A Pennsylvania man clinging to his guns

I am friends with a well known very senior MLB umpire.

He is a very avid gun owner. He even has a rifle range on his property.
I am friends with a well known very senior MLB umpire.

He is a very avid gun owner. He even has a rifle range on his property.
He`ll be fine unless he tweets something stupid like this a-hole did. There`s nothing wrong with being an avid gun owner and having a rifle range on his property. MLB doesn`t care about the guns but calling for violence will likely end this umpire`s career.
This may be a career ender for this idiot umpire.
MLB looking into longtime umpire Drake's tweet

I'm sick and tired of hearing about how this or that person, a baseball coach, a cop, a school teacher, etc., etc., are all in hot water or being fired for some OPINION they gave in their off time that has nothing to do with their job that their employer has no need nor business even reading or being concerned over. I'm calling BULLSHIT.
I am friends with a well known very senior MLB umpire.

He is a very avid gun owner. He even has a rifle range on his property.
He`ll be fine unless he tweets something stupid like this a-hole did. There`s nothing wrong with being an avid gun owner and having a rifle range on his property. MLB doesn`t care about the guns but calling for violence will likely end this umpire`s career.

So much for Freedom of Speech
This may be a career ender for this idiot umpire.
MLB looking into longtime umpire Drake's tweet

What happened to FREE SPEECH moron?

Let's look at what he said.....
Drake tweeted late Tuesday that he planned to buy an AR-15 rifle "because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!!! #MAGA2020,"

Buying an AR 15 is NOT ILLEGAL.
And he didn't say HE would start a Civil war....he said you will have another Civil war on your hands. OPINION......FREE SPEECH.
Typical assclown liberal calling people idiot for FREE SPEECH if it doesn't agree with their agendas

Meanwhile, the Left can DIRECTLY call on people to harass and attack right wingers and it happens. No problem there.

C'mon Patriots......Is there ANY line you won't allow to be crossed or will you roll over and just let them gut you without any protest?
I'm sick and tired of hearing about how this or that person, a baseball coach, a cop, a school teacher, etc., etc., are all in hot water or being fired for some OPINION they gave in their off time that has nothing to do with their job that their employer has no need nor business even reading or being concerned over. I'm calling BULLSHIT.

The collective Right is on it's knees BEGGING to be the Left's limp wristed bitches. WTF happened to people? Did they put Fairy dust in the water?
I am friends with a well known very senior MLB umpire.

He is a very avid gun owner. He even has a rifle range on his property.
He`ll be fine unless he tweets something stupid like this a-hole did. There`s nothing wrong with being an avid gun owner and having a rifle range on his property. MLB doesn`t care about the guns but calling for violence will likely end this umpire`s career.

He didn't tweet anything calling for violence.

He said he was going to buy a very popular rife and have it ready if it is needed.

The assclowns are the ones that got butthurt over what he said.
This may be a career ender for this idiot umpire.
MLB looking into longtime umpire Drake's tweet

His Tweet said there was going to be a civil war. He didn't say he was going to attack any one or even be part of this civil war. It was a silly tweet, but leave it to LIBERALS to be intolerant. You guys seem to want to fire people everywhere, end careers and destroy lives everywhere from something someone says or tweets. Why is this so common with you people now? what happened to the days where people could simply be criticized for saying something? or in work places give a reprimand? there is no first amendment with you people. There is no conversation back and forth, its just destroy and intolerance.
Well folks.....you realize that there are people who enthusiastically endorse a 1984 world. For them, I highly suggest they consider disposing of their waffle ball bat home defense systems and nurf gun arsenals because they are most definitely going to be the first ones to be losing all their shit!!!!:113::113:
This IS the Left.

If it doesn't fit their agenda, they demonize, vilify and condemn. Tolerance is unacceptable to them. Compromise is not an option.

What's worse, the Right takes it lying down even though the Left says WE are the agitators and cause of the problem.

Who's more insane?
We can avoid any violence.

Just divide the damn country and keep the Progressive bastards on the OTHER side of the wall....and make it BIG.

There will be little violence on the Conservative side. But a war zone on the other side.
After a few years, the Left will have thinned itself out according to Darwin. Then the wall can come down and America can resume.
This may be a career ender for this idiot umpire.
MLB looking into longtime umpire Drake's tweet

His Tweet said there was going to be a civil war. He didn't say he was going to attack any one or even be part of this civil war. It was a silly tweet, but leave it to LIBERALS to be intolerant. You guys seem to want to fire people everywhere, end careers and destroy lives everywhere from something someone says or tweets. Why is this so common with you people now? what happened to the days where people could simply be criticized for saying something? or in work places give a reprimand? there is no first amendment with you people. There is no conversation back and forth, its just destroy and intolerance.
I wouldn`t fire him but MLB is a really big and visible business that doesn`t need a distraction like this. It has nothing to do with intolerance. Why are you people such snowflakes these days? Ah,,,never mind, we know. These are depressing times in Trumpville.
Democrats whined for fifty years about the era they called McCarthyism. The allegations were that a republican senator established a black list that stripped (communist) Americans of their jobs but it never happened. The government had no power to strip Americans of their jobs.The private sector (mostly Hollywood) established the black list because they thought they would lose money by employing communists. The issue has reversed today and it seems that liberals are more in favor of black lists than McCarthy ever was.The umpire in question is obviously no threat to society but the modern McCarthyism would black list him because his internet opinion doesn't correspond with the liberal version of society. Meanwhile the Hollywood elite continue to threaten the President of the United States with everything from assault to murder.

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