A message to America from Black America.

That may be, but a hand-up you pay back is not welfare, it's a loan. Hand-outs that are never paid back... that's welfare. Ben Carson paid those hand-outs back 1000 fold.
I dont recall Ben Carson saying he paid back the welfare he used. Nice try.
Ben Carson WAS A NEUROSURGEON. Do you have any idea how much tax a NEUROSURGEON has to pay on his income? Again, Carson paid those hand-ups back 10000 fold.
No stupid he paid his taxes he would have had to pay regardless of if he had been on welfare before. He never paid back his welfare.
That's possibly the biggest load of horse manure I've ever seen.
Because you are one of them you don't see it. LOL
One of what?

The conservative message is that of the personal trainer. The liberal message is that of Santa Claus. Most voters appear to be children.
From now on I want to know what city and state Republicans live in. It is important to know if they live in la la land or if they live in a poor red neck city or a big blue state. I mean if you live in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kansas I really don't give a shit what you think because not everyone lives in Kansas Dorothy.
I live outside Richmond, Va, the Capital of the Confederacy. I work downtown in Jackson Ward (look it up to see why that's important). Minority representation is strong in all levels of power. We don't have the kind of racial animosity you see in northern cities, no race riots, none of that. Traffic jams that get reported on local radio usually involve you having to add an extra 10 minutes to your commute time. People generally get along just fine. Basically, it's not a bad place to be, unlike some of the simmering hotbeds of racial hatred up north. Where do you live?
I live on Walled Lake, MI. Metro Detroit. It too is a great place to live but unfortunately we have Detroit, Flint & Saginaw to deal with

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012

I really would like to know what you do to keep your blacks from becoming violent.

Actually, Richmond seems like a very nice place to live. At least compared to Detroit but then again, even Afganistan is nice compared to Detroit. LOL.

Detroit, MI - Forbes

Richmond, VA - Forbes

Medium income in Detroit is only $42K a year. In Richmond it's $60K
Well, a few years back Richmond was the murder capital of the nation, so we weren't doing a great job of preventing violence. The fact is, most of that violence occurred in the neighborhood where I currently work. It's somewhat of a slum. In fact, I can look across the interstate from our office building and see an apartment building with its windows all boarded up. There are efforts to improve things, though. It's nice before dark, with lots of little shops and restaurants serving up good soul food. I find racial attitudes here to be normally very tolerant, and like I said, minority representation is high at all levels of government. We acknowledge the past, but during Civil War re-enactments, the side that won the original battle still wins today. :)
Because you are one of them you don't see it. LOL
One of what?

The conservative message is that of the personal trainer. The liberal message is that of Santa Claus. Most voters appear to be children.
From now on I want to know what city and state Republicans live in. It is important to know if they live in la la land or if they live in a poor red neck city or a big blue state. I mean if you live in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kansas I really don't give a shit what you think because not everyone lives in Kansas Dorothy.
I live outside Richmond, Va, the Capital of the Confederacy. I work downtown in Jackson Ward (look it up to see why that's important). Minority representation is strong in all levels of power. We don't have the kind of racial animosity you see in northern cities, no race riots, none of that. Traffic jams that get reported on local radio usually involve you having to add an extra 10 minutes to your commute time. People generally get along just fine. Basically, it's not a bad place to be, unlike some of the simmering hotbeds of racial hatred up north. Where do you live?
I live on Walled Lake, MI. Metro Detroit. It too is a great place to live but unfortunately we have Detroit, Flint & Saginaw to deal with

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012

I really would like to know what you do to keep your blacks from becoming violent.

Actually, Richmond seems like a very nice place to live. At least compared to Detroit but then again, even Afganistan is nice compared to Detroit. LOL.

Detroit, MI - Forbes

Richmond, VA - Forbes

Medium income in Detroit is only $42K a year. In Richmond it's $60K
Well, a few years back Richmond was the murder capital of the nation, so we weren't doing a great job of preventing violence. The fact is, most of that violence occurred in the neighborhood where I currently work. It's somewhat of a slum. In fact, I can look across the interstate from our office building and see an apartment building with its windows all boarded up. There are efforts to improve things, though. It's nice before dark, with lots of little shops and restaurants serving up good soul food. I find racial attitudes here to be normally very tolerant, and like I said, minority representation is high at all levels of government. We acknowledge the past, but during Civil War re-enactments, the side that won the original battle still wins today. :)
We get along with blacks when we go to Downtown Detroit. Just don't break down on the lodge or in a bad neighborhood. And be prepared to have lots of black beggers come at you from every angle. And con men. Hustlers.
One of what?

The conservative message is that of the personal trainer. The liberal message is that of Santa Claus. Most voters appear to be children.
From now on I want to know what city and state Republicans live in. It is important to know if they live in la la land or if they live in a poor red neck city or a big blue state. I mean if you live in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kansas I really don't give a shit what you think because not everyone lives in Kansas Dorothy.
I live outside Richmond, Va, the Capital of the Confederacy. I work downtown in Jackson Ward (look it up to see why that's important). Minority representation is strong in all levels of power. We don't have the kind of racial animosity you see in northern cities, no race riots, none of that. Traffic jams that get reported on local radio usually involve you having to add an extra 10 minutes to your commute time. People generally get along just fine. Basically, it's not a bad place to be, unlike some of the simmering hotbeds of racial hatred up north. Where do you live?
I live on Walled Lake, MI. Metro Detroit. It too is a great place to live but unfortunately we have Detroit, Flint & Saginaw to deal with

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012

I really would like to know what you do to keep your blacks from becoming violent.

Actually, Richmond seems like a very nice place to live. At least compared to Detroit but then again, even Afganistan is nice compared to Detroit. LOL.

Detroit, MI - Forbes

Richmond, VA - Forbes

Medium income in Detroit is only $42K a year. In Richmond it's $60K
Well, a few years back Richmond was the murder capital of the nation, so we weren't doing a great job of preventing violence. The fact is, most of that violence occurred in the neighborhood where I currently work. It's somewhat of a slum. In fact, I can look across the interstate from our office building and see an apartment building with its windows all boarded up. There are efforts to improve things, though. It's nice before dark, with lots of little shops and restaurants serving up good soul food. I find racial attitudes here to be normally very tolerant, and like I said, minority representation is high at all levels of government. We acknowledge the past, but during Civil War re-enactments, the side that won the original battle still wins today. :)
We get along with blacks when we go to Downtown Detroit. Just don't break down on the lodge or in a bad neighborhood. And be prepared to have lots of black beggers come at you from every angle. And con men. Hustlers.
I think hustlers are endemic to every urban center. It's a sad fact of life, but that's where the people are. At any rate, the South really is a good place to live. Maybe it's the slower pace of life.
One of what?

The conservative message is that of the personal trainer. The liberal message is that of Santa Claus. Most voters appear to be children.
From now on I want to know what city and state Republicans live in. It is important to know if they live in la la land or if they live in a poor red neck city or a big blue state. I mean if you live in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kansas I really don't give a shit what you think because not everyone lives in Kansas Dorothy.
I live outside Richmond, Va, the Capital of the Confederacy. I work downtown in Jackson Ward (look it up to see why that's important). Minority representation is strong in all levels of power. We don't have the kind of racial animosity you see in northern cities, no race riots, none of that. Traffic jams that get reported on local radio usually involve you having to add an extra 10 minutes to your commute time. People generally get along just fine. Basically, it's not a bad place to be, unlike some of the simmering hotbeds of racial hatred up north. Where do you live?
I live on Walled Lake, MI. Metro Detroit. It too is a great place to live but unfortunately we have Detroit, Flint & Saginaw to deal with

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012

I really would like to know what you do to keep your blacks from becoming violent.

Actually, Richmond seems like a very nice place to live. At least compared to Detroit but then again, even Afganistan is nice compared to Detroit. LOL.

Detroit, MI - Forbes

Richmond, VA - Forbes

Medium income in Detroit is only $42K a year. In Richmond it's $60K
Well, a few years back Richmond was the murder capital of the nation, so we weren't doing a great job of preventing violence. The fact is, most of that violence occurred in the neighborhood where I currently work. It's somewhat of a slum. In fact, I can look across the interstate from our office building and see an apartment building with its windows all boarded up. There are efforts to improve things, though. It's nice before dark, with lots of little shops and restaurants serving up good soul food. I find racial attitudes here to be normally very tolerant, and like I said, minority representation is high at all levels of government. We acknowledge the past, but during Civil War re-enactments, the side that won the original battle still wins today. :)
We get along with blacks when we go to Downtown Detroit. Just don't break down on the lodge or in a bad neighborhood. And be prepared to have lots of black beggers come at you from every angle. And con men. Hustlers.
White people are the biggest con men and beggars in the history of the planet.
From now on I want to know what city and state Republicans live in. It is important to know if they live in la la land or if they live in a poor red neck city or a big blue state. I mean if you live in Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kansas I really don't give a shit what you think because not everyone lives in Kansas Dorothy.
I live outside Richmond, Va, the Capital of the Confederacy. I work downtown in Jackson Ward (look it up to see why that's important). Minority representation is strong in all levels of power. We don't have the kind of racial animosity you see in northern cities, no race riots, none of that. Traffic jams that get reported on local radio usually involve you having to add an extra 10 minutes to your commute time. People generally get along just fine. Basically, it's not a bad place to be, unlike some of the simmering hotbeds of racial hatred up north. Where do you live?
I live on Walled Lake, MI. Metro Detroit. It too is a great place to live but unfortunately we have Detroit, Flint & Saginaw to deal with

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012

I really would like to know what you do to keep your blacks from becoming violent.

Actually, Richmond seems like a very nice place to live. At least compared to Detroit but then again, even Afganistan is nice compared to Detroit. LOL.

Detroit, MI - Forbes

Richmond, VA - Forbes

Medium income in Detroit is only $42K a year. In Richmond it's $60K
Well, a few years back Richmond was the murder capital of the nation, so we weren't doing a great job of preventing violence. The fact is, most of that violence occurred in the neighborhood where I currently work. It's somewhat of a slum. In fact, I can look across the interstate from our office building and see an apartment building with its windows all boarded up. There are efforts to improve things, though. It's nice before dark, with lots of little shops and restaurants serving up good soul food. I find racial attitudes here to be normally very tolerant, and like I said, minority representation is high at all levels of government. We acknowledge the past, but during Civil War re-enactments, the side that won the original battle still wins today. :)
We get along with blacks when we go to Downtown Detroit. Just don't break down on the lodge or in a bad neighborhood. And be prepared to have lots of black beggers come at you from every angle. And con men. Hustlers.
White people are the biggest con men and beggars in the history of the planet.
We taught you well.
When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Sorry, you and your families are a mess, and saying you'll do nothing about it until every thing around you is perfect is a great part of the reason why.

Failure begets failure,and there are no better examples than black America.
When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
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When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.
A message to America from Black America

Crack is on sale today only, twoferone.
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

Why not just separate from each others?

Black people live in black countries, and whit people live in white countries, and there would be no reason to blame the people of a different race for the own failures.

7 seconds in, I've heard all
I needed to hear.

Same old nonsense. Got a problem black America? Look in the fucking mirror.
Often those few with problems DO look in the mirror. Trouble is, the eyes they see looking back at them are those of their White ancestors.

Yeah sure moron. Learn to read.

Learn to write. I can read well connected sentences in the english language but the garbled mess you type is almost indecipherable.

Lol, yeah right. Whatever you have to tell yourself.
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

Why not just separate from each others?

Black people live in black countries, and whit people live in white countries, and there would be no reason to blame the people of a different race for the own failures.

I'm cool with that as long as all the wealth, historical artifacts and documents that were pilfered by whites is returned. Problem is that there would be a lot of white women leaving with us so it may not be reasonable to expect complete separation..

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