A new Clinton wave is coming this spring

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
Funny, someone would call the Clinton's trash. If they are Trash, what are the Trumps?

You all are Trash because CLINTON morons support :

View attachment 193374

But too stupid to realize that's exactly what you are brining to this Country........
That's so stupid, you have to be the dumbest fuk in the world to believe such nonsense. Besides, it they got rid of all companies who would pay 150 thousand for a speech.

Besides, Nazi's would never belong to the Democrats. Too many blacks, Hispanics, gays and Muslims.
The Nazi's would want something mostly, if not all, white. Hmm, an all white party? I can only think of one. The GOP.
Calls someone stupid. Voted for Clinton.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring


she is too fcked up physically and mentally to carry through

Did you see that bs about her having something like a back brace or some shit like that.

And on another occasion she lied and said she's oh so healthy , and infowars caught her fkd up health( when she fell) then they tried to say infowars was lying videos to prove it all pics. too ....... ( this is something different from the back brace though).
When Hillary is dead and in her glass-lid coffin The Democrat Party will still run her because, even at room temperature, she's the BEST they have!

You are just trying to add to my LMAO so hard pissing my pants party ..... I got your number lol.
Besides, Nazi's would never belong to the Democrats. Too many blacks, Hispanics, gays and Muslims.
The Nazi's would want something mostly, if not all, white. Hmm, an all white party? I can only think of one. The GOP.

The last Presidential election cycle, one of the two major parties ran a field of several candidates of quite a variety of ethnic backgrounds, while the other only produced a few old white people as credible candidates.
Besides, Nazi's would never belong to the Democrats. Too many blacks, Hispanics, gays and Muslims.
The Nazi's would want something mostly, if not all, white. Hmm, an all white party? I can only think of one. The GOP.

The last Presidential election cycle, one of the two major parties ran a field of several candidates of quite a variety of ethnic backgrounds, while the other only produced a few old white people as credible candidates.
Picture of Trump helping a black man.

trump walks on water 2.jpg
Still stalking her are you? Seek help.

f............... u...................C............................t

My post, and when I get a reply I can respond

You can keep stalking Hillary and I can keep calling you a stalker. Sorry, but you don`t make the rules here.

an idiot who loves to be HATED........ yet can't stand the fact that MOST PPL CAN'T STAND YOU INCLUDING ME SO OFF CYKA!!

He's one of those who keeps Obama doll in his man-purse for comfort. :D

Is sad how he / she is the only one i've ever told I can't stand them...... out of all the others who torment me and petty badly at times, i've never told them point blank I can't stand them.

Something about this ignorant pos that is just tooooo moronic and ignorant........

That IS your problem, you're trying to be nice to a leftist, even you know they have no grain of respect for you.

Treat them as they treat you and you'll be OK.

If you let me "stalking" Hillary with you, I'll do it with pleasure. :D
f............... u...................C............................t

My post, and when I get a reply I can respond

You can keep stalking Hillary and I can keep calling you a stalker. Sorry, but you don`t make the rules here.

an idiot who loves to be HATED........ yet can't stand the fact that MOST PPL CAN'T STAND YOU INCLUDING ME SO OFF CYKA!!

He's one of those who keeps Obama doll in his man-purse for comfort. :D

Is sad how he / she is the only one i've ever told I can't stand them...... out of all the others who torment me and petty badly at times, i've never told them point blank I can't stand them.

Something about this ignorant pos that is just tooooo moronic and ignorant........

That IS your problem, you're trying to be nice to a leftist, even you know they have no grain of respect for you.

Treat them as they treat you and you'll be OK.

If you let me "stalking" Hillary with you, I'll do it with pleasure. :D

Hillary's diaries, Chapter "Muh health is great"


There are rumors about my failing health spreading all over the internet.
Even Dr. Drew, who is not Trump shill weighs in, saying my health is of grave concern.
I have to respond to rumors, so I go to late night comedy Jew.
I sit awkward as fuck in normal cushioned chair because I cant stand up on my own if I sit normally.
Literally, my fat ass is on the edge of the chair and I am leaning back like it's a recliner.
I keep reminding myself to smile, while I tell that late night comedy Jew I am in tip top health.
"TIP TOP", I repeat multiple times in an accidental spasm, but I smile and play it off as a joke.
This is a late night comedy Jew after all.
I am pretending to be human every once in a while actually feels good.
I remind comedy Jew that rumors about my failing health are nothing but crazy conspiracy theories.
As the audience is laughing about how wacky the conspiracy theorists are I have surreptitiously depressed a button behind my ear.
The exoskeleton hidden underneath my pantsuit raises me out of the recline position for my big stunt - opening the jar of pickles.
The goal is to shame the conspiracy theorists with mockery.
This should shut them up.
Nobody will suspect a thing.
Nobody will think for a second that my team has installed a trick pickle jar to insure against national embarrassment.
I happily wrench at the pickle jar and make humanoid-like facial signals indicating muscle strain.
The lid pops off like a charm.
I laugh. I laugh because I have rused them all.
I can't stop laughing, actually I see no need to stop myself from laughing.
I have to stop laughing now, because it sounds like a cackle.
Who cares, this is the late night comedy Jew after all.
What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

What have the Clinton's done to make you proud of them? That's baffling.

Being they have stayed together for more years than has Trump with his three wives, while living under a microscope of attacks by right wing haters and bible thumping hypocrites. They have raised a child who inherited the class of her parents even when the asshole Limbaugh mocked her preadolescence appearance, and stood tall under an onslaught of attacks by self righteous and judgmental hypocrites (like you!)..

I'm not proud of anyone, and if you knew the definition of proud you would not have phrased your question to me using an inappropriate word. I respect them, for their endurance and for their efforts to aid each and every citizen without regard to their creed, color or ethnicity.

Stayed together? What are you smoking? They haven't been "Together" since that nerd of theirs was born, and I even question that!!

You couldn't even be admitted to Stanford to clean its toilets and sewer lines.

Not everyone has the luxury of having an ex president, ex senator, and ex sec. of state as parents. You don't think that played a role in Chelsea's admission to Stanford, dumbass?

Given her background, what you allege is likely true, and yet the same can be said for G.W. Bush and Donald Trump, neither of them went on to Oxford for graduate work. However he dad was from humble roots and was admitted a Rhodes Scholarship, and her mom was Valedictorian at an Ivy League School. Facts which likely helped her academically more than her celebrity.

BTW, F. U.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
Still stalking her are you? Seek help.

Do you think there is help for this person? Maybe electric shock therapy, or a full lobotomy? Otherwise it seems s/he is way beyond help of conventional therapy, and/or drug therapy, since no one with a professional degree could tolerate him or her after one session.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
Still stalking her are you? Seek help.

Do you think there is help for this person? Maybe electric shock therapy, or a full lobotomy? Otherwise it seems s/he is way beyond help of conventional therapy, and/or drug therapy, since no one with a professional degree could tolerate him or her after one session.
What does she need help for? Because she doesn't believe the lefts non stop lies?

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you?

he's vehemently anti-communist...now your turn

Your claim suggests he knows about Communism, in it various iterations. Please define which form of Communism he hates, and why?

Has he read anything written by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, etc.? Has he read "The God that Failed"? Has he studied history, or have you studied any of these theories?
What have the Clinton's done to make you proud of them? That's baffling.

Being they have stayed together for more years than has Trump with his three wives, while living under a microscope of attacks by right wing haters and bible thumping hypocrites. They have raised a child who inherited the class of her parents even when the asshole Limbaugh mocked her preadolescence appearance, and stood tall under an onslaught of attacks by self righteous and judgmental hypocrites (like you!)..

I'm not proud of anyone, and if you knew the definition of proud you would not have phrased your question to me using an inappropriate word. I respect them, for their endurance and for their efforts to aid each and every citizen without regard to their creed, color or ethnicity.

Stayed together? What are you smoking? They haven't been "Together" since that nerd of theirs was born, and I even question that!!

You couldn't even be admitted to Stanford to clean its toilets and sewer lines.

Not everyone has the luxury of having an ex president, ex senator, and ex sec. of state as parents. You don't think that played a role in Chelsea's admission to Stanford, dumbass?

Given her background, what you allege is likely true, and yet the same can be said for G.W. Bush and Donald Trump, neither of them went on to Oxford for graduate work. However he dad was from humble roots and was admitted a Rhodes Scholarship, and her mom was Valedictorian at an Ivy League School. Facts which likely helped her academically more than her celebrity.

BTW, F. U.
Yawn, I guaran-fuckin-tee you that Chelsea Clinton got into Stanford and subsequently everywhere else, because of her parents. Especially in today's anti-white diversity driven admissions environment. Period, end of story. But she hasn't done much since graduating even with her parent's helicoptering around her with their silver spoon. I honestly feel sorry for her, she seems like a nice girl, but has to be ugliest first child that ever set foot in the White House.

BTW, Trump went to Wharton, (like Chelsea, because of his dad's wealth and connections) considered the number one business school in the country, and then went on to build his empire. So that makes him one of the smartest, most qualified, experienced, and educated people to serve the office of the presidency.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

That's exactly why he and the other RWNJs hate the Clinton's.

They do good and trailer trash RWNJ's reap the benefits.

Meanwhile, trump et al screw over the working class, including vets, active military, children, women, elderly. Even LyinRyan is making a last pass at the most vulnerable.

Your claim suggests he knows about Communism, in it various iterations. Please define which form of Communism he hates, and why?

my post suggests no such thing, you intentionally lied to avoid the truth... your post is just typical communist left wing propaganda, i.e. answering a point/question that wasn't asked/said to avoid having to answer the point actually being made...now your turn, what have you done?

Has he read anything written by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, etc.? Has he read "The God that Failed"? Has he studied history, or have you studied any of these theories?

now does that look like the reading material of an anti-communist? or does it look like someone that is a communist and/or sympathizer hating on America?..now, tell us, what have you done?
Last edited:
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

That's exactly why he and the other RWNJs hate the Clinton's.

They do good and trailer trash RWNJ's reap the benefits.

Meanwhile, trump et al screw over the working class, including vets, active military, children, women, elderly. Even LyinRyan is making a last pass at the most vulnerable.

View attachment 193429
Exactly why liberalism is a mental disorder.


You don't understand insurance. Those that are healthy pay for the sick. You must have healthy people in the insurance pool, or insurance doesn't work. The GOP removed the mandate so the most healthy would drop their insurance forcing premiums up, reducing the number of subscribers, and ultimately the failure of Obamacare. At least that's what they hope will happen.
We had the best healthcare system in the world. Obama fucked it up. God willing we will return to the old ways.

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