A modest proposal regarding Soros

Which president and which organization are you referring to?
He finances Moveon Org which was involved in Resist(aka the real insurrection), they openly listed political targets like senators etc that they were terrorizing. I know this for a fact, because I planted a mole that received their emails with instructions and doxing info from MoveOn org to Resist meetup groups. They openly admitted Obstructing the democratic process and administration.
Fact: OBAMA was involved in treasonous acts when he used a foreign agent Russia Embassador Kislyak to spy on his opposition party and used that to try and oust a democratically elected president with the whole Russia hoax scheme.
Moveon org (Obamas activist org financed by Soros[that's fact]) was pulling the puppet strings of The #Resist movement (lead by Ashley Kroetsch former Obama activist)
The network list of activists they attracted were used to organize & terrorize the cities to make the then sitting president look bad, like things were out of control, so they could administer their Saul Alinsky type schemes and Soros' justice reform & open society implimentations.
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Just wondering out loud here:

Is there something that can be done to bankrupt Soros?

Legal I mean. It doesn’t seem probable. But fuck it. It might be worth a try.
For what purpose? To silence his perspective? IOW, to cancel him? Isn't that the sort of thing Repubs pretend to be against?
He finances Moveon Org which was involved in Resist(aka the real insurrection), they openly listed political targets like senators etc that they were terrorizing. I know this for a fact, because I planted a mole that received their emails with instructions and doxing info from MoveOn org to Resist meetup groups. They openly admitted Obstructing the democratic process and administration.
Please tell me specifically how they obstructed anything.
Sally Q. Gates had ordered lawyers at the Department of Justice not to defend President Trump’s executive order, that is not opposing, that is resisting and obstructing which is why she was fired.
From the begining they openly on tv stated they were obstructing and revolting against their elected gov't -Democrats in Congress Refused to Attend Trump's Inauguration.
Large numbers of filibusters that impeded his administration's goals, they were aligned to vote down anything and everything even if doing so hurt the country, to obstruct getting things done for the Benefit of the nation that would make the administration look good and be popular.
There was excessive abuse of power and obstruction of Congress including illegal handling of formal ethics complaints on their abuses- I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT BECAUSE MY COMPLAINT TO THE OCE GOT SWEPT UNDER, for over a week they looked scared and layed low then when it was clear, they pounced again.
Tactics for opposing the Trump administration came from donor groups, members of Congress, the DNC, protesters and marchers, state governments. Large numbers of filibusters that impeded his administration's goals while they also used congressional subpoenas into his financial and business dealings and harrassed and intimidated everyone who helped his campaign or was part of his administration= obstructing. They trued to bankrupt them all with lawyer fees and subpoenas.
Remember:“Sedition” is the “incitement of "resist"ance to or insurrection.FROM DAY ONE THEY TAUNTED "RESIST" AND "ITS WAR".
They even used tactics like failure to fully inform various government agencies and key members of Congress in order to obstruct.
They even obstructed the Mueller case wgich was an obstruction to the administration.
Treason came from the many phoney impeachment attempts that used foreign entities, illegal acts and abuses to concoct.
They even intimidated and obstructed judges.
He's 92 and going to be passing onward soon, why bother?
He is destined to live for many many more years being a fucking menace to civilized society. I don’t want him dead. I just want him to be financially neutered.
For what purpose? To silence his perspective? IOW, to cancel him? Isn't that the sort of thing Repubs pretend to be against?
Yes! Cancel him. Silence him. Prevent him from making any donations to anybody— ever. Do unto him as he has done unto others. Irony is often a terrific form of justice.

It’s a start.
What has he ever done here that justifies your idiotic claim that he is a patriotic American?
What has he done that is harmful?

Are donations to political parties now considered unpatriotic to maga fuckups?

If so, which donors to the QOP can we try for treason?
What has he done that is harmful?

Are donations to political parties now considered unpatriotic to maga fuckups?

If so, which donors to the QOP can we try for treason?
Again. I’m not here to answer your disingenuous questions, blobbo.

But I would note that shithole filth like Antifa ain’t a political party, you absolute imbecile.

Were you born retarded or did you undergo repeat lobotomies?
Again. I’m not here to answer your disingenuous questions, blobbo.

But I would note that shothole filth like Antifa ain’t a political party, you absolute imbecile.

Were you born retarded or did you undergo repeat lobotomies?
So, was the post to hard for a fascist to answer?


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