A poll for a national and local IQ test for elected and nonelected leaders.

Would you support a petition for a national and local IQ test for America's leaders, and educators?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
Our IQ was lowered by Big Oil, DuPont & GM's plot to ban alternative energy. They mixed lead into gasoline & paint polluting our air, soil, water, food, homes & people.

Alternative energy is magnitudes more dangerous to the environment than conventional energy. I agree that companies like monsanto and mgos are very bad for the environment and health.
The political Left (led by Teachers' unions) does not believe in IQ tests, largely because they score so badly on them.

They also abhor the fact that IQ explains much of that dreadful commodity, "INEQUALITY," and it could easily explain the various "gaps" between so-called "white" people and those of us with black African ancestry. I speak of course of income gap, academic gap, wealth gap, and the dearth of such people in fields such as Actuary, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and so on.

The problem with measuring (and publishing) IQ scores is PREJUDICE. If you know that some "leader" has an IQ of, say 100, then you tend to give less credence to his ideas, thoughts, and opinion, even though they could be valuable. Better not to know.

And as for the lurking Presence behind the question - The President of the United States - he was NEVER very bright, as anyone who ever heard him blathering on in the Senate clearly understood. One must always remind oneself that Joe Biden DID NOT win the last Presidential election. "Not Donald Trump" won the election and Biden was simply in that position and took advantage of it by not campaigning -which would have reminded people of what a Dunce he was/is.

I normally wouldn't agree with you but you are pretty well spot on on this one. The election ended up being which one has the lowest IQ and both are losers. I said it over 2 years ago, all the Dems needed to do is present a Ham Sandwich to win. I had no idea they would actually present a real ham sandwich. Biden didn't win the Election, Rump threw it away over and over again.
Bullshit! Standard Oil Rockefeller paid & pushed the US government to ban ethanol with prohibition laws. Without ethanol, gasoline would knock in engines unless lead was added.
I'm talking about now relative to gasoline and your overly enthusiastic attitude toward alternatives! Alternatives are not the panacea you seem to think they are.
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Our IQ was lowered by Big Oil, DuPont & GM's plot to ban alternative energy. They mixed lead into gasoline & paint polluting our air, soil, water, food, homes & people.

If you ask me the low IQ people are those that think man can control the climate which means we also control hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires and tornadoes. Or those that believe that disarming law abiding citizens will make criminals give up their guns, and nobody will ever use one again.
As you may have noticed, the national IQ in the United States appears to be plummeting especially among politicians, law makers, news organizations, college administrators, and medical experts. During a worldwide pandemic, Millions of undocumented people are being encouraged to flood the country right in front of those who depend on these people to protect them from threats that could kill them and their families. Obviously, there is a drop in cognitive reasoning in America among its leaders.

In addition, while America's borders are wide open, Congress appears to be pressing for aggression against a nuclear-armed enemy claiming that it is violating the borders of an irrelevant, corrupt country in Eastern Europe.

Would anyone support a petition requiring all political leaders, Judges, medical experts, college faculty, and legislators local and national, to take a standard IQ test administered by qualified psychiatric non-political organizations and publish the results? The outcome might explain the dire circumstances the country is in.

First of all our Constitution has the qualifications for federal office. Any change would require a constitutional amendment so there is that. Secondly, if we look back in time, it's the people with the higher IQ that caused the most problems. They have degrees from Princeton, Harvard, but not a lick of common sense.

Look at AOC. What kind of IQ must you have to get into a college like Boston University? Yet if she were not a known name and you spoke with her personally, you'd think she dropped out of school in the tenth grade. The woman has an economics degree and thought that Amazon getting a tax break meant NYC paying them money to move there. She said we had ten years left to our existence on this planet due to global warming; that we can replace airplanes with train tracks and use their flight patterns. She didn't even know what a garbage disposal was. This is a prime example of high IQ.

I don't know what the IQ of Donald Trump is, but he's been the best President we've had in decades. He ushered in the best economy we had in a half-decade. His decisions and policies were not only pragmatic, but produced positive results. Yes he went to college for business, but a far cry from a law, economics or political degree granted by an ivy league college.
Our IQ was lowered by Big Oil, DuPont & GM's plot to ban alternative energy. They mixed lead into gasoline & paint polluting our air, soil, water, food, homes & people.
Right, public education shoving PC issues like CRT and the gender crap down the throats of kids who can't even read and drugs pouring across the border with half the country on illicit drugs had nothing to do with it.
The point of the idea is to expose low IQ's. A test is a test, and it would hopefully prevent frauds that used parental connections to get college degrees from dominating politics.
The point of the idea is to expose low IQ's. A test is a test, and it would hopefully prevent frauds that used parental connections to get college degrees from dominating politics.

A person with a high IQ is useless unless they have logic, which many with a high IQ don't possess. That's why they register as Democrats. All brains but with no way to use them. I would sooner see a representative with a low IQ but lots of common sense over a person with a higher IQ and zero common sense. Our country would be in much better hands with a person with a lot of logic. Therefore an IQ test would be useless.
A person with a high IQ is useless unless they have logic, which many with a high IQ don't possess. That's why they register as Democrats. All brains but with no way to use them. I would sooner see a representative with a low IQ but lots of common sense over a person with a higher IQ and zero common sense. Our country would be in much better hands with a person with a lot of logic. Therefore an IQ test would be useless.
Add to that fact that I have a sneaking suspicion that everyone that Progressives don't like will have a lower IQ after testing than usual.

Why? Because they basically run everything now with zero accountability.
The biggest mystery in politics, to me, is the number of people with high-class degrees who are obvious idiots.

It leads me to be cynical; they are not stupid, they are evil.
The biggest mystery in politics, to me, is the number of people with high-class degrees who are obvious idiots.

It leads me to be cynical; they are not stupid, they are evil.
Stupid people are as much a threat to us as chimps in the jungle.

You are right, the ones destroying the world and our lives are very smart indeed.
The biggest mystery in politics, to me, is the number of people with high-class degrees who are obvious idiots.

It leads me to be cynical; they are not stupid, they are evil.

Those geniuses who get degrees where there is no demand for their education?
Add to that fact that I have a sneaking suspicion that everyone that Progressives don't like will have a lower IQ after testing than usual.

Why? Because they basically run everything now with zero accountability.

Funny since it's been you Rumpters that keep bringing up IQ testing. Of course, anyone that voted for Rump must have a questionable low IQ. But since you voted twice for rump, the IQ is unnecessary. You already scored well below any semblance of a bar of any kind.
As you may have noticed, the national IQ in the United States appears to be plummeting especially among politicians, law makers, news organizations, college administrators, and medical experts. During a worldwide pandemic, Millions of undocumented people are being encouraged to flood the country right in front of those who depend on these people to protect them from threats that could kill them and their families. Obviously, there is a drop in cognitive reasoning in America among its leaders.

In addition, while America's borders are wide open, Congress appears to be pressing for aggression against a nuclear-armed enemy claiming that it is violating the borders of an irrelevant, corrupt country in Eastern Europe.

Would anyone support a petition requiring all political leaders, Judges, medical experts, college faculty, and legislators local and national, to take a standard IQ test administered by qualified psychiatric non-political organizations and publish the results? The outcome might explain the dire circumstances the country is in.
An IQ test is absolutely pointless.

Our politicians do exactly what their voters want them to do. If our politicians are corrupt idiots (and they are), it is because we the people are idiots.

For instance, you can't win a Republican primary unless you can provide a photo of yourself sucking Trump's cock. You can have an IQ of 200, but if you don't gobble Trump's little dick, the low-IQ voters will not vote for you.

We get the politicians we deserve.
An aunt of mine had an over two hundred IQ but not a lick of sense. She entered college at 15 even and that was when one actually had to have some intelligence to get into the colleges.

My uncle tested off the charts everything "intellectual". He couldn't keep a job, fuck he couldn't even maintain a bedroom living at his mom's house forever, you would not believe what was in there.
Funny since it's been you Rumpters that keep bringing up IQ testing. Of course, anyone that voted for Rump must have a questionable low IQ. But since you voted twice for rump, the IQ is unnecessary. You already scored well below any semblance of a bar of any kind.

Yeah we already know that. The people with the low IQ's voted for a guy that gave us the lowest unemployment rates for women and every minority group since records were kept, the best economy in 50 years, a secured border and reasonable fuel prices thus making us the worlds largest energy exporter.

The high IQ people gave us a person with dementia that spent nearly his entire life in politics, that gave us a 50% increase in fuel prices, the highest inflation rate in over 35 years, a disaster at the border, totally fucked up Afghanistan, a labor shortage that led to a supply chain shortage.

Let's hope all those high IQ people forget there's an election next year.

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