A message to Washington Republicans if you take the majority.

What is wrong with the R party is - it has become the party of "ghosts". Do nothing. Sit there while the Dems went batshit crazy and say very little.
The Democratic Party went full retard. They allowed the crazies to absolutely rule the party, control the message and silence any opposing views
If the Republicans in 2023 do nothing - AGAIN - and not start reversing wrongs or at least make real
I got this far

What kind of game are u playing? You said in OP that the Rs should not impeach bidum if they win, and etc..

Now you appear to be backtracking and complaining about how they don't DO anythin..

You are inconsistent. Therefore, I wonder if you aren't just a lib in .. dunno.. RINO clothing
What they should do, will do or what I hope they will do is subject to all sorts of debate, but at the very least, I'm thinking that reining in some of the more authoritarian inclinations of the Democrats would be a good place to start.

The focus SHOULD be on this question "do you wish to have more control over your own lives or have us control it for you?" In a general sense, what I have seen of the two parties since the 1960s is a complete flip flop. Republicans were more authoritarian in the 1960s, while today, Democrat authoritarianism is unlike anything we have ever experienced in this country.
Just curious… What have Democrat voters done that’s so much more involved than GOP voters?
They've owned the process down at the school board and voting precinct level....The tree is rotted from the roots up.

This is why you have been hearing the cynical cries of "MUH MOCRACY!" from the left, as republicans have been showing up, getting active, and taking these obscure positions.
I got this far

What kind of game are u playing? You said in OP that the Rs should not impeach bidum if they win, and etc..

Now you appear to be backtracking and complaining about how they don't DO anythin..

You are inconsistent. Therefore, I wonder if you aren't just a lib in .. dunno.. RINO clothing
Your thinking is clearly flawed.
I am actually conservative. Not a party robot. And I am action based.
I was alive and well in 1994? Were you?
I was 29 years old. And I sat there and saw the "Republican Promise" led by Gingrich. And I was thrilled.
And then I was bitterly disappointed as they not only didn't keep their promises, but worked right alongside the Corporate Democrats to bury America in debt and foreign investment. They put Americans at a DISTANT 2nd over globalization and corporatism.
If this Republican takeover happens - I want goddamn change. Not more useless investigation, yet another impeachment trial and rhetoric while the country continues to decline in all ways that matter.
They've won more elections than they lost, yet everything is worse.

Primarily, IMO, that the rank-and-file GOP voter got sucked in by the corporatist neocon Bushies.

We simply see higher prices in all sectors of the economy with interest rates rising and College Grads getting their loans forgiven.

It is not rocket science to realize that is a recipe for disaster.

So we need a change.

Will it work?

No idea.

But it sure as hell aint working now.

We simply see higher prices in all sectors of the economy with interest rates rising and College Grads getting their loans forgiven.

It is not rocket science to realize that is a recipe for disaster.

So we need a change.

Will it work?

No idea.

But it sure as hell aint working now.
How'd we get here?

How'd we get Trump?
I got this far

What kind of game are u playing? You said in OP that the Rs should not impeach bidum if they win, and etc..

Now you appear to be backtracking and complaining about how they don't DO anythin..

You are inconsistent. Therefore, I wonder if you aren't just a lib in .. dunno.. RINO clothing
Everyone you disagree with you call a liberal. I've watched you do it multiple times now.
You're a damn moron and a fucking board noob.
A wise man observes before making asinine proclamations.

1) First and foremost you were not elected to further divide the nation. You were not elected to impeach Biden. Don't do it. That will only help Democrats in 2024. You were not elected to gloat and celebrate, don't do that either.
2) You WERE elected to make changes and reverse the madness of the past 2 years. NAMELY -
A) Reduce crime, fund law enforcement, reverse $0 bail and repeat offenders.
B) Stop the spending. Don't just allocate it to go somewhere else.
C) Inflation, The damage has been done, all you can do is address shipping bottle necks and reverse dependency on China. You have to decide - work for the super wealthy and investor class - or work for everyone else. How you decide on this - will determine if your win is short lived.

But most of all - GET OFF OF YOUR WEAK DEADBEAT ASSES and DO SOMETHING. The Republican Party has been the "do nothing" party for too damn long. Your job is not to occupy a seat and let Jordan and Cruz do all the talking. While you sit there and do nothing.
ACT - this is why you were elected.
LOL. The Democrats are in charge of the House, Senate, White House and all the government agencies and you expect the Republicans elected in the mid terms to fix what the Democrats broke?

Potatohead has the ability to veto any bill passed by Congress.

The best we can hope for as a result of the Republican landslide is that no additional damage will be done like we saw when the Democrats were in charge of Congress.

Besides, the Republicans have a record of being weak and giving into the Democrat destruction.

The good that we can expect after the mid term? That the stupid annoying TV ads for candidates will end.
Your thinking is clearly flawed.
I am actually conservative. Not a party robot. And I am action based.
I was alive and well in 1994? Were you?
I was 29 years old. And I sat there and saw the "Republican Promise" led by Gingrich. And I was thrilled.
And then I was bitterly disappointed as they not only didn't keep their promises, but worked right alongside the Corporate Democrats to bury America in debt and foreign investment. They put Americans at a DISTANT 2nd over globalization and corporatism.
If this Republican takeover happens - I want goddamn change. Not more useless investigation, yet another impeachment trial and rhetoric while the country continues to decline in all ways that matter.
People here conflate terms describing ideology with partisanship far too much, don't they?
One involves an understanding of principles, whereas the other describes conformity to groupthink.

I think this tendency is even worse on the left side of the aisle, where the term "liberal" is being applied to complete authoritarians who would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them alongside the face.
Your thinking is clearly flawed.
I am actually conservative. Not a party robot. And I am action based.
I was alive and well in 1994? Were you?
I was 29 years old. And I sat there and saw the "Republican Promise" led by Gingrich. And I was thrilled.
And then I was bitterly disappointed as they not only didn't keep their promises, but worked right alongside the Corporate Democrats to bury America in debt and foreign investment. They put Americans at a DISTANT 2nd over globalization and corporatism.
If this Republican takeover happens - I want goddamn change. Not more useless investigation, yet another impeachment trial and rhetoric while the country continues to decline in all ways that matter.
OK, thanks for clarifying

But I still maintain that we need to hold the Left accountable. God knows they hold Rs accountable, even for things the Rs in question have NOT done.. the Impeachment hearings on Trump being Number 1 Example.

You can't just turn your back on serious crime and expect for it to end all by itself. We punish little people who steal. Why don't we punish the rich elite bastards who stole one of the most precious things (why do I want to say MOST important thing) America has, an election?
Republicans should not waste their time impeaching Biden. Impeachment means nothing. Biden-Harris have done nothing but spend and restrict energy. It’s time to block that.
I am not writing off Impeachment and probably never will be convinced we should

If any president needed to be impeached, it is bidum. Afghanistan..

I rest my case?

The border insanity

Can I rest my case NOW?
Republicans should not waste their time impeaching Biden. Impeachment means nothing. Biden-Harris have done nothing but spend and restrict energy. It’s time to block that.
Biden needs to be held to account for his border negligence. Even if he can't be removed he needs to be reprimanded for his negligence.
His open border policy has cost thousands of US lives and countless billions of dollars.
If you can't hold his feet to the fire for that then you are not doing your job as our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES
I am not writing off Impeachment and probably never will be convinced we should

If any president needed to be impeached, it is bidum. Afghanistan..

I rest my case?

The border insanity

Can I rest my case NOW?
Rest you case all you want.....What is the probability of removing Potatohead from office?
Your thinking is clearly flawed.
I am actually conservative. Not a party robot. And I am action based.
I was alive and well in 1994? Were you?
I was 29 years old. And I sat there and saw the "Republican Promise" led by Gingrich. And I was thrilled.
And then I was bitterly disappointed as they not only didn't keep their promises, but worked right alongside the Corporate Democrats to bury America in debt and foreign investment. They put Americans at a DISTANT 2nd over globalization and corporatism.
If this Republican takeover happens - I want goddamn change. Not more useless investigation, yet another impeachment trial and rhetoric while the country continues to decline in all ways that matter.

I agree with you, impeaching Biden would be dumb politics. It is not like if they did, someone better would become President. If they want to investigate the laptop situation, that is a different animal all together.

Personally, I believe one of the reasons the Lefts politicians are going crazy, is they know if the GOP takes both chambers of congress, they (the GOP) know WHAT to investigate now that shines very bad light on Democrats. They also know that if on day 1 of the new congress the GOP puts forth bills addressing crime, the border, and inflation as stand alone bills and they try and block, they just screwed themselves in 2024. The Left will have the unenviable task of either helping the GOP over ride a Presidential veto, or lose their elections in 2024! With the amount of Democratic senators up for re-election in 2024, I CAN see them voting to over ride a veto to save themselves.
LOL. The Democrats are in charge of the House, Senate, White House and all the government agencies and you expect the Republicans elected in the mid terms to fix what the Democrats broke?

Potatohead has the ability to veto any bill passed by Congress.

The best we can hope for as a result of the Republican landslide is that no additional damage will be done like we saw when the Democrats were in charge of Congress.

Besides, the Republicans have a record of being weak and giving into the Democrat destruction.

The good that we can expect after the mid term? That the stupid annoying TV ads for candidates will end.
can't disagree w/ anything here (not that I am trying)

I keep going back to what John Kennedy said

Republicans aren't perfect but the other side is crazy

not to mention Satanic
Rest you case all you want.....What is the probability of removing Potatohead from office?
It's not so much that. It's the fact that the Dims count on Rs not doing such things.. which emboldens them to do their stupid, bogus, insane impeachments any time they want. If they knew they would get thesame treatment down the road, maybe they would at least think twice next time?

Then there's the fact that bidum really has done impeach-worthy things. Uppermost in my mind and the minds of all sane americans is: border invasion.

What kind of "president" lets his country's borders be over-run by God knows whom?

That is an act of treason against his country. The first job of govt is to keep the governed SAFE. He has let another country (no, more than just one!) invade us. And as we can see, the bastards overtaking the border (Oh, but just SOME :rolleyes:) commit all manner of violent evil against us..

give us poisonous drugs.. rob, rape, murder
It's not so much that. It's the fact that the Dims count on Rs not doing such things.. which emboldens them to do their stupid, bogus, insane impeachments any time they want. If they knew they would get thesame treatment down the road, maybe they would at least think twice next time?

Then there's the fact that bidum really has done impeach-worthy things. Uppermost in my mind and the minds of all sane americans is: border invasion.

What kind of "president" lets his country's borders be over-run by God knows whom?

That is an act of treason against his country. The first job of govt is to keep the governed SAFE. He has let another country (no, more than just one!) invade us. And as we can see, the bastards overtaking the border (Oh, but just SOME :rolleyes:) commit all manner of violent evil against us..

give us poisonous drugs.. rob, rape, murder
This is one of the many reasons why people detest swamp republicans....All a bunch of bloviating and legalistic procedural fucking around, and no results.
Rest you case all you want.....What is the probability of removing Potatohead from office?
It wouldn't do any good, anyway. I realize you know this, but the real problem isn't one man or even one party but of money controlling information.

Biden is simply serving that money in order to get more for himself.

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