A possible compromise on Guns and Abortion?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Let's face it, the U.S. population is split on these two issues more than anyother with the possible exception of Obama-care.

I was reading the USA Today's weekend edition's article on the recall of Colorado's State Senators and the response by the gun control peopel that they were going to double down on efforts to pass more and more restrictive gun laws..

So what it boils down to is this... Half the country wants unlimited abortions and no guns and the other half wants unlimited guns and no abortions.

So why not do this...

For every restriction on one, an equal restriction is written for the other.

3 day wait period for buying a gun? 3 day waiting period to have an abortion.

Have to get a permit to carry a gun? You have to pay the same amount to the State for a permit to have an abortion.

Have to get training to carry a gun? You have to view films on abortion first.

The main difference between the two is that every time an abortion is paid for, a life is ended.. You can't say that about guns.
This post has to be in the running for the most stupid, I have nothing better to do with my time than post stupid shit on a message board, post of the day.

But, I am sure one of you nutters will out do it.
Yeah, the Democrats would agree to it but this is what would happen. They would first pass the restrictions on guns with the support of Republicans, but then they would refuse to honor their commitment to do the same with abortion. In short, they can't be trusted, they have a long history of welshing on deals.
Scew that. No retreat. I will not compromise with filth who attempt to pass themselves off as Americans. But that's just me. Carry on.
Yeah, the Democrats would agree to it but this is what would happen. They would first pass the restrictions on guns with the support of Republicans, but then they would refuse to honor their commitment to do the same with abortion. In short, they can't be trusted, they have a long history of welshing on deals.

Perhaps I should have been more clear, any bill that had restictions on one had to include a comparable restriction on the other.

That's the secret fun to the whole thing...

Since neither side would allow any restrictions, none would ever pass..
Let's face it, the U.S. population is split on these two issues more than anyother with the possible exception of Obama-care.

I was reading the USA Today's weekend edition's article on the recall of Colorado's State Senators and the response by the gun control peopel that they were going to double down on efforts to pass more and more restrictive gun laws..

So what it boils down to is this... Half the country wants unlimited abortions and no guns and the other half wants unlimited guns and no abortions.

So why not do this...

For every restriction on one, an equal restriction is written for the other.

3 day wait period for buying a gun? 3 day waiting period to have an abortion.

Have to get a permit to carry a gun? You have to pay the same amount to the State for a permit to have an abortion.

Have to get training to carry a gun? You have to view films on abortion first.

The main difference between the two is that every time an abortion is paid for, a life is ended.. You can't say that about guns.

How about no restrictions on abortion, but the gun nutters can skeet shoot all the aborted fetuses.
Let's face it, the U.S. population is split on these two issues more than anyother with the possible exception of Obama-care.

I was reading the USA Today's weekend edition's article on the recall of Colorado's State Senators and the response by the gun control peopel that they were going to double down on efforts to pass more and more restrictive gun laws..

So what it boils down to is this... Half the country wants unlimited abortions and no guns and the other half wants unlimited guns and no abortions.

So why not do this...

For every restriction on one, an equal restriction is written for the other.

3 day wait period for buying a gun? 3 day waiting period to have an abortion.

Have to get a permit to carry a gun? You have to pay the same amount to the State for a permit to have an abortion.

Have to get training to carry a gun? You have to view films on abortion first.

The main difference between the two is that every time an abortion is paid for, a life is ended.. You can't say that about guns.

This is a dumb premise. Very few people want guns outlawed completely, but a huge number of right wing nutjobs want abortion completely illegal.
well this was a stupid OP.

How about simple back ground checks on gun buying, more up to date on what sellers have in stock, and make it harder for criminals to get guns or at least make the jail time more severe.

As for abortions. Leave people alone.
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.
well this was a stupid OP.

How about simple back ground checks on gun buying, more up to date on what sellers have in stock, and make it harder for criminals to get guns or at least make the jail time more severe.

As for abortions. Leave people alone.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you simply fail to understand?
well this was a stupid OP.

How about simple back ground checks on gun buying, more up to date on what sellers have in stock, and make it harder for criminals to get guns or at least make the jail time more severe.

As for abortions. Leave people alone.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you simply fail to understand?

there we go....your OP is a lie
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

Honestly, I believe that anyone should be able to own any firearm they can afford to own.

Notice that I said "Firearm". That doesn't include tanks, RPGs, Nukes, or any of the other stupid shit the gun grabbers always throw out there.

But it does include fully automatic firearms, .50 cal, etc.

I also believe that any only felons convicted of certain crimes of violence should lose their 2nd amendment rights. Notice I said felons. Not those who the left retro-actively caused to lose their 2nd amendment rights through the Violence against poor, defenseless, women who also say they want to be in combat roles in the military and can do anything a man does Act.

I also believe that if the Government gives back one "right" that was lost due to a conviction, that person gets back all their rights, including their 2nd amendment rights.
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

Tons do. I'd say many, if not most of the gun nutters think their should be no laws on the books at all, that anyone can acquire any weapon for any reason without any kind of background checks or anything else.
well this was a stupid OP.

How about simple back ground checks on gun buying, more up to date on what sellers have in stock, and make it harder for criminals to get guns or at least make the jail time more severe.

As for abortions. Leave people alone.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you simply fail to understand?

there we go....your OP is a lie

No, my OP is not a lie.

But your position is hypocritical.

You fully support a "found right" but refuse to fully support an enumerated right.
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

Tons do. I'd say many, if not most of the gun nutters think their should be no laws on the books at all, that anyone can acquire any weapon for any reason without any kind of background checks or anything else.

Count me as one of those..

Background checks are me having to prove that I have the right to own a weapon. That is not how it is supposed to work.

The Government has to prove that I don't have the right to own a gun first.

Too many people are refused through the background checks because of false positives. they are denied their Constituitonal protected right through no fault of their own.
What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you simply fail to understand?

there we go....your OP is a lie

No, my OP is not a lie.

But your position is hypocritical.

You fully support a "found right" but refuse to fully support an enumerated right.

my method still means you can buy a gun. Scotus already stated we can not out right ban guns but we can put up road blocks to weed out bad eggs.

Background checks , gun locks, and gun cases to not stop you from buying a gun.

Keeping an up to date record of what gun stores have in stock does not infringe on your right period.
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

Honestly, I believe that anyone should be able to own any firearm they can afford to own.

Notice that I said "Firearm". That doesn't include tanks, RPGs, Nukes, or any of the other stupid shit the gun grabbers always throw out there.

But it does include fully automatic firearms, .50 cal, etc.

I also believe that any only felons convicted of certain crimes of violence should lose their 2nd amendment rights. Notice I said felons. Not those who the left retro-actively caused to lose their 2nd amendment rights through the Violence against poor, defenseless, women who also say they want to be in combat roles in the military and can do anything a man does Act.

I also believe that if the Government gives back one "right" that was lost due to a conviction, that person gets back all their rights, including their 2nd amendment rights.

Nobody in their right mind believes that any American should be able to purchase any firearm that he can afford. The NRA would be the first to tell you that reasonable restrictions on the purchase of firearms are necessary and legitimate. People with felony convictions, persons charged with a crime, persons who are under a court restraining order, the underage, persons undergoing substance abuse programs, persons who have renounced their citizenship or publically called for the violent overthrow of the government, the insane and even some mental patients should be restricted from purchasiing firearms
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes.
On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

It's worse than that.

I hear that they want forced abortions on all white people who don't need one, irrespective of gender! :eek:
Nobody in the Country with half a brain wants "unlimited guns". It's a cliche perpetuated by the careless and the ignorant. As Colorado illustrated Americans prefer politicians who understand the 2nd Amendment and don't roll over with abusive regulations for a couple of votes. On the other hand it seems that the radical left wants nothing but unlimited and federally funded abortions.

Honestly, I believe that anyone should be able to own any firearm they can afford to own.

Notice that I said "Firearm". That doesn't include tanks, RPGs, Nukes, or any of the other stupid shit the gun grabbers always throw out there.

But it does include fully automatic firearms, .50 cal, etc.

I also believe that any only felons convicted of certain crimes of violence should lose their 2nd amendment rights. Notice I said felons. Not those who the left retro-actively caused to lose their 2nd amendment rights through the Violence against poor, defenseless, women who also say they want to be in combat roles in the military and can do anything a man does Act.

I also believe that if the Government gives back one "right" that was lost due to a conviction, that person gets back all their rights, including their 2nd amendment rights.

Nobody in their right mind believes that any American should be able to purchase any firearm that he can afford. The NRA would be the first to tell you that reasonable restrictions on the purchase of firearms are necessary and legitimate. People with felony convictions, persons charged with a crime, persons who are under a court restraining order, the underage, persons undergoing substance abuse programs, persons who have renounced their citizenship or publically called for the violent overthrow of the government, the insane and even some mental patients should be restricted from purchasiing firearms

That's exactly what the NRA and gun nutters want. Complete, limitless access to any gun they want to whoever wants one.
Let's face it, the U.S. population is split on these two issues more than anyother with the possible exception of Obama-care.

I was reading the USA Today's weekend edition's article on the recall of Colorado's State Senators and the response by the gun control peopel that they were going to double down on efforts to pass more and more restrictive gun laws..

So what it boils down to is this... Half the country wants unlimited abortions and no guns and the other half wants unlimited guns and no abortions.

So why not do this...

For every restriction on one, an equal restriction is written for the other.

3 day wait period for buying a gun? 3 day waiting period to have an abortion.

Have to get a permit to carry a gun? You have to pay the same amount to the State for a permit to have an abortion.

Have to get training to carry a gun? You have to view films on abortion first.

The main difference between the two is that every time an abortion is paid for, a life is ended.. You can't say that about guns.

typical lib... thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room and want to make rules for everyone to follow...

eta: oops... only just now got the sarcasm... my bad... I'm sometimes slow on the uptake... :)
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