A new Clinton wave is coming this spring

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.

From what I Understand the bastard has it so deeply rooted into everything in such a way that to un do it all would have been disastrous in ways most Obama freaks can't even begin to understand.

The funny part is as things start to suck for them and their health care they blame it on Trump but it's actually Obamacare....... It's expired at this point but still has many roots tying right back to it.
Republicans used budget reconciliation to pass it because they did not have the votes to repeal or replace it so they nibbled around edges and left most of the legislation in effect, healthcare exchanges, subsidies, Medicaid expansion, essential benefits, ban pre-existing condition qualification, prohibition of annual and lifetime limits on policies, etc..
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.

From what I Understand the bastard has it so deeply rooted into everything in such a way that to un do it all would have been disastrous in ways most Obama freaks can't even begin to understand.

The funny part is as things start to suck for them and their health care they blame it on Trump but it's actually Obamacare....... It's expired at this point but still has many roots tying right back to it.
Republicans used budget reconciliation to pass it because they did not have the votes to repeal or replace it so they nibbled around edges and left most of the legislation in effect, healthcare exchanges, subsidies, Medicaid expansion, essential benefits, ban pre-existing condition qualification, prohibition of annual and lifetime limits on policies, etc..

Q. Why when so many of our population will and have suffered from their actions

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

by keeping idiots who think like you aware of our freedoms being lost. They woke up you didn't.
Only, MW, threaten American freedoms by insisting the President is above the law.
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

by keeping idiots who think like you aware of our freedoms being lost. They woke up you didn't.
Only, MW, threaten American freedoms by insisting the President is above the law.

MW's is too dumb to understand that the rule of law applies to all of us, the high and mighty, and the low and weak, and even fools like him. The British and French People made this clear in the Glorious and French Revolutions centuries ago, as did our founders and even later when the Revolutions of 1848 swept across Europe. As the man said, Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Trump is corrupt, and I have no doubt he believes he has absolute power. That he is wrong will be made clear to him, sooner or later, the only question to be answered is how badly he has damaged what the founders of our nation bestowed to us and our posterity.
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
You can't win by running against someone whose not in the race. Voter's always see this as a diversionary tactic. In 2016, Trump won by presenting himself as an alternative to Hillary because she was in race. Obama began his campaign in 2008 with attacks on Bush and it fell flat because voters had heard enough about Bush. The same is true today about Hillary.
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
You can't win by running against someone whose not in the race. Voter's always see this as a diversionary tactic. In 2016, Trump won by presenting himself as an alternative to Hillary because she was in race. Obama began his campaign in 2008 with attacks on Bush and it fell flat because voters had heard enough about Bush. The same is true today about Hillary.
Not really, because Hillary is an extension of the Obama administration as well as one of the spiritual leader heavy hitters of the Left. And she did garner over 60 million votes...according to some the majority of the popular vote. Therefore the Democrats will continue be stupid enough to put her in situations where she will continue to say these stupid, outlandish things and make excuses for failures of the past, in order to appeal to those same voters.

Most Americans don't see any real difference between Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Warren, etc., they know that should Democrats win the House it will be one or another of these certified nutjobs back in power again. And then we have impeachment proceedings 24/7, even more obstruction and derailing of Trump's agenda, and we'll be seeing much more of Hillay, of course. And if republicans are lucky, Hillary will run again in 2020. :lmao:
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

You think about Hillary every day and you wonder why she won't go away?

Hillary and Obama own head space in the far right mind, and they are not running this fall. How funny!
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A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

Time will tell.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

As horrifying as it is to be constantly confronted with the Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, I think it's GREAT that they continue to expose themselves. It reminds Normal People of how sleazy the Dems are and why they must be defeated.

Yes I suppose you do have a point there.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

"In the first electoral season since the stunning loss that extinguished her years-long drive for the presidency, Clinton, 70, has begun a discreet and low-profile reentry into the political fray.

"Her emerging 2018 strategy, according to more than a dozen friends and advisers familiar with her plans, is to leverage the star power she retains in some Democratic circles on behalf of select candidates while remaining sufficiently below the radar to avoid becoming a useful target for Republicans seeking to rile up their base."

Hillary Clinton, a favorite GOP foil, plans discreet 2018 strategy
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

"In the first electoral season since the stunning loss that extinguished her years-long drive for the presidency, Clinton, 70, has begun a discreet and low-profile reentry into the political fray.

"Her emerging 2018 strategy, according to more than a dozen friends and advisers familiar with her plans, is to leverage the star power she retains in some Democratic circles on behalf of select candidates while remaining sufficiently below the radar to avoid becoming a useful target for Republicans seeking to rile up their base."

Hillary Clinton, a favorite GOP foil, plans discreet 2018 strategy
Oh dear, let us pray she runs and wins the nomination!
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

"In the first electoral season since the stunning loss that extinguished her years-long drive for the presidency, Clinton, 70, has begun a discreet and low-profile reentry into the political fray.

"Her emerging 2018 strategy, according to more than a dozen friends and advisers familiar with her plans, is to leverage the star power she retains in some Democratic circles on behalf of select candidates while remaining sufficiently below the radar to avoid becoming a useful target for Republicans seeking to rile up their base."

Hillary Clinton, a favorite GOP foil, plans discreet 2018 strategy
Oh dear, let us pray she runs and wins the nomination!
Publicly, the Clinton Machine is denying any 2020 ambitions for Hillary:

Hillary Clinton, a favorite GOP foil, plans discreet 2018 strategy

"A Clinton 2020 campaign has been ruled out, although Trump continues to tweet excitedly about the prospect and mentioned her during a January news conference with the prime minister of Norway.

"'No, no, no, no,' one former Clinton adviser said when asked whether Clinton has privately floated the idea.

"There already are signs that Republicans will seek to draw Clinton into the 2018 debate."

I suspect she will be there at the convention if her party "needs" her.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

They can't go away.

A money addiction is a terrible thing.
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
You can't win by running against someone whose not in the race. Voter's always see this as a diversionary tactic. In 2016, Trump won by presenting himself as an alternative to Hillary because she was in race. Obama began his campaign in 2008 with attacks on Bush and it fell flat because voters had heard enough about Bush. The same is true today about Hillary.
Not really, because Hillary is an extension of the Obama administration as well as one of the spiritual leader heavy hitters of the Left. And she did garner over 60 million votes...according to some the majority of the popular vote. Therefore the Democrats will continue be stupid enough to put her in situations where she will continue to say these stupid, outlandish things and make excuses for failures of the past, in order to appeal to those same voters.

Most Americans don't see any real difference between Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Warren, etc., they know that should Democrats win the House it will be one or another of these certified nutjobs back in power again. And then we have impeachment proceedings 24/7, even more obstruction and derailing of Trump's agenda, and we'll be seeing much more of Hillay, of course. And if republicans are lucky, Hillary will run again in 2020. :lmao:
Hillary is not that popular as a candidate among democrats particularly younger voters. Only 30 percent of voters reported having either a very or somewhat positive feeling about Clinton as a presidential candidate. Like Jimmy Carter, the Clintons are popular and good fund raisers, but not as a candidate. The Washington Post ranked the top 15 democratic hopefuls for 2020 and didn't even mention Hillary. The only people I know that are beating the drum for Hillary in 2020 are Trump supporters.
Analysis | The top 15 Democratic presidential hopefuls for 2020, ranked

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