A Party Built On Power And Not Principles

Is this a joke? The republican party doesn't believe int he constitution and is all about "power" and control. The party is all about forcing religious filth down peoples throats and turning us into the new islamic state.

It is all about getting into your bed
It is all about controlling your life
It is all about stabbing our friends and allies in the back
It is all about the elites at the very top and to hell with the little guy

The republican party is sickening.
.....may just be losing that power.

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

3. Recently the a Democrat judge revealed their her disinterest in equality.

"Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

4. And we may see the result of these revelations in the upcoming election, where the Democrats may not be able to count on their usual constituencies.

“Asian-Americans for Equal Opportunity
A thriving minority group breaks with the progressive consensus on race.” Asian-Americans for Equal Opportunity

The lies don’t seem to be going over as well any longer.
We learned that from the first Republican President:
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

a party built on power and not principles.....

the republican party.


end of discussion.

I win.

Cons have principles ! They do anything to protect their big biz masters .

So you could find no way to deny anything in the posts.


You may go back under the bridge now.

Why bother. It’s always cut n paste nonsense You Russian bot.

You Liberal dopes are sooooooo transparent.

You need to vent your evil when you find truth, and when you can't find a single mistake or error.....you simply mark the thread as other lower life forms mark trees they pass by.

Effectively you've admitted that, as always, my posts are 100% true, accurate and correct.

Don't hesitate to mark.....er, post again.
Your posts are for the most part false half truths tied to lies to produce contretemps any sane mind from believing.
Is this a joke? The republican party doesn't believe int he constitution and is all about "power" and control. The party is all about forcing religious filth down peoples throats and turning us into the new islamic state.

It is all about getting into your bed
It is all about controlling your life
It is all about stabbing our friends and allies in the back
It is all about the elites at the very top and to hell with the little guy

The republican party is sickening.

So you're a government school grad????

Did you hear about that new Gutenberg thing, 'books'????

Drop back when you learn to use 'em.
The power-first party, the Democrats, are revealing what the other side has always known....

...now Asian-Americans and Jewish folks are reacting.

Who else?


"The Rise of Young Black Conservatives

"We live in a broken culture. Where the conservative movement is making gains really quick and where the left is really struggling right now is that we are offering remedies for a broken culture."

Some 400 young blacks recently gathered in D.C., where they heard criticism of Democrats, liberals and the left. Speakers such as former Turning Point Communications Director Candace Owens, now a podcast host for Prager University, questioned blacks' overwhelming allegiance to the Democratic Party, arguing that the party pushes the narrative of systemic, structural and institutional racism for power and votes. After I spoke, young person after young person came up to me and said things like, "You introduced me to economics professors Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams," and, "because of you and your books and videos, I began to question the horrible things I was taught about the 'racist' Republican Party."

...black liberal Harvard sociology professor Orlando Patterson, who 28 years ago wrote: "The sociological truths are that America, while still flawed in its race relations ... is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all those of Africa."
The Rise of Young Black Conservatives

"Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind..."
.....may just be losing that power.

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

3. Recently the a Democrat judge revealed their her disinterest in equality.

"Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional
The ruling came just shy of a year after the judge heard three weeks of trial testimony in Boston. Harvard’s admissions dean and other witnesses defended the university against a lawsuit alleging the school imposed a penalty on Asian-American applicants by holding them to a higher standard than applicants of other races.

The lawsuit, filed in 2014 by a nonprofit group called Students for Fair Admissions, accused the university of engaging in “racial balancing” and limiting the number of Asian-American applicants who are admitted. The group is led by conservative legal activist Edward Blum, who spearheaded a similar lawsuit against University of Texas-Austin that reached the Supreme Court. It also has a case pending against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
Judge Rules Harvard's Race-Conscious Admissions Policy Constitutional

4. And we may see the result of these revelations in the upcoming election, where the Democrats may not be able to count on their usual constituencies.

“Asian-Americans for Equal Opportunity
A thriving minority group breaks with the progressive consensus on race.” Asian-Americans for Equal Opportunity

The lies don’t seem to be going over as well any longer.
We learned that from the first Republican President:
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

"Washington State Defeats Affirmative Action Proposal
Democratic stronghold rejects progressive plan even as national Dems move left

Washington state voters rejected a referendum to permit affirmative action in hiring decisions, election officials confirmed Tuesday evening.

Officials announced after a week of counting that Referendum 88, which would have allowed the state government to use minority status as a factor in public education, hiring, and other public acts...

The defeat of Referendum 88 in a state otherwise dominated by Democrats may serve as a warning to national candidates, even as 2020 contenders race to the left on everything from "more-inclusive" language to reparations for slavery.

...surprising given Washington state's status as a liberal stronghold."
Washington State Defeats Affirmative Action Proposal

Could this presage a return to American values?????

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