A message to Washington Republicans if you take the majority.

Without a super majority they cant do shit that Biden won't veto.

And they absolutely need to impeach his ass. IMMEDIATELY
Then you get Harris, then she gets a new VP another Democrat and you get nothing. You let Biden be Biden and it will hurt the Democratic Party and force them into mistakes.
You really have hope that these two twaddling, feckless, faggots are going to actually do something?!

You funnah!

Both need a back benching and THAT is JOB #1

Total purge of "Biden republicans" including McCarthy
I am not writing off Impeachment and probably never will be convinced we should

If any president needed to be impeached, it is bidum. Afghanistan..

I rest my case?

The border insanity

Can I rest my case NOW?
I think Impeachment as a process got so watered down starting with Clinton and over the top with Trump. It’s a symbolic waste of time and taxpayer money. Only do it if you are going to go all the way and remove the President. If you can’t, then stifle the crap he/she sends to Capitol Hill.

Sometimes, gridlock is good.
Biden needs to be held to account for his border negligence. Even if he can't be removed he needs to be reprimanded for his negligence.
His open border policy has cost thousands of US lives and countless billions of dollars.
If you can't hold his feet to the fire for that then you are not doing your job as our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES
Block Biden’s legislation. Once mid terms are over, Democrats and the media are going to put him out to pasture so Kamala can finish his term. Then, Kamala will step aside for an entire different ticket.
Reduce crime, fund law enforcement, reverse $0 bail and repeat offenders.
There is no evidence cashless bail has contributed to crime. Got anything else?

Stop the spending.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office concluded this month that the changes would have a “negligible” impact on inflation this year and next. And the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Wharton Budget Model concluded that, over the next decade, “the impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero.”

Got anything else?
A) Reduce crime, fund law enforcement, reverse $0 bail and repeat offenders.
B) Stop the spending. Don't just allocate it to go somewhere else.
C) Inflation, The damage has been done, all you can do is address shipping bottle necks and reverse dependency on China. You have to decide - work for the super wealthy and investor class - or work for everyone else. How you decide on this - will determine if your win is short lived.
So what you're saying is Repubs are going to regain control of the House based on a bunch of lies and disinformation.

Got anything else?
This is one of the many reasons why people detest swamp republicans....All a bunch of bloviating and legalistic procedural fucking around, and no results.
they investigate the damnest things.. waste taxpayer $$ on dumbass things.

must be nice to have access to all that "free money" which of course is far from free. People work hard for that money, yet so little gets done with it.. the bastards just use that $$ to make themselves wealthier.
There is no evidence cashless bail has contributed to crime. Got anything else?

Why and how wouldn’t cashless bail increase crime? You are putting someone arrested for a crime back out onto the street with Zero Accountability before their court date.
Why and how wouldn’t cashless bail increase crime? You are putting someone arrested for a crime back out onto the street with Zero Accountability before their court date.
The guy who attacked Pelosi, of course, is being held without bail, I hear (even though Pelosi survived)

the good old double standard, one for rich, one for poor
There is no evidence cashless bail has contributed to crime. Got anything else?

Correct there is no evidence cashless bail in America has increased crime in ISRAEL
The guy who attacked Pelosi, of course, is being held without bail, I hear (even though Pelosi survived)

the good old double standard, one for rich, one for poor

Do you believe David dePape is

A) violent MAGA trying to get Nancy


B) leftwing gay coke whore Green gay sexing Paul
OK, thanks for clarifying

But I still maintain that we need to hold the Left accountable. God knows they hold Rs accountable, even for things the Rs in question have NOT done.. the Impeachment hearings on Trump being Number 1 Example.

You can't just turn your back on serious crime and expect for it to end all by itself. We punish little people who steal. Why don't we punish the rich elite bastards who stole one of the most precious things (why do I want to say MOST important thing) America has, an election?
For the good of the country yes you can
Are you not tired of the extensive damage that has happened in this nation by party bickering and "revenge politics"
In case you haven't noticed we are kind of fucked right now. Impeaching Biden and endless investigations will solve not one damned thing other than revenge.
1) First and foremost you were not elected to further divide the nation. You were not elected to impeach Biden. Don't do it. That will only help Democrats in 2024. You were not elected to gloat and celebrate, don't do that either.
2) You WERE elected to make changes and reverse the madness of the past 2 years. NAMELY -
A) Reduce crime, fund law enforcement, reverse $0 bail and repeat offenders.
B) Stop the spending. Don't just allocate it to go somewhere else.
C) Inflation, The damage has been done, all you can do is address shipping bottle necks and reverse dependency on China. You have to decide - work for the super wealthy and investor class - or work for everyone else. How you decide on this - will determine if your win is short lived.

But most of all - GET OFF OF YOUR WEAK DEADBEAT ASSES and DO SOMETHING. The Republican Party has been the "do nothing" party for too damn long. Your job is not to occupy a seat and let Jordan and Cruz do all the talking. While you sit there and do nothing.
ACT - this is why you were elected.
Good thoughts mostly. Anyone call you a RINO yet?
Agreed. However the FBI needs to be called to account about the Hunter Biden laptop and related issues also the JD colluding with big tech on what I call back door censorship as well as the issues you raised.

No the FBI does NOT need to be called to accounts for Republican lies and conspiracy theories. Republicans have been politicizing the FBI since Clinton was in office, and the ONLY crimes the FBI has found, have been REPUBLICAN CRIMES.

Maybe if Republicans stopped committing crimes, and accusing Democrats of doing the same, Republicans wouldn't be going to jail while Democrats are never charged. Democrats got smart and stopped committing crimes after Nixon got nailed. Republicans just carried on and kept plotting, and doing illegal shit. Iran Contra, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Covid will disappear like magic.
Correct there is no evidence cashless bail in America has increased crime in ISRAEL

Ahead of the 2022 legislative session, there has been an increased appeal from those opposed to criminal legal reforms to change certain New York State laws, such as the pretrial reforms that went into effect in the first half of 2020. Those reforms prohibited cash bail for certain misdemeanors and nonviolent offenses, so that thousands of individuals – all of whom are considered innocent of their charges until proven otherwise – could take care of their families, keep their jobs, and work with their attorneys to prepare their cases.

The calls for rollbacks to bail reform claim these bail law changes have caused an increase in violent crime across the state, stoking public safety concerns about the law’s impact. However, a closer look shows that these claims are either based on no evidence or on faulty data.

Fact-Check: Lies About Crime & Bail Reform

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