A modest proposal regarding Soros

Just think about it. If we could somehow (again, legally) bankrupt that pig, Soros, he wouldn’t have money to politically support so-called “Social Justice Warriors” (via massive campaign finance infusions of cash) to the important positions of state and local public prosecutors.

In that way, perhaps, the olden days of a “revolving door of justice” wouldn’t be making a sudden return visit to plague our cities and their citizenry.
Ask the UK about Soros, he single handily nearly destroyed their economy via shorting the Pound back in '92.
He started the snowball effect.
I'm not even bringing in religion, it had nothing to do what that asshole did.
Not to mention the Asian flu.

Soros did that too.
Why don't you ask Trump about bankruptcy? He's the expert.


We are all so entertained by watching you display your obsession with Trump's ass.

Need a tube of K-Y? We all know what you're doing every time you start fantasizing about Trump's ass.


Say it again.

If capitalism cared about your unusual definition of “morals” then it wouldn’t be capitalism.

The free market is good works because it corrects problems in the economy, like when England attempted to artificially inflate their currency value.
Fixed it for you.

Can't have it both ways.

Keep morality OUT of capitalism. It's neither good bor bad, it just works.
Trump didn’t fail at 7 businesses. He failed at hundreds of other businessses as well but sold them off and didn’t go bankrupt. Everything from Trump vodka to Trump Mortgages, and even Trump University or Trump steaks - all failures but no bankruptcies.

Give us a list.

I've been involved in MORE THAN 500 business entities both as a banker and as a law clerk providing due diligence and financing for more than 40 years, including working with some of the largest construction and project management companies in the world.

I started following Donald Trump's business career in the late 70's. His only success was Trump Tower, and his TV show. He's lost money at everything else, except laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

Lie more, little monkey.

It's entertaining to watch.

So do you want to go after rich political donors regardless of who they donate to … or just those that donate to Dems

You say that as if there's something wrong with wanting to destroy democriminals!

But it was a cute little try at being a moralist, something that you vermin all think we still knee jerk to. Wrong!

Fixed it for you.

Can't have it both ways.

Keep morality OUT of capitalism. It's neither good bor bad, it just works.

The leftards today are such liars. The way they suck big corporate ass, their liberal counterparts of MY days of being a liberal would shred them to ribbons.
The law doesn't mean a thing to you.
As opposed to the law meaning anything to you?
TECHNICALLY BY DEFINITION Soros is a sponsor of terrorism not just here, but globally.
He sponsored & instigated the Greek Riots that plunged our markets with that market crash, his financing of activists who technically are terrorists orgs that also are involved in racketeering, makes Soros a state sponsor of terrorism and a crime boss who benefits from the societal social unrest explosive events.
His financed org was involved in treason trying to overturn an elected president.
Then there is your support of the Biden crime Family, which makes your reply the most deflective and projected spin you could possibly do. The person you are so aggravated by, is yourself, but your frail human ego can never self reflect and accuse yourself of what you've become, so you deflect your feelings of inadequacy on everyone else, thus your need for a villain to hide the fact that the villain you seek to conquer, is actually you. -food for thought
I'm authoritarian as fuck.

You don't like it, come to my front porch and talk to me about it, KKKeyboard KKKommando.

You’re also violent.

When Biden called some of the ultra-MAGA fascists, you’re exactly what he was talking about.
You’re also violent.

When Biden called some of the ultra-MAGA fascists, you’re exactly what he was talking about.

You're also funny.

I love hearing you whine that high-pitched little scream that you do so well.

Do it again.


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