A message to America from Black America.

Have you ever been to Africa? Its a rhetorical question because I can tell by your ignorance you havent.

I don't need to go to Africa to know that the people of Zimbabwe are living in abject poverty. According to the IMF the country is ranked 162 with a per capita GDP of $2046. That is dirt poor.

You can learn things by reading, ya know. I guess that must be one of those "white culture" things.
The IMF is made up of white people. Again white people think oddly. There is a reason you have no rhythm and destroy the earth.

Yes you do need to go to Africa if your claim is that Black people are living in abject poverty. What you will see is highly successful Blacks and whites living in abject poverty depending on where you go.

Highly successful people living in abject poverty? How does that work?

Here's Obama's brother in the shack where he lives:


Is he a "highly successful" black African?

Here's a lovely prosperous community in Zimbabwe:


Are the people living here "successful?" Can you explain how we are supposed to recognize this black African "success" when we encounter it?

Zimbabwe became independent in 1980. After centuries of colonialism.

You seem to leave these little facts out. But no..you aren't racist..right?

Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, we know, it's all the white man's fault. But you aren't a racist, right?

Zimbabwe was far wealthier the day it gained it's independence than it is now. Self-rule has been a disaster for Zimbabwe. The same goes for almost every country in Africa. South Africa is now rapidly swirling down the toilet bowl.

You call me a racist for doing nothing more than pointing out facts. There something fundamentally sick about that, don't you think?

It was Europe, which was predominately white, that were the colonists.
SS is not welfare, ya moron.
Yeah but welfare is welfare moron.
That may be, but a hand-up you pay back is not welfare, it's a loan. Hand-outs that are never paid back... that's welfare. Ben Carson paid those hand-outs back 1000 fold.
I dont recall Ben Carson saying he paid back the welfare he used. Nice try.
Ben Carson WAS A NEUROSURGEON. Do you have any idea how much tax a NEUROSURGEON has to pay on his income? Again, Carson paid those hand-ups back 10000 fold.
No stupid he paid his taxes he would have had to pay regardless of if he had been on welfare before. He never paid back his welfare.
What a dumb ass you are.
Yeah but welfare is welfare moron.
That may be, but a hand-up you pay back is not welfare, it's a loan. Hand-outs that are never paid back... that's welfare. Ben Carson paid those hand-outs back 1000 fold.
I dont recall Ben Carson saying he paid back the welfare he used. Nice try.
Ben Carson WAS A NEUROSURGEON. Do you have any idea how much tax a NEUROSURGEON has to pay on his income? Again, Carson paid those hand-ups back 10000 fold.
No stupid he paid his taxes he would have had to pay regardless of if he had been on welfare before. He never paid back his welfare.
What a dumb ass you are.
Yes, he is shockingly stupid. Thats why they call him "Mr 70 IQ".
Have you ever been to Africa? Its a rhetorical question because I can tell by your ignorance you havent.

I don't need to go to Africa to know that the people of Zimbabwe are living in abject poverty. According to the IMF the country is ranked 162 with a per capita GDP of $2046. That is dirt poor.

You can learn things by reading, ya know. I guess that must be one of those "white culture" things.
The IMF is made up of white people. Again white people think oddly. There is a reason you have no rhythm and destroy the earth.

Yes you do need to go to Africa if your claim is that Black people are living in abject poverty. What you will see is highly successful Blacks and whites living in abject poverty depending on where you go.

Highly successful people living in abject poverty? How does that work?

Here's Obama's brother in the shack where he lives:


Is he a "highly successful" black African?

Here's a lovely prosperous community in Zimbabwe:


Are the people living here "successful?" Can you explain how we are supposed to recognize this black African "success" when we encounter it?

Zimbabwe became independent in 1980. After centuries of colonialism.

You seem to leave these little facts out. But no..you aren't racist..right?

Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, we know, it's all the white man's fault. But you aren't a racist, right?

Zimbabwe was far wealthier the day it gained it's independence than it is now. Self-rule has been a disaster for Zimbabwe. The same goes for almost every country in Africa. South Africa is now rapidly swirling down the toilet bowl.

You call me a racist for doing nothing more than pointing out facts. There something fundamentally sick about that, don't you think?

Well no.

I call you a racist for thinking that folks with the attribute of looking different than you are less intelligent that you.

Historically, countries liberated from colonialism take a while before they sort things out.

Not really something you take into consideration when it comes to Africa, eh?
I don't need to go to Africa to know that the people of Zimbabwe are living in abject poverty. According to the IMF the country is ranked 162 with a per capita GDP of $2046. That is dirt poor.

You can learn things by reading, ya know. I guess that must be one of those "white culture" things.
The IMF is made up of white people. Again white people think oddly. There is a reason you have no rhythm and destroy the earth.

Yes you do need to go to Africa if your claim is that Black people are living in abject poverty. What you will see is highly successful Blacks and whites living in abject poverty depending on where you go.

Highly successful people living in abject poverty? How does that work?

Here's Obama's brother in the shack where he lives:


Is he a "highly successful" black African?

Here's a lovely prosperous community in Zimbabwe:


Are the people living here "successful?" Can you explain how we are supposed to recognize this black African "success" when we encounter it?

Zimbabwe became independent in 1980. After centuries of colonialism.

You seem to leave these little facts out. But no..you aren't racist..right?

Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, we know, it's all the white man's fault. But you aren't a racist, right?

Zimbabwe was far wealthier the day it gained it's independence than it is now. Self-rule has been a disaster for Zimbabwe. The same goes for almost every country in Africa. South Africa is now rapidly swirling down the toilet bowl.

You call me a racist for doing nothing more than pointing out facts. There something fundamentally sick about that, don't you think?

Well no.

I call you a racist for thinking that folks with the attribute of looking different than you are less intelligent that you.

Since I never made any such claim, you have no basis for calling me a racist. I simply pointed out facts, which none of you liberal turds can deny.

Historically, countries liberated from colonialism take a while before they sort things out.

Not really something you take into consideration when it comes to Africa, eh?

Really? How long did it take the USA to "sort things out?" Australia? Canada? South Africa (when it threw off British Rule)? It appears some former colonies are better than others at "sorting things out." It also appears that, as always, you are full of shit.
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Just so you know, this post really got to me. I know we are all in this together. I'm just trying to hold back no punches. I really do see some of the points guys like Herman Cain Ben carson and bill Cosby have to say about black culture. And the sad thing is your defensiveness is why it'll be a long time before the black society catches up. When more than half the students don't care. When kids have kids. When kids have guns and sell drugs. I couldn't find pot till I got to college. Grew up very Mayberry when we left the hood.

But you guys don't want to go Mayberry. You want to continue new jack city or boys in the hood.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

As a Filipino I feel for the African-American since we also knew how it felt like to undergo lies and oppression.

After the Philippine-American war, President Mckinley was quoted in saying that the "Filipinos need to be civilized, Christianized and taught democracy"

And the ironic thing is that, in order to spread democracy, the Americans obliterated the democratically elected First Philippine Republic, they also claimed to want to spread Christianity to the heathen Filipinos, when in fact we were already Christian since the 1500s and we were to be "Civilized" when we were already home to civilizations far older than in America.

The Americans lied, cheated and then ruthlessly massacred my people once.

"Kill everyone over the age of ten"
~Jacob H Smith (On the Philippine-American War)

So, considering our history. We feel very deeply with the issue of black welfare and black rights, considering that we too were trampled upon and desecrated by an overbearing oppressive system.

However, hearkening back over and over to the past will not change anything. Instead, we should take a more progressive approach and learn to heal and forgive old wounds and also, moving forward.

Yes, the common American will never get to feel the pain and struggle of being black, but blacks should not linger in self-pity and pull themselves out of it.

There is a saying: "Victory has many fathers, while defeat is an orphan". If African-Americans can't be strong for themselves? Who else will? People should stop living in pity.

Nevertheless, you have a mission to serve as a conscience to the white man.

And tell them to stop their bloodthirsty oppression. If we don't stand together, then the opression of, the slavery in Louisiana, the massacre of Native-Americans, the extermination of the Hawaiian royal family, the Philippine-American War, the Vietnam war or Iraq war will simply continue to repeat itself over and over again.

Stay strong, stay vigilant.

What happened in the Philippines is one of the darkest chapters in American History.

I am always amazed by the Friendship and Warmness of the Filipino people toward Americans.

Well, they were probably happy we kicked the Japanese out of their Islands. It was going pretty bad for them at the time

Yes, we were quite happy that you guys kicked out the Japanese. However we were very disappointed with its intricacies. Firstly, Japan attacked the USA first, yet America declared war against Germany first and reserved to war with Japan at a later date.

This really annoyed President Quezon that he once remarked, one time shouting publicly after listening to one of Roosevelt's fireside chats: "come, listen to this scoundrel! Que demonio! How typical of America to writhe in anguish at the fate of a distant cousin, Europe, while a daughter, the Philippines, is being raped in the back room!"

America doomed the 17 Million Filipinos and then the 1 Million Americans living in the Philippines, to "second priority" while Japanese murdered the people of the American colony. America then chose to go to war with Germany first. A Germany that hasn't even attacked American territory vis-a-vis Japan that attacked Hawaii, USA.

We were eventually grateful for the American reinforcements (which were quite late) but we still have to suffer both American and Japanese bombs destroying our capital, Manila (which was the most devastated city in the world after Warsaw Poland).

Anyway, all the reinforcements were mainly due to Douglas MacArthur, of whom, his father, Arthur MacArthur was the former Governor-General of the Philippines.

Without Douglas MacArthur, then the plan would have been to go to Taiwan and then Japan. Completely bypassing the Philippines.

That's why we love General Douglas MacArthur so much XD.

Sent from my RQ735-A using Tapatalk

There may have been some reasons for helping the Philippines late, our military was still kinda weak, we had to build up. Unfortunately, England was probably more strategic than the Philippines and Hitler was on the march. Europe is much closer geographically and we weren't quite ready logistically to take on Japan in the beginning.
those are some factors I believe
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Sorry, you and your families are a mess, and saying you'll do nothing about it until every thing around you is perfect is a great part of the reason why.

Failure begets failure,and there are no better examples than black America.
My family and I am probably better off than you and your family. But before you drift off into your imaginary world where there are no White criminals or there i no white misery, I'll remind you that there are more White failures in this country than the entire Black population. Additionally, there are millions of Blacks far more successful than you can ever hope to be.

And, once again, you don't know my "race." I've never said.

Now.... Black America? There is no Black America. There are Black people living IN America but that doesn't make them a separate sovereign nation, the key word being "sovereign." Have you also created an imaginary poor White American nation as well?
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Just so you know, this post really got to me. I know we are all in this together. I'm just trying to hold back no punches. I really do see some of the points guys like Herman Cain Ben carson and bill Cosby have to say about black culture. And the sad thing is your defensiveness is why it'll be a long time before the black society catches up. When more than half the students don't care. When kids have kids. When kids have guns and sell drugs. I couldn't find pot till I got to college. Grew up very Mayberry when we left the hood.

But you guys don't want to go Mayberry. You want to continue new jack city or boys in the hood.
Bill (dope em and love em) Cosby is a great one to be quoting,
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Just so you know, this post really got to me. I know we are all in this together. I'm just trying to hold back no punches. I really do see some of the points guys like Herman Cain Ben carson and bill Cosby have to say about black culture. And the sad thing is your defensiveness is why it'll be a long time before the black society catches up. When more than half the students don't care. When kids have kids. When kids have guns and sell drugs. I couldn't find pot till I got to college. Grew up very Mayberry when we left the hood.

But you guys don't want to go Mayberry. You want to continue new jack city or boys in the hood.

I disrespectfully beg to differ. BTW, what makes you think I am Black? Is it the way I type? :lol:

I won't let you forget this, here is an example of Black culture that seemed to have escaped you:

Picture 14.png
When White people clean up THEIR slummy communities and get rid ot THEIR criminal elements, we can start on the Black ones.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.

Have you been to Zimbabwe lately or are you just spouting what you heard some other pink racist say about the country? Zimbabwe is on the road to recovery... it may take some time but even tourism has seen a resurgence.

BTW, here is a picture of the capital city of Zimbabwe... just to keep things in perspective:


More photos of Zimbabwe:
A message to America from Black America

Crack is on sale today only, twoferone.
Well they do say more whites are on crack than Blacks. I guess you stocked up today?
I don't buy drugs off of coons, their stuff is crap.

The justice system doesn't think so...Blacks receive harher sentencing and heavier penalties for sing and selling
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.

Why not just separate from each others?

Black people live in black countries, and whit people live in white countries, and there would be no reason to blame the people of a different race for the own failures.


Too late... White slavers fucked that up as did the African colonialists.
But "Black failure" is in the eyes of the beholder... I think just surviving in this world is a success as long as one has family, is loved, has shelter and is well nourished and happy.
Oh, that's what you've been waiting for. Well, good luck! ;)
Gee... Thanks... You are finally beginning to show at least some reasoning ability.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.

Have you been to Zimbabwe lately or are you just spouting what you heard some other pink racist say about the country? Zimbabwe is on the road to recovery... it may take some time but even tourism has seen a resurgence.

BTW, here is a picture of the capital city of Zimbabwe... just to keep things in perspective:


More photos of Zimbabwe:
Zimbabwe and its capital are a shit holes and a mess, just like black America. Maybe they're waiting, like you, umtil the world around them are perfect before they even try to improve their lot in life. You can't dodge this, things are what they are: http://www.economist.com/news/finan...iggers-debate-about-what-currency-use-nothing
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.

As a Filipino I feel for the African-American since we also knew how it felt like to undergo lies and oppression.

After the Philippine-American war, President Mckinley was quoted in saying that the "Filipinos need to be civilized, Christianized and taught democracy"

And the ironic thing is that, in order to spread democracy, the Americans obliterated the democratically elected First Philippine Republic, they also claimed to want to spread Christianity to the heathen Filipinos, when in fact we were already Christian since the 1500s and we were to be "Civilized" when we were already home to civilizations far older than in America.

The Americans lied, cheated and then ruthlessly massacred my people once.

"Kill everyone over the age of ten"
~Jacob H Smith (On the Philippine-American War)

So, considering our history. We feel very deeply with the issue of black welfare and black rights, considering that we too were trampled upon and desecrated by an overbearing oppressive system.

However, hearkening back over and over to the past will not change anything. Instead, we should take a more progressive approach and learn to heal and forgive old wounds and also, moving forward.

Yes, the common American will never get to feel the pain and struggle of being black, but blacks should not linger in self-pity and pull themselves out of it.

There is a saying: "Victory has many fathers, while defeat is an orphan". If African-Americans can't be strong for themselves? Who else will? People should stop living in pity.

Nevertheless, you have a mission to serve as a conscience to the white man.

And tell them to stop their bloodthirsty oppression. If we don't stand together, then the opression of, the slavery in Louisiana, the massacre of Native-Americans, the extermination of the Hawaiian royal family, the Philippine-American War, the Vietnam war or Iraq war will simply continue to repeat itself over and over again.

Stay strong, stay vigilant.

What happened in the Philippines is one of the darkest chapters in American History.

I am always amazed by the Friendship and Warmness of the Filipino people toward Americans.

Well, they were probably happy we kicked the Japanese out of their Islands. It was going pretty bad for them at the time

Yes, we were quite happy that you guys kicked out the Japanese. However we were very disappointed with its intricacies. Firstly, Japan attacked the USA first, yet America declared war against Germany first and reserved to war with Japan at a later date.

This really annoyed President Quezon that he once remarked, one time shouting publicly after listening to one of Roosevelt's fireside chats: "come, listen to this scoundrel! Que demonio! How typical of America to writhe in anguish at the fate of a distant cousin, Europe, while a daughter, the Philippines, is being raped in the back room!"

America doomed the 17 Million Filipinos and then the 1 Million Americans living in the Philippines, to "second priority" while Japanese murdered the people of the American colony. America then chose to go to war with Germany first. A Germany that hasn't even attacked American territory vis-a-vis Japan that attacked Hawaii, USA.

We were eventually grateful for the American reinforcements (which were quite late) but we still have to suffer both American and Japanese bombs destroying our capital, Manila (which was the most devastated city in the world after Warsaw Poland).

Anyway, all the reinforcements were mainly due to Douglas MacArthur, of whom, his father, Arthur MacArthur was the former Governor-General of the Philippines.

Without Douglas MacArthur, then the plan would have been to go to Taiwan and then Japan. Completely bypassing the Philippines.

That's why we love General Douglas MacArthur so much XD.

Sent from my RQ735-A using Tapatalk

There may have been some reasons for helping the Philippines late, our military was still kinda weak, we had to build up. Unfortunately, England was probably more strategic than the Philippines and Hitler was on the march. Europe is much closer geographically and we weren't quite ready logistically to take on Japan in the beginning.
those are some factors I believe

OK, I understand.

But do you think its weird that America chose to attack Germany first when Japan attacked the USA first?

Sent from my RQ735-A using Tapatalk
If ya gots a message to deliver...

... Granny's inna kitchen - she'll lissen to ya...

... just knock onna back door.
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Just so you know, this post really got to me. I know we are all in this together. I'm just trying to hold back no punches. I really do see some of the points guys like Herman Cain Ben carson and bill Cosby have to say about black culture. And the sad thing is your defensiveness is why it'll be a long time before the black society catches up. When more than half the students don't care. When kids have kids. When kids have guns and sell drugs. I couldn't find pot till I got to college. Grew up very Mayberry when we left the hood.

But you guys don't want to go Mayberry. You want to continue new jack city or boys in the hood.

I disrespectfully beg to differ. BTW, what makes you think I am Black? Is it the way I type? :lol:

I won't let you forget this, here is an example of Black culture that seemed to have escaped you:

View attachment 51163
Your nose. That's a black nose.

You'll never listen. So, your culture will never improve. Just keep telling yourself poor white have it just as bad. And if they do then realize it's not about race. Like you said, there are lots of blacks doing better than me. So no excuses for the ones who are not.
As a Filipino I feel for the African-American since we also knew how it felt like to undergo lies and oppression.

After the Philippine-American war, President Mckinley was quoted in saying that the "Filipinos need to be civilized, Christianized and taught democracy"

And the ironic thing is that, in order to spread democracy, the Americans obliterated the democratically elected First Philippine Republic, they also claimed to want to spread Christianity to the heathen Filipinos, when in fact we were already Christian since the 1500s and we were to be "Civilized" when we were already home to civilizations far older than in America.

The Americans lied, cheated and then ruthlessly massacred my people once.

"Kill everyone over the age of ten"
~Jacob H Smith (On the Philippine-American War)

So, considering our history. We feel very deeply with the issue of black welfare and black rights, considering that we too were trampled upon and desecrated by an overbearing oppressive system.

However, hearkening back over and over to the past will not change anything. Instead, we should take a more progressive approach and learn to heal and forgive old wounds and also, moving forward.

Yes, the common American will never get to feel the pain and struggle of being black, but blacks should not linger in self-pity and pull themselves out of it.

There is a saying: "Victory has many fathers, while defeat is an orphan". If African-Americans can't be strong for themselves? Who else will? People should stop living in pity.

Nevertheless, you have a mission to serve as a conscience to the white man.

And tell them to stop their bloodthirsty oppression. If we don't stand together, then the opression of, the slavery in Louisiana, the massacre of Native-Americans, the extermination of the Hawaiian royal family, the Philippine-American War, the Vietnam war or Iraq war will simply continue to repeat itself over and over again.

Stay strong, stay vigilant.

What happened in the Philippines is one of the darkest chapters in American History.

I am always amazed by the Friendship and Warmness of the Filipino people toward Americans.

Well, they were probably happy we kicked the Japanese out of their Islands. It was going pretty bad for them at the time
Yes, we were quite happy that you guys kicked out the Japanese. However we were very disappointed with its intricacies. Firstly, Japan attacked the USA first, yet America declared war against Germany first and reserved to war with Japan at a later date.

This really annoyed President Quezon that he once remarked, one time shouting publicly after listening to one of Roosevelt's fireside chats: "come, listen to this scoundrel! Que demonio! How typical of America to writhe in anguish at the fate of a distant cousin, Europe, while a daughter, the Philippines, is being raped in the back room!"

America doomed the 17 Million Filipinos and then the 1 Million Americans living in the Philippines, to "second priority" while Japanese murdered the people of the American colony. America then chose to go to war with Germany first. A Germany that hasn't even attacked American territory vis-a-vis Japan that attacked Hawaii, USA.

We were eventually grateful for the American reinforcements (which were quite late) but we still have to suffer both American and Japanese bombs destroying our capital, Manila (which was the most devastated city in the world after Warsaw Poland).

Anyway, all the reinforcements were mainly due to Douglas MacArthur, of whom, his father, Arthur MacArthur was the former Governor-General of the Philippines.

Without Douglas MacArthur, then the plan would have been to go to Taiwan and then Japan. Completely bypassing the Philippines.

That's why we love General Douglas MacArthur so much XD.

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There may have been some reasons for helping the Philippines late, our military was still kinda weak, we had to build up. Unfortunately, England was probably more strategic than the Philippines and Hitler was on the march. Europe is much closer geographically and we weren't quite ready logistically to take on Japan in the beginning.
those are some factors I believe

OK, I understand.

But do you think its weird that America chose to attack Germany first when Japan attacked the USA first?

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Germany declared war on America after Pearl Harbor.
The IMF is made up of white people. Again white people think oddly. There is a reason you have no rhythm and destroy the earth.

Yes you do need to go to Africa if your claim is that Black people are living in abject poverty. What you will see is highly successful Blacks and whites living in abject poverty depending on where you go.

Highly successful people living in abject poverty? How does that work?

Here's Obama's brother in the shack where he lives:


Is he a "highly successful" black African?

Here's a lovely prosperous community in Zimbabwe:


Are the people living here "successful?" Can you explain how we are supposed to recognize this black African "success" when we encounter it?

Zimbabwe became independent in 1980. After centuries of colonialism.

You seem to leave these little facts out. But no..you aren't racist..right?

Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, we know, it's all the white man's fault. But you aren't a racist, right?

Zimbabwe was far wealthier the day it gained it's independence than it is now. Self-rule has been a disaster for Zimbabwe. The same goes for almost every country in Africa. South Africa is now rapidly swirling down the toilet bowl.

You call me a racist for doing nothing more than pointing out facts. There something fundamentally sick about that, don't you think?

Well no.

I call you a racist for thinking that folks with the attribute of looking different than you are less intelligent that you.

Since I never made any such claim, you have no basis for calling me a racist. I simply pointed out facts, which none of you liberal turds can deny.

Historically, countries liberated from colonialism take a while before they sort things out.

Not really something you take into consideration when it comes to Africa, eh?

Really? How long did it take the USA to "sort things out?" Australia? Canada? South Africa (when it threw off British Rule)? It appears some former colonies are better than others at "sorting things out." It also appears that, as always, you are full of shit.

This country is STILL sorting things out. And it had a very unique situation. Most of the states had fully functional governments and it had an economy. But shortly after the revolution there were insurrections. And that continued on until 100 fucking years after the revolution. It culminated with the Civil War.

Sheesh, are you really this dense in real life?
I grew up with blacks in the 70s so spent the 80s, 90s & 2000's defending black people.

How did you defend them? Are you a lawyer?

35 years later black society is worse! We're things so bad these last 50 years that black society has gotten worse? Or have you people done nothing to improve your situation?

Who told you that? Be specific... What makes you think "you people" have done nothing to better themselves? Give me the stats that back up your claims... I want to know why you say Black Christians ( the majority) are worse than they were 50 years ago?

I know many blacks have, but too many have not. So this is tough love. Get over the past. At this point, you people are responsible for yourselves.
So you really have no idea how many or what percentage of the Black population has gotten worse than 50 years ago? You are just spouting off nonsense that you heard somewhere with no supporting evidence.
But your disconnect doesn't end there. You continue with an authoritarian persona that exposes your true character. That us vs them mentality has never wavered in your posts. You are an incorrigible bigot... but even more dangerous than the conservative bigots. At east they put their prejudices up front and wear them on their sleeves and anywhere else they can put them...YOU, OTOH, come subtly, in "liberal" clothing hiding fangs dripping with venom. White people who lived among Blacks are the worst racists for they are are keenly aware that as bottom feeders in their own society they are forced to live among the N*****.

Quit talking about slave owners banging their slaves. Ancient history.
Sorry, you and your families are a mess, and saying you'll do nothing about it until every thing around you is perfect is a great part of the reason why.

Failure begets failure,and there are no better examples than black America.
My family and I am probably better off than you and your family. But before you drift off into your imaginary world where there are no White criminals or there i no white misery, I'll remind you that there are more White failures in this country than the entire Black population. Additionally, there are millions of Blacks far more successful than you can ever hope to be.

And, once again, you don't know my "race." I've never said.

Now.... Black America? There is no Black America. There are Black people living IN America but that doesn't make them a separate sovereign nation, the key word being "sovereign." Have you also created an imaginary poor White American nation as well?
yeah cause everything's about race with you... and why? Cause you are a racist.
What happened in the Philippines is one of the darkest chapters in American History.

I am always amazed by the Friendship and Warmness of the Filipino people toward Americans.

Well, they were probably happy we kicked the Japanese out of their Islands. It was going pretty bad for them at the time
Yes, we were quite happy that you guys kicked out the Japanese. However we were very disappointed with its intricacies. Firstly, Japan attacked the USA first, yet America declared war against Germany first and reserved to war with Japan at a later date.

This really annoyed President Quezon that he once remarked, one time shouting publicly after listening to one of Roosevelt's fireside chats: "come, listen to this scoundrel! Que demonio! How typical of America to writhe in anguish at the fate of a distant cousin, Europe, while a daughter, the Philippines, is being raped in the back room!"

America doomed the 17 Million Filipinos and then the 1 Million Americans living in the Philippines, to "second priority" while Japanese murdered the people of the American colony. America then chose to go to war with Germany first. A Germany that hasn't even attacked American territory vis-a-vis Japan that attacked Hawaii, USA.

We were eventually grateful for the American reinforcements (which were quite late) but we still have to suffer both American and Japanese bombs destroying our capital, Manila (which was the most devastated city in the world after Warsaw Poland).

Anyway, all the reinforcements were mainly due to Douglas MacArthur, of whom, his father, Arthur MacArthur was the former Governor-General of the Philippines.

Without Douglas MacArthur, then the plan would have been to go to Taiwan and then Japan. Completely bypassing the Philippines.

That's why we love General Douglas MacArthur so much XD.

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There may have been some reasons for helping the Philippines late, our military was still kinda weak, we had to build up. Unfortunately, England was probably more strategic than the Philippines and Hitler was on the march. Europe is much closer geographically and we weren't quite ready logistically to take on Japan in the beginning.
those are some factors I believe

OK, I understand.

But do you think its weird that America chose to attack Germany first when Japan attacked the USA first?

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Germany declared war on America after Pearl Harbor.
Germany never attacked American territory.

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