A Poll: Which of these points apply to President Trump's Style of Leadership?

These activiites are those of an Authoritarian, which apply to President Trump?

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Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.
  1. They will come to power with a campaign based on fear, scaremongering and distorting the truth
  2. They will divide and rule
  3. Through convoluted laws and threats they will try to control mainstream media and limit press freedom
  4. They will create chaos, maintain a constant sense of conflict and danger
  5. They will distort the truth, deny facts and blatantly lie
  6. They will incite and then leak fake, superficial "scandals."
  7. They will propose shocking laws to provoke your outrage
  8. When invading your liberal sensibilities they will focus on what hurts the most — women and minorities
  9. They will try to take control of the judiciary
  10. They will try to limit freedom of assembly, calling it a necessity for your security
  11. They will distort the language, coin new terms and labels, repeat shocking phrases until you accept them as normal and subconsciously associate them with whom they like
  12. They will take over your national symbols, associate them with their regime, remake them into attributes of their power
  13. They will try to rewrite history to suit their needs and use the education
  14. They will alienate foreign allies and partners, convincing you that you don’t need them
  15. They will eventually manipulate the electoral system.

I'd kind of like to know who the two people are who are so unaware that they said "none". :cuckoo:
Me for one, because I know better than to fall for a bait thread. You on the other hand...
  1. They will come to power with a campaign based on fear, scaremongering and distorting the truth
  2. They will divide and rule
  3. Through convoluted laws and threats they will try to control mainstream media and limit press freedom
  4. They will create chaos, maintain a constant sense of conflict and danger
  5. They will distort the truth, deny facts and blatantly lie
  6. They will incite and then leak fake, superficial "scandals."
  7. They will propose shocking laws to provoke your outrage
  8. When invading your liberal sensibilities they will focus on what hurts the most — women and minorities
  9. They will try to take control of the judiciary
  10. They will try to limit freedom of assembly, calling it a necessity for your security
  11. They will distort the language, coin new terms and labels, repeat shocking phrases until you accept them as normal and subconsciously associate them with whom they like
  12. They will take over your national symbols, associate them with their regime, remake them into attributes of their power
  13. They will try to rewrite history to suit their needs and use the education
  14. They will alienate foreign allies and partners, convincing you that you don’t need them
  15. They will eventually manipulate the electoral system.
Sounds exactly like Hillary and Obama.

Gee muddy, and echo of other deplorables, please try one day to think for yourself.
Interesting, says the one who echoes the talking points of the far left. Do you really call that thinking for yourself? Do you?
  1. They will come to power with a campaign based on fear, scaremongering and distorting the truth
  2. They will divide and rule
  3. Through convoluted laws and threats they will try to control mainstream media and limit press freedom
  4. They will create chaos, maintain a constant sense of conflict and danger
  5. They will distort the truth, deny facts and blatantly lie
  6. They will incite and then leak fake, superficial "scandals."
  7. They will propose shocking laws to provoke your outrage
  8. When invading your liberal sensibilities they will focus on what hurts the most — women and minorities
  9. They will try to take control of the judiciary
  10. They will try to limit freedom of assembly, calling it a necessity for your security
  11. They will distort the language, coin new terms and labels, repeat shocking phrases until you accept them as normal and subconsciously associate them with whom they like
  12. They will take over your national symbols, associate them with their regime, remake them into attributes of their power
  13. They will try to rewrite history to suit their needs and use the education
  14. They will alienate foreign allies and partners, convincing you that you don’t need them
  15. They will eventually manipulate the electoral system.

Perfect description of Leftists/Progressives!

Wow, you can echo the half dozen other idiots. Nice job!
This thread is an example of how incompetent and uneducated are the defenders of Trump. Too stupid to write an expository response so they echo each others Idiot-
Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.
This thread is an example of how incompetent and uneducated are the defenders of Trump. Too stupid to write an expository response so they echo each others Idiot-

This thread is an example of how you can't deal with real challenges to your position and resort to self delusion and calls for censorship.
It is painfully honest and true that Trump has committed all of these authoritarian activities except #12.

I asked you a serous question.

Your would be leader HIllary, beat some serious panic drums, about Trump.

A. How much of that water did you carry for her?

B. And of course, that fear mongering was point 1 for her, but you will start a thread about that.

C. indeed, you are fearmongering WITH THIS THREAD, and your irrational talk of Authoritarianism.

A deflection framed by an ad hominem ^^^.

HRC lost the election, she and her stump speech are not relevant.

Trump is POTUS, and it is his behavior since January I've put under the microscope for evaluation.

How do Authoritarians feel about using Authority to ban speech they don't like?

Or is that another "Deflection"?

Good question, here is the answer:

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’

Word ban at CDC includes 'vulnerable,' 'fetus,' 'transgender' - CNN

Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.
It is painfully honest and true that Trump has committed all of these authoritarian activities except #12.

I asked you a serous question.

Your would be leader HIllary, beat some serious panic drums, about Trump.

A. How much of that water did you carry for her?

B. And of course, that fear mongering was point 1 for her, but you will start a thread about that.

C. indeed, you are fearmongering WITH THIS THREAD, and your irrational talk of Authoritarianism.

A deflection framed by an ad hominem ^^^.

HRC lost the election, she and her stump speech are not relevant.

Trump is POTUS, and it is his behavior since January I've put under the microscope for evaluation.

How do Authoritarians feel about using Authority to ban speech they don't like?

Or is that another "Deflection"?

Good question, here is the answer:

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’

Word ban at CDC includes 'vulnerable,' 'fetus,' 'transgender' - CNN


If Trump wanting to control the output of his own administration is the best example you have on his "Banning speech", then this is where you need to admit defeat, at least on this point.
Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.
Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.

Do you listen to Trump, read his tweets and watch his demeanor? Do you defend Trump and defame HRC and President Obama?

Do you know what a demagogue does? Do you know what leadership is and how leaders lead?
Trump isn't leading.

He's "herding" his minions.

A huge difference.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.

Do you listen to Trump, read his tweets and watch his demeanor? Do you defend Trump and defame HRC and President Obama?

Do you know what a demagogue does? Do you know what leadership is and how leaders lead?

And in your response to my point about how you claim that example exist, but don't actually present them,

you make vague claims about examples existing, but don't actually present any of them.

Of course you are very clear about your slander.

To be very clear. I challenge you to support your claim that Trump's words (re:"listen") support your claim that he is a demagogue,

and that Hillary was not (re: defame).

Do tell me there are examples that make your case. PRESENT them, or admit that you just made up shit and then apologize and beg my forgiveness for your actions.

Trump is devoid of leadership.

Instead Trump is a demagogue who exploits the unwarranted fears of the reactionary right – conservatives’ ignorance and conservatives’ bigotry.

YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.

Do you listen to Trump, read his tweets and watch his demeanor? Do you defend Trump and defame HRC and President Obama?

Do you know what a demagogue does? Do you know what leadership is and how leaders lead?

And in your response to my point about how you claim that example exist, but don't actually present them,

you make vague claims about examples existing, but don't actually present any of them.

Of course you are very clear about your slander.

To be very clear. I challenge you to support your claim that Trump's words (re:"listen") support your claim that he is a demagogue,

and that Hillary was not (re: defame).

Do tell me there are examples that make your case. PRESENT them, or admit that you just made up shit and then apologize and beg my forgiveness for your actions.

Trump lies, makes promises he cannot keep and flips and flops on people and issues more than a Tuna tossed on the deck.

For your viewing pleasure:

Want more:

youtube of trump flip flopping - Google Search
YOu keep saying shit like that, but never back it up with examples.

Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. Both are policies that have been dismal for generations and need to be massively changed.

That is not unwarranted fears, but sound policy debate.

That is what really offends you. That you cannot refute his positions.

You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.

Do you listen to Trump, read his tweets and watch his demeanor? Do you defend Trump and defame HRC and President Obama?

Do you know what a demagogue does? Do you know what leadership is and how leaders lead?

And in your response to my point about how you claim that example exist, but don't actually present them,

you make vague claims about examples existing, but don't actually present any of them.

Of course you are very clear about your slander.

To be very clear. I challenge you to support your claim that Trump's words (re:"listen") support your claim that he is a demagogue,

and that Hillary was not (re: defame).

Do tell me there are examples that make your case. PRESENT them, or admit that you just made up shit and then apologize and beg my forgiveness for your actions.

Trump lies, makes promises he cannot keep and flips and flops on people and issues more than a Tuna tossed on the deck.....h

Irrelevant to the point, ie your claim that he is a demagogue.

Should I assume, considering how long it took to reply, that you actually looked at what he said, perhaps for the first time,

realized that you could not support your bs claim, that he is a demagogue,

and decided to try to hide that fact with some desperate deflection.

It is time for you to admit that you cannot support your position, at all, and apologize.
You are one of the people C-C-J spoke about, and your posts - and those of the baker's dozen others like you who posted above, are proof he is correct.

I was well aware that his bullshit slander was directed at people like me.

I posted some specific examples from the real world to counter his bullshit.

YOu claim that my posts contain examples to support his bullshit, but you don't actually give any examples, you just claim that they are there, somewhere.

Your comfort with making unsupported slander proves that he is not correct, and that you should be ashamed.

Do you listen to Trump, read his tweets and watch his demeanor? Do you defend Trump and defame HRC and President Obama?

Do you know what a demagogue does? Do you know what leadership is and how leaders lead?

And in your response to my point about how you claim that example exist, but don't actually present them,

you make vague claims about examples existing, but don't actually present any of them.

Of course you are very clear about your slander.

To be very clear. I challenge you to support your claim that Trump's words (re:"listen") support your claim that he is a demagogue,

and that Hillary was not (re: defame).

Do tell me there are examples that make your case. PRESENT them, or admit that you just made up shit and then apologize and beg my forgiveness for your actions.

Trump lies, makes promises he cannot keep and flips and flops on people and issues more than a Tuna tossed on the deck.....h

Irrelevant to the point, ie your claim that he is a demagogue.

Should I assume, considering how long it took to reply, that you actually looked at what he said, perhaps for the first time,

realized that you could not support your bs claim, that he is a demagogue,

and decided to try to hide that fact with some desperate deflection.

It is time for you to admit that you cannot support your position, at all, and apologize.

The reader is respectfully requested to view the links in Post #57, proof that Trump is a flip flopper extraordinaire, and a demagogue. Those character flaws aren't what makes him unfit, incompetent and dangerous.

The evidence is very clear that he is a narcissist (suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder [Cluster B]:

The most important characteristics of NPD are grandiosity, seeking excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy (Ronningstam & Weinberg, 2013). These identifying features can result in a negative impact on an individual’s interpersonal affairs and life general. In most cases, on the exterior, these patients act with an air of right and control, dismissing others, and frequently showcasing condescending or denigrating attitudes. Nevertheless, internally, these patients battle with strong feelings of low self esteem issues and inadequacy. Even though the typical NPD patient may achieve great achievements, ultimately their functioning in society can be affected as these characteristics interfere with both personal and professional relationships. A large part of this is as result of the NPD patient being incapable of receiving disapproval or rebuff of any kind, in addition to the fact that the NPD patient typically exhibits lack of empathy and overall disrespect for others.

See: DSM-V here:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM-5 301.81 (F60.81) - Therapedia
My concern is Trump appears to be decompensating, and those around him (Pence, Kelly) are ignoring his symptoms and/or lack the courage to have him evaluated.

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