A message to America from Black America.

When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

Why not just separate from each others?

Black people live in black countries, and whit people live in white countries, and there would be no reason to blame the people of a different race for the own failures.

I'm cool with that as long as all the wealth, historical artifacts and documents that were pilfered by whites is returned. Problem is that there would be a lot of white women leaving with us so it may not be reasonable to expect complete separation..

What "wealth" is that?
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.

If it was so smart, the why is their standard of living in the toilet?
A message to America from Black America

Crack is on sale today only, twoferone.
Well they do say more whites are on crack than Blacks. I guess you stocked up today?
I don't buy drugs off of coons, their stuff is crap.
I said from Blacks. I've never heard of coons selling drugs. I guess its possible since cave monkeys sell them.
Just remember: keep your pants pulled up. That's the road to success in America. Good luck.
When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
No I said white culture.
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.

If it was so smart, the why is their standard of living in the toilet?

Two things. Whites dont determine standards. Sometimes you have to go back to that fork in the road where you fucked up and took the wrong path. Once you start down the correct path things drastically improve.
A message to America from Black America

Crack is on sale today only, twoferone.
Well they do say more whites are on crack than Blacks. I guess you stocked up today?
I don't buy drugs off of coons, their stuff is crap.
I said from Blacks. I've never heard of coons selling drugs. I guess its possible since cave monkeys sell them.
Just remember: keep your pants pulled up. That's the road to success in America. Good luck.
You sound like the typical inbred white boy that has no clue regarding success in anything other than sucking on hay straws.
A message to America from Black America

Crack is on sale today only, twoferone.
Well they do say more whites are on crack than Blacks. I guess you stocked up today?
I don't buy drugs off of coons, their stuff is crap.
I said from Blacks. I've never heard of coons selling drugs. I guess its possible since cave monkeys sell them.
Just remember: keep your pants pulled up. That's the road to success in America. Good luck.
You sound like the typical inbred white boy that has no clue regarding success in anything other than sucking on hay straws.
If you dont know then you are even more intellectually challenged than you prove to be on this site everyday.
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Us liberals are not worse than conservatives because we acknowledge the things you know aren't fair in or for the black community. All I'm saying is despite all that, you people don't seem to be moving forward instead of backward.

And I can also be convinced when where and why I'm wrong. So far you haven't done it, but I am not close minded to think I'M RIGHT and you are wrong. Part of me is playing devils advocate. That's why I tell you over and over that "I understand" why black society is what it is. I get it.

I'm just being blunt because I'm here on an anonymous message board. Don't get your feelings hurt or think I'm a worst racist or bigot because that simply isn't true. Fact is, I want to fix the problems in the black community. Why do I care? Maybe because I live near 3 of the 10 most dangerous cities in FUCKING America bro.

What makes me think your society hasn't moved forward at all? Because Flint, Saginaw and Detroit weren't 3 of the top fucking 10 worst places to be in America. They are now. Is that progress? You fucking jackass.

And YOU PEOPLE need to stop slamming anyone who tells you the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Then we see Ferguson and Chicago. Please stop pretending there isn't a problem with black America because there is.

Detroit, Flint, Saginaw among top 10 most violent U.S. cities in 2012
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Over the past year, media and politicians have attempted to tout a very optimistic view of progress in the Black community. More Black students are attending and graduating college, Black unemployment rates have decreased and there has been a decline in the reported acts of violence against Black citizens.

While these steps towards progress are positive signs, they do not mark a time of great overall progress for the Black community or call for a massive celebration.

Despite Small Steps Towards Progress, Black America Still Facing a Serious Inequality ‘Crisis’ - Atlanta Blackstar

Despite these statistics, Black America is still in a “crisis” on all fronts as the community continues to lag behind the white community in economic equality, educational equality, social equality, income equality, health equality, and equality under the justice system.

One can’t help but wonder how far the Black community has actually come in recent years.

According to the 2015 State of Black America report released by the National Urban League.

As many probably already expected, the report confirmed that while steps towards progress have been made when it comes to social justice, the Black community is still trailing extremely far behind white Americans in nearly every aspect of life.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
No I said white culture.

Isn't that all part of what blacks kids call "acting white?"
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.

If it was so smart, the why is their standard of living in the toilet?

Two things. Whites dont determine standards. Sometimes you have to go back to that fork in the road where you fucked up and took the wrong path. Once you start down the correct path things drastically improve.

So having drastically less wealth is actually a good thing?
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
No I said white culture.

Isn't that all part of what blacks kids call "acting white?"
Who told you that?
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.

If it was so smart, the why is their standard of living in the toilet?

Two things. Whites dont determine standards. Sometimes you have to go back to that fork in the road where you fucked up and took the wrong path. Once you start down the correct path things drastically improve.

So having drastically less wealth is actually a good thing?
Depends on what you are calling wealth. Again your retarded white boy standards dont apply.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
No I said white culture.

Isn't that all part of what blacks kids call "acting white?"
Who told you that?

Acting white
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to African Americans, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

The term is controversial, and its precise meaning is hard to define.[1] Some minority students are discouraged from achieving in school by the negative prejudices of ethnic peers; such a view has been expressed in articles in The New York Times, Time magazine, and The Wall Street Journal—and by public figures and academics across the political spectrum.[2]
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

You mean studying hard, wearing respectable clothing and speaking proper English is the road to failure?
No I said white culture.

Isn't that all part of what blacks kids call "acting white?"
Who told you that?

Acting white
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to African Americans, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

The term is controversial, and its precise meaning is hard to define.[1] Some minority students are discouraged from achieving in school by the negative prejudices of ethnic peers; such a view has been expressed in articles in The New York Times, Time magazine, and The Wall Street Journal—and by public figures and academics across the political spectrum.[2]
Thats obviously a silly white boys interpretation of what "acting white" means. Why did you let another white guy tell you what Black people mean?
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got ride of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.
Its smart to get rid of whites and their backassward culture as a first step. Its a marathon not a sprint.

If it was so smart, the why is their standard of living in the toilet?

Two things. Whites dont determine standards. Sometimes you have to go back to that fork in the road where you fucked up and took the wrong path. Once you start down the correct path things drastically improve.

So having drastically less wealth is actually a good thing?
Depends on what you are calling wealth. Again your retarded white boy standards dont apply.

I don't call having nothing to eat "wealth." Things that people want is wealth. Things like good food, quality housing, modern appliances, consumer electronics, automobiles - you know, all the stuff that the people of Zimbabwe can only dream about.

What do you call wealth?

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