A Most Excellent Speech


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Predictably, the Democrats after it ran from the House like rats doused in gasoline.
The Dems had a major "oh shit" moment. Trump did an awesome job on his speech - and was very effective in addressing all of America. The Dems big fear is that he'll break up their identity politics racket...he did some damage to that tonight.
When Trump mentioned "We all have been created by the same God", Dems remained seated and silent. I thought to myself : "Whom do Dems think they've been created by? Devil?..."

Do Dems want Trump to succeed in making America great again? I don't think so. On the contrary, they are panically afraid of that.
The FOX commentators speculated the treasonous democrats were heading to their MSM friends to try to spin one of the greatest Presidential speeches in history.
As Trump spoke, the Democrats could hear the foot steps of their hive fleeing the plantation. .... :lol: ... :lol:
I was shocked to see some of the democrats dressed in their traditional kkk white hoods.....repuslive.....
I was shocked to see some of the democrats dressed in their traditional kkk white hoods.....repuslive.....
Yeah, I was wondering bout that too.

I guess they were trying to frame Trump for having Kluxers in the audience, lol.
Yeah, I noticed that.
Do you know why they were there?

Dem's were praying for a partisan speech they could attack, instead Trump whooped their ass again. Trump continues to reach out to the Dem base, hard working middle class Americans and minorities Dem's have taken for granted. We may have seen the end of the Democratic party this evening.
They couldn't even bother to stand and applaud when Trump said drug companies have to lower their prices so people can get meds they need but can't afford. Rut roh. Scarey, that. There goes their piggy banks.
The speech was mostly pie in the sky.

There is no way to pay for all these promises.

No way.

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