A new Clinton wave is coming this spring

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.
The Clinton’s are hate... personified
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
You can't win by running against someone whose not in the race. Voter's always see this as a diversionary tactic. In 2016, Trump won by presenting himself as an alternative to Hillary because she was in race. Obama began his campaign in 2008 with attacks on Bush and it fell flat because voters had heard enough about Bush. The same is true today about Hillary.
Not really, because Hillary is an extension of the Obama administration as well as one of the spiritual leader heavy hitters of the Left. And she did garner over 60 million votes...according to some the majority of the popular vote. Therefore the Democrats will continue be stupid enough to put her in situations where she will continue to say these stupid, outlandish things and make excuses for failures of the past, in order to appeal to those same voters.

Most Americans don't see any real difference between Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Warren, etc., they know that should Democrats win the House it will be one or another of these certified nutjobs back in power again. And then we have impeachment proceedings 24/7, even more obstruction and derailing of Trump's agenda, and we'll be seeing much more of Hillay, of course. And if republicans are lucky, Hillary will run again in 2020. :lmao:
Hillary is not that popular as a candidate among democrats particularly younger voters. Only 30 percent of voters reported having either a very or somewhat positive feeling about Clinton as a presidential candidate. Like Jimmy Carter, the Clintons are popular and good fund raisers, but not as a candidate. The Washington Post ranked the top 15 democratic hopefuls for 2020 and didn't even mention Hillary. The only people I know that are beating the drum for Hillary in 2020 are Trump supporters.
Analysis | The top 15 Democratic presidential hopefuls for 2020, ranked
Only because the loopy kunt is such an easy target, There is no decency to her
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.
The mandate made it impossible for decent healthcare, because insurance is not healthcare you dumbass motherfucker
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.

From what I Understand the bastard has it so deeply rooted into everything in such a way that to un do it all would have been disastrous in ways most Obama freaks can't even begin to understand.

The funny part is as things start to suck for them and their health care they blame it on Trump but it's actually Obamacare....... It's expired at this point but still has many roots tying right back to it.

The Affordable Care Act doesn’t ever “expire”. That you think it does or it should, displays complete ignorance of the law and how it’s intended to work.

The ACA was a structural reorganization of the health care insurance markets and the funding of Medicare and Medicaid. It was intended to be revenue neutral, and to cut the rapid growth of health care costs. It was very successful on all scores and had substantially reduced increases in health care costs while increasing access to health care.

Prior to the 2012 elections Republicans were saying that unless they could stop the ACA before its main provisions took effect in 2013, the country was stuck with the new system. That the systemic changes to the health care system would be permanent.
You don’t understand America, the problem with Obamacare is people that cannot afford to pay for other people shit were forced into paying for that horse shit.
Socialism is and always will be a dead end...

Quit trying to force other people into your shit…
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.

From what I Understand the bastard has it so deeply rooted into everything in such a way that to un do it all would have been disastrous in ways most Obama freaks can't even begin to understand.

The funny part is as things start to suck for them and their health care they blame it on Trump but it's actually Obamacare....... It's expired at this point but still has many roots tying right back to it.

The Affordable Care Act doesn’t ever “expire”. That you think it does or it should, displays complete ignorance of the law and how it’s intended to work.

The ACA was a structural reorganization of the health care insurance markets and the funding of Medicare and Medicaid. It was intended to be revenue neutral, and to cut the rapid growth of health care costs. It was very successful on all scores and had substantially reduced increases in health care costs while increasing access to health care.

Prior to the 2012 elections Republicans were saying that unless they could stop the ACA before its main provisions took effect in 2013, the country was stuck with the new system. That the systemic changes to the health care system would be permanent.
You don’t understand America, the problem with Obamacare is people that cannot afford to pay for other people shit were forced into paying for that horse shit.
Socialism is and always will be a dead end...

Quit trying to force other people into your shit…
You don't understand insurance. Those that are healthy pay for the sick. You must have healthy people in the insurance pool, or insurance doesn't work. The GOP removed the mandate so the most healthy would drop their insurance forcing premiums up, reducing the number of subscribers, and ultimately the failure of Obamacare. At least that's what they hope will happen.

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
In 2018, the GOP will be running against Hillary even thou she is not on the ballot. Why? Simple because it worked in 2016. Republicans hope that will distract voters from looking at how little the republican congress has accomplished.

Practically every republican in congress promised to repeal Obamacare. Even thou republicans controlled congress and the white house, the best they could do is removed the mandate, leaving 99% of all Obamacare in place, an action that will just drive up premiums. However, they did past a tax cut. Unfortunately, most Americans opposed it. And to top it off, they are being led by the most unpopular president ever, who has the uncanny ability to offend just about everyone. Come to think of it, attacking Hillary is is probably a good move, since it's all they got.

From what I Understand the bastard has it so deeply rooted into everything in such a way that to un do it all would have been disastrous in ways most Obama freaks can't even begin to understand.

The funny part is as things start to suck for them and their health care they blame it on Trump but it's actually Obamacare....... It's expired at this point but still has many roots tying right back to it.

The Affordable Care Act doesn’t ever “expire”. That you think it does or it should, displays complete ignorance of the law and how it’s intended to work.

The ACA was a structural reorganization of the health care insurance markets and the funding of Medicare and Medicaid. It was intended to be revenue neutral, and to cut the rapid growth of health care costs. It was very successful on all scores and had substantially reduced increases in health care costs while increasing access to health care.

Prior to the 2012 elections Republicans were saying that unless they could stop the ACA before its main provisions took effect in 2013, the country was stuck with the new system. That the systemic changes to the health care system would be permanent.
You don’t understand America, the problem with Obamacare is people that cannot afford to pay for other people shit were forced into paying for that horse shit.
Socialism is and always will be a dead end...

Quit trying to force other people into your shit…
You don't understand insurance. Those that are healthy pay for the sick. You must have healthy people in the insurance pool, or insurance doesn't work. The GOP removed the mandate so the most healthy would drop their insurance forcing premiums up, reducing the number of subscribers, and ultimately the failure of Obamacare. At least that's what they hope will happen.

I understand socialism and insurance. I have the sniffles. Spot me a fitty, willya.
If only they would hang this crooked bitch.......

Rod Rosenstein isn’t the only federal payroll patriot who might soon be facing impeachment. Manhattan-based Federal Court Judge Kimba Wood is one of many on a long list of judges whose official government email addresses were recently found in the correspondence of Hillary Clinton's former 2016 campaign manager, John Podesta. Podesta's emails, which were published during the campaign, can be searched on the WikiLeaks website here and the specific document of listing Wood and other judges can be found here.

This new discovery adds to the recent troubles that Judge Wood has been facing since her controversial decision during an April 16th hearing to order long time Trump attorney Michael Cohen to publicly disclose the identities of his clients, who included Fox News host Sean Hannity. For example, at the time of publication, an online petition has amassed over 3,659 signatures urging House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to begin impeachment proceedings against Judge Wood for breaching the attorney-client confidentiality of Cohen's clientele in open court as well as for Wood's alleged failure to obey 28 U.S.C. § 455(a), which is the federal law requiring all federal judges to “disqualify [themselves] in any proceeding in which [their] impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

At the time of publication, that petition has also collected over 1,607 public comments like those quoted throughout this article and new signatures and comments are still being accepted on that petition here.

“Wood's relationships and history with George Soros and Hillary Clinton impair her ability to adjudicate Trump related matters with impartiality. Since she didn't recuse herself, she should be impeached.” – Anonymous

As previously reported by FreeMartyG here, Judge Wood was already facing criticism for presiding over the ....................

Clinton Campaign Email Lists Judge Who Made Trump’s Lawyer Name Hannity

The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!
You can't win by running against someone whose not in the race. Voter's always see this as a diversionary tactic. In 2016, Trump won by presenting himself as an alternative to Hillary because she was in race. Obama began his campaign in 2008 with attacks on Bush and it fell flat because voters had heard enough about Bush. The same is true today about Hillary.
Not really, because Hillary is an extension of the Obama administration as well as one of the spiritual leader heavy hitters of the Left. And she did garner over 60 million votes...according to some the majority of the popular vote. Therefore the Democrats will continue be stupid enough to put her in situations where she will continue to say these stupid, outlandish things and make excuses for failures of the past, in order to appeal to those same voters.

Most Americans don't see any real difference between Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Warren, etc., they know that should Democrats win the House it will be one or another of these certified nutjobs back in power again. And then we have impeachment proceedings 24/7, even more obstruction and derailing of Trump's agenda, and we'll be seeing much more of Hillay, of course. And if republicans are lucky, Hillary will run again in 2020. :lmao:
Hillary is not that popular as a candidate among democrats particularly younger voters. Only 30 percent of voters reported having either a very or somewhat positive feeling about Clinton as a presidential candidate. Like Jimmy Carter, the Clintons are popular and good fund raisers, but not as a candidate. The Washington Post ranked the top 15 democratic hopefuls for 2020 and didn't even mention Hillary. The only people I know that are beating the drum for Hillary in 2020 are Trump supporters.
Analysis | The top 15 Democratic presidential hopefuls for 2020, ranked
Jimmy Carter...a good fund raiser? Jimmy Carter is the leper of the Democratic Party, and nobody even wants to be photographed sitting next to him at conventions, well not really...maybe Michael Moore.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.
The Clinton’s are hate... personified
The Clintons personify elitistism, greed, moral depravity, and corruption at the highest levels. Although I think Bill the pervert has more compassion towards others than Hillary, who was probably the most unlikeable distrusted candidate the Democrats have ever put forward.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

The gift that keeps on giving.


She still doesn't get it.

We don't want to elect someone "seeking power."

We want to elect someone willing and able to shoulder the burden of leadership. We've seen what she did "without power", imagine what she would do with it. Our electorate can smell entitlement from a mile away and always votes against it. We don’t owe to this entitlement c**t anything.
The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Hillary to keep making appearances and stating her opinions!

She belongs to prison, but I'm actually glad she's not in prison yet. I'm glad Trump waited. This bitch is a fucking albatross around the necks of the left, a huge embarrassment and a constant reminder of their failure.

A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

They can't go away.

A money addiction is a terrible thing.

Money will run out. Her "world tour" is nothing more than a flimsy cover to try to keep collecting personal donations from world leaders and jewish pedophiles that have been using her foundation to pay her for access. (ie. everything the liberal accuses Trump of they are guilty of, every time. Basic Alinsky.) Her value has dropped dramatically since losing the election, however, she no longer has anything to bargain with.

She will fall soon enough. Those in charge of her campaign and DNC no longer need her. Her and her husband's protections from the legal system are no longer worth keeping up. Once she is accepted as a bitter and senile old woman making up stories to blame everyone else, she'll be cut off; any of her "dirt" against her masters will then be easily hand waved away as more lies and drunken revenge rage stories against those that spited her.
I say welcome both Clinton assholes back with open arms. Half their party is sick to death of them so it'll be a nice distraction while they fight it out for control. Meanwhile, dims have 25 Senate seats in play as the leadership factions circle jerk their time away.

We couldn't plan it any better.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

What have the Clinton's done to make you proud of them? That's baffling.

Being they have stayed together for more years than has Trump with his three wives, while living under a microscope of attacks by right wing haters and bible thumping hypocrites. They have raised a child who inherited the class of her parents even when the asshole Limbaugh mocked her preadolescence appearance, and stood tall under an onslaught of attacks by self righteous and judgmental hypocrites (like you!)..

I'm not proud of anyone, and if you knew the definition of proud you would not have phrased your question to me using an inappropriate word. I respect them, for their endurance and for their efforts to aid each and every citizen without regard to their creed, color or ethnicity.

Stayed together? What are you smoking? They haven't been "Together" since that nerd of theirs was born, and I even question that!!
Stayed together? What are you smoking? They haven't been "Together" since that nerd of theirs was born, and I even question that!!
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.

What have you ever done to make others proud to know you? IMO, you're a disgusting dirt bag whose sole purpose of existence is to promulgate hate.

What have the Clinton's done to make you proud of them? That's baffling.

Being they have stayed together for more years than has Trump with his three wives, while living under a microscope of attacks by right wing haters and bible thumping hypocrites. They have raised a child who inherited the class of her parents even when the asshole Limbaugh mocked her preadolescence appearance, and stood tall under an onslaught of attacks by self righteous and judgmental hypocrites (like you!)..

I'm not proud of anyone, and if you knew the definition of proud you would not have phrased your question to me using an inappropriate word. I respect them, for their endurance and for their efforts to aid each and every citizen without regard to their creed, color or ethnicity.

Stayed together? What are you smoking? They haven't been "Together" since that nerd of theirs was born, and I even question that!!

You couldn't even be admitted to Stanford to clean its toilets and sewer lines.
A new Clinton wave is coming this spring
The Clinton family has made sporadic and often subdued appearances in the 18 months (538 days) since Hillary Clinton lost her presidential election. But we're about to see a lot more of them this spring.

Oh why won't these trailer trash losers just go away , stay away and go enjoy their grand kid in stead of being obsessed with population control.
Funny, someone would call the Clinton's trash. If they are Trash, what are the Trumps?

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