A modest proposal regarding Soros

You don’t understand capitalism then. You can stick to whatever you call “morals”, but you will lose to someone without morals.
My dad used to tell me that when his company sold a product to a customer, they always asked themselves three questions.

1. Will we make money?

2. Is it legal?

3. Is it right?

Companies threw out question number 3 a long time ago.
Just wondering out loud here:

Is there something that can be done to bankrupt Soros?

Legal I mean. It doesn’t seem probable. But fuck it. It might be worth a try.

What the fuck did he do to you?

Anything you accuse him off, you have to have evidence...
Where are these things you've "read"? Link them to us. Maybe you'd like to suggest he uses the blood of gentile babies to stay alive............that one is fairly common in the anti-semite crowd.
You are not going to read anything.
Ask the UK about Soros, he single handily nearly destroyed their economy via shorting the Pound back in '92.
He started the snowball effect.
I'm not even bringing in religion, it had nothing to do what that asshole did.


And he is making problems all over the world!

he doesn't stop, he is evil!

The only people talking about killing people they hate are the Nazi wannabe tards in this topic.

Well, to be fair, they are too chickenshit to do their own wet work. They want to have someone else do it for them.

So stop projecting your own Nazi tendencies onto others, mm-kay?
You accused me a wanting to kill people, and nothing could be farther from the truth. That's how you think, not me...
The vast majority of Trump's 500 "businesses" don't do anything, parrot.

They create nothing.

The ones that have a real function are losing money hand over fist.

Trump doesn't even develop any new real estate any more. He hasn't in a long, long time. No banks will touch him any more. Even the overseas banks have been burned by him and won't touch him any more.

So if an ACTUAL real estate developer wants to put Trump's name on their building, they pay him a fee and a part of the profits. That's what most of those "500 businesses" do or did. They collect fees for Trump's name.

That's it.

I seriously doubt there is a big market for the Trump name any more, though.

The net worth of Donald Trump has been plummeting for some time.
Trump's name isn't worth shit anymore except to his worshippers. Trump can't sell his name to anyone except the rubes so he sets up a "stop the steal" grift & milks them for $200 million.

Trump is not only a legend in his OWN mind, he's a legend in THEIR minds. It's a match made in heaven. Or hell, whichever way one wants to look at it.

On a side note Lindsey Graham ate a shit sandwich the size of a city bus after he donated $500,000 to Trump's legal defense fund following the 2020 election. Yep, to contest voting results in Georgia, Arizona etc.
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