter productive.

You don't teach your children that if attacked, punch back even harder? Your kids must get beat up a lot.

Trump stands up to his attackers, Trump stands up to the media, Trump stands up for America, and I'm sorry, but I approve of that.

Yes, Republicans wanted to see DumBama as a one term president, just like Democrats want to see Republican Presidents as one term. This is shocking to you?

And as I have pointed out, Republicans did cave to Democrats on several occasions, and I can't recall one major thing Democrats have ever given in to Republicans on. Of course you don't want to play the "who's worse game" because it's a game you would be soundly defeated on.

Now let me give you some famous Obama quotes:

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Republicans can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat!"

But it's the Republicans who are the obstructors?

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
Oh come on Ray, nobody is throwing punches here, why are you stooping down to using false comparisons. Trump isn't acting out of self defense, he is reacting to opposition with insults and you are eating up the tough guy "punch back" BS. That's a poor attempt to justify his childish behavior and you sound like a puppet when you repeat it.

As for you last point... yes Republicans are obstructing and yes Democrats are obstructing. Both parties have moved to dangerous ground where the majority is taking the partisan side when it should only be the a small percentage on the fringe. I still don't understand why you can't own any responsibility for your party or for yourself as you continue to post like a closed minded partisan.
Sorry you don't like his showmanship, but I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about what he can accomplish. So far, I like the things he's done or tried to do. And to be quite honest, I like a man that sticks up for himself. I like somebody that punches back. I respect a guy with guts.

That's your problem, You have beer goggles for Trump, seeing what he can do, and ignoring his failure to do anything significant that he promised.
Trump Suspects Bannon of Leaking
August 12, 2017 at 6:22 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard194 Comments

“President Trump has told close associates that he believes Steve Bannon is behind damaging leaks about White House colleagues, putting the chief strategist’s job in fresh jeopardy,” sources close to the president tell Jonathan Swan.

“Trump has told associates he’s fed up with what he sees as self-promotion by Bannon, who did not join the core team this week at the president’s golf club in Bedminster, N.J.”

“Bannon’s time with Trump has diminished since the new chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, took over and imposed discipline on the circus around the Oval Office.”


Have a nice day, deplorables!
No I don't. What I do recognize is that you didn't answer the question; not that I blame you. And what responsibility of the Republicans do you speak of? Responsibility for what?
I did address your question Ray and told you I would explain it to you if you really needed me to. The responsibility I was speaking to was the Republicans ownership for being partisan and divisive. You seem to think it's only the Dems and that makes you either naive or dishonest. The Republicans are just as guilty of obstructing and playing the partisan games as the Dems are now.

You ask how Trump is divisive? Jesus, a grade schooler could see it, I can't believe that you can't. Well to start, he talks shit with personal insults about anybody that opposes him. Points blame at anybody that he can point a finger at, and he spreads lies and exaggerations to manipulate the messaging. He doesn't argue about policy details he just makes blanket generalizations and feeds off the frustrations of his base. He has conservatives, Republicans, democrats and independents that all oppose him with more disgust and vitriol than any other modern day president. He has a congressional opposition trying to obstruct more than on other in history. They act this way because of his divisive insulting and bullying personality. His base may love it but most other people are completely disgusted by it. I even know many that support him that are embarrassed about the way he acts. Can you really not see that?

Remembering what Trump said since announcing his candidacy, he is very abrasive once he is attacked first. How can you call that divisive? If I say your posts are stupid, and your respond by saying I'm stupid, does that make you the divisive one and not me? Of course not, your comment was reactionary to mine. I drew first blood.

Partisan and division are two totally separate issues. Both parties are partisan, but that doesn't mean they are divisive. Remember that Commie Care passed without one Republican vote. Afterwards Republicans gave into Obama's Doc fix. The Republicans confirmed Loretta Lynch. The Republicans confirmed Sotomayor. The Republicans caved to tax increases for the wealthy. The Republicans caved on Planned Parenthood funding. The Republicans caved on the southern wall funding. The Democrat Senate blocked Kate's law.

So maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't recall where the Democrats gave Republicans anything they wanted the last few years. And recently, not one Democrat voted for the mini Obamacare repeal.

So don't say both sides are the exact same. Democrats are very divisive--much more than Republicans ever were, and Democrats vote totally partisan most all of the time.
If I say I disagree with you and you respond by calling my mom a whore then does that make it ok? You were just reacting and punching back harder right? Is that the logic? Cause that's what Trump does and that's also what we teach our children not to do. Most of the "negative press" that he is "reacting" to is the media exposing his own words that are either untrue or contradictions to his past statements.

There is an honorable way to react to opposition then there is Trumps way that is on par with a school yard bully. Acting his way is immature and divisive, plain and simple.

Republicans made it a mission to make Obama a one term president after he was elected... they sat on their thumbs for most of his terms and focused more on negative campaigning than legislating. Dems are upping the partisanship and obstruction for Trump and I think that is largely due to how Trump has been acting. When someone calls you crap it doesn't motivate you to work with them or help their agenda. I'm not playing the "who's worse game" I never said the were equal or even I just said they are both responsible. They both also have dedicated hard working members that are open to bipartisan efforts. Those people should be praised not condemned as rhinos or traitors. The problem with our drama hungry media and public is we want to see the fighting and controversy. Trump brings that. But it is ineffective and counter productive.

You don't teach your children that if attacked, punch back even harder? Your kids must get beat up a lot.

Trump stands up to his attackers, Trump stands up to the media, Trump stands up for America, and I'm sorry, but I approve of that.

Yes, Republicans wanted to see DumBama as a one term president, just like Democrats want to see Republican Presidents as one term. This is shocking to you?

And as I have pointed out, Republicans did cave to Democrats on several occasions, and I can't recall one major thing Democrats have ever given in to Republicans on. Of course you don't want to play the "who's worse game" because it's a game you would be soundly defeated on.

Now let me give you some famous Obama quotes:

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Republicans can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat!"

But it's the Republicans who are the obstructors?

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo
Oh come on Ray, nobody is throwing punches here, why are you stooping down to using false comparisons. Trump isn't acting out of self defense, he is reacting to opposition with insults and you are eating up the tough guy "punch back" BS. That's a poor attempt to justify his childish behavior and you sound like a puppet when you repeat it.

As for you last point... yes Republicans are obstructing and yes Democrats are obstructing. Both parties have moved to dangerous ground where the majority is taking the partisan side when it should only be the a small percentage on the fringe. I still don't understand why you can't own any responsibility for your party or for yourself as you continue to post like a closed minded partisan.

Okay, so where did Trump launch a first attack against somebody? You know, somebody that said nothing against him but he attacked anyway?

I want partisanship. I approve of it. I don't want to see this country fail by turning into another socialist/ communist society. I don't want to see Americans who are physically and mentally capable of working not working. I don't want poor people to have children they can't afford, and pass the bill onto the taxpayers. I don't want government running my life from cradle-to-grave. I don't want to promote irresponsibility while at the same time, discouraging responsibility. I don't want criminals to have the upper hand over our police. I don't want male weirdos in my daughters restroom or showers at school. I don't want to see a party in power who's goal is to make my race a minority in this country. I don't want government destroying nice neighborhoods to promote racial justice. I don't want any of these things, and I believe most Americans don't either.
Sorry you don't like his showmanship, but I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about what he can accomplish. So far, I like the things he's done or tried to do. And to be quite honest, I like a man that sticks up for himself. I like somebody that punches back. I respect a guy with guts.

That's your problem, You have beer goggles for Trump, seeing what he can do, and ignoring his failure to do anything significant that he promised.

So is that Trump's failure, or a divided Senate? Is that Trump's failure, or activists liberal judges? Is that Trump's failure, or the threat of a government shutdown by Democrats?

We don't live in an autocracy.
Just because Trump beat Hillary that doesn't automatically mean that he is good or even popular. Given two shitty choices he squeaked out a victory. They were both the most unpopular candidates in political history and Trumps approval numbers have remained on the bottom. That is nothing to boast about.

Sure it is. First of all he beat out over a dozen candidates in the Republican primary. Next he went against a woman who was virtually partners with what liberals consider one of the greatest Presidents we had.

Hillary is a person who spent much of her life in politics. Trump was never so much as a councilman or sat on a school board; absolutely zero political experience.

Hillary had much of the backing from her party. Trump had a lot of Republicans who hated him and made that obvious in the media. She outspent him almost three to one. While the media praised Hillary up and down. they (as they do now) bashed Trump every chance they could.

Sure that's something to boast about. It's political history. No other outsider could have done the same.

I'm curious, how do you derigg the game through deregulation. I'm all for deregulation for small business, but when it comes to the big players, how do you proposed checking their power? You are right, our markets crashed when wall street took advantage of reckless play by the mortgage/loan industry, a result of decades of deregulation and poor policy... Obama came in post crisis and tried to regulate and spent to try and stimulate the economy and prevent further disasters. The wealthy took advantage of the spending and capitalized. Besides trying to blame Obama for the rich getting richer, which by conservative standards should trigger the trickle down, why don't you propose solutions for what can be done in the current climate to fix the problems. I'm not seeing how deregulating the banks and wall street will help things. Please explain

First off the housing crisis had a beginning, and that beginning was government creating more liberal regulations to lower their standards for the purpose of increasing minority home sales. The bad mortgages had to go somewhere, or we would have had a national banking collapse.

Secondly, locking up money is not the way to get an economy going. DumbBama went beyond regulation, he went into downright running the banks.

Jobs don't create themselves, and Presidents don't create jobs either. The private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do so. Obama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime. Businesses at the bottom only had one way to go, and that was up, but because of Obama, that was a struggle for them.

Trump is the exact opposite of Obama. He is pro-business, not anti-business. The consumer confidence alone is responsible for the good economy we are now experiencing.

That is pure BULLSHIT. With your HATRED against Obama and a proud racist.

Do you even have any credibility of what you are babbling?
Give us a fucking break.

You are NOT Making America Great but degrading America and you are dragging us with your garbage.

Obama is not America comrade. Obama was the biggest joke America ever played on itself. He was the most anti-business President in our lifetime and perhaps beyond. CNN won't tell you that so that's why you are ignorant on the subject.

Ray you are so proud being a racist. You don't like Obama whatever he did or didn't do ------ so your post means worthless.
But I will to give you a rebuttal.

Obama has a very high popularity and respect here and abroad. Far popular than Trump.
Trump is a real joke piece of shit.

Obama was NEVER an anti business----- If you are right then economy before this lousy president should not be this good. The unemployment should be at 10% or worse in 2016 ---- Don't you think?
I am so sick of you plugging lies. So give me an example where Obama is an anti business. A link will be nice.

I own a business and I know tons of business owners so far I only heard few complaints about Obama in last 8 years.
But look how many large and small corporations complaining about this hypocrite president and that is just in the last 7 months.

And if you are talking about Fox News like Hannity garbage. I have more respect for CNN than Faux News. Hannity is bad for America.

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