A possibly overlooked fact of the "Mueller Report".....

I'm hoping Graham gets that special prosecutor he's looking for. He want a SP to look into everything Mueller didn't.

Maybe......but Graham may do that only if that SP is a male and cute???..................LMAO

He may not need to at all. The Department of Justice can do an investigation on their own and I hope they do.

Go back to bed........lol

Nah. You go back to bed cause you sure aren't awake yet.
I'm hoping Graham gets that special prosecutor he's looking for. He want a SP to look into everything Mueller didn't.

Maybe......but Graham may do that only if that SP is a male and cute???..................LMAO

He may not need to at all. The Department of Justice can do an investigation on their own and I hope they do.
DOJ Aren't they among others like the FBI that Trump doesn't Trust ? Trusts Putin more?
I know you are disappointed with the Mueller report but you really should start being less of an ass.
Pelosi need to pass a law declaring keeping Hillary out of the White House as Obstruction of Justice
Are Lefties stupid or what?


The WORK PRODUCT of the Mueller team was INDICTMENTS. Nothing more. Everything else is nothing but commentary and observations. The Mueller Report is an EXPLANATION TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL of why some indictments were brought and others were not. But if you want to know what the Mueller Team accomplished, look at the indictments. Nothing else matters.

AS A COURTESY TO CONGRESS AND THE PUBLIC, A.G. Barr sent out his letter last week, summarizing the findings of the Mueller team. It was unnecessary and gratuitous, and Congress was free to either read it, not read it, ignore it, or whatever they liked.

Barr has NO OBLIGATION to release anything else, but he has agreed to release the portions of the report that it is legal to release. The democrats in Congress, knowing this, are demanding what Barr may not legally release - an unreacted copy of Mueller's report. And of course, they want as much material underlying the report as they can get their hands on.

For the same reason as why they want to see The President's "Tax Returns." Hoping to get enough material to be able to find more things to embarrass and harass the President with.

Barr should tell them to all go fuck themselves. And if he did so, THERE ISN'T ANYTHING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT.
The dimocrats are fully aware Barr has no obligation under the law to release anything, but they also know their low info stooges don’t know shit. They hear their party slimeballs carping for release of the entire report and will thus, when only a redacted version comes out, join the lying slimeballs’ pivot to the circle jerk allegation Barr’s hiding things to protect the president.

Meanwhile, we get to sit back and enjoy another phony meltdown by the lefty crackpots who are desperate to keep the focus anywhere but on the radical socialists and other bozos pushing their ‘everything’s free’ agenda for ‘20 that’s gonna take ‘em all down in flames.
The dimocrats are fully aware Barr has no obligation under the law to release anything, but they also know their low info stooges don’t know shit. They hear their party slimeballs carping for release of the entire report and will thus, when only a redacted version comes out, join the lying slimeballs’ pivot to the circle jerk allegation Barr’s hiding things to protect the president.

Meanwhile, we get to sit back and enjoy another phony meltdown by the lefty crackpots who are desperate to keep the focus anywhere but on the radical socialists and other bozos pushing their ‘everything’s free’ agenda for ‘20 that’s gonna take ‘em all down in flames.

You're too far up Trump's ass and too full of hatred for anyone who calls the moron-in-chief a moron to make any sense......Have a long, full glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed
The dimocrats are fully aware Barr has no obligation under the law to release anything, but they also know their low info stooges don’t know shit. They hear their party slimeballs carping for release of the entire report and will thus, when only a redacted version comes out, join the lying slimeballs’ pivot to the circle jerk allegation Barr’s hiding things to protect the president.

Meanwhile, we get to sit back and enjoy another phony meltdown by the lefty crackpots who are desperate to keep the focus anywhere but on the radical socialists and other bozos pushing their ‘everything’s free’ agenda for ‘20 that’s gonna take ‘em all down in flames.

You're too far up Trump's ass and too full of hatred for anyone who calls the moron-in-chief a moron to make any sense......Have a long, full glass of orange kool-aid and go back to bed
LOL...sayeth one of the prime stooges.
Yeah lets all keep blinders on while republicans try their best to lie about Mueller Just walk on by ?
If Barr said anything that contradicted what the Mule said in his report, he would have already been out as fast as he was to refute the leak Buzzfeed got.

Got-dammit do you partisan flakes have short-term memory loss, or what?
Yeah lets all keep blinders on while republicans try their best to lie about Mueller Just walk on by ?
If Barr said anything that contradicted what the Mule said in his report, he would have already been out as fast as he was to refute the leak Buzzfeed got.

Got-dammit do you partisan flakes have short-term memory loss, or what?

Of course they do when the information they get isn't what they want to hear.

They are bat shit crazy.
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.
And so, the remainder of your post is admittedly ignorant speculation, borne of partisan bigotry.
Thanks for making that clear.
Republicans appointed a special counsel who is a Republican.
They hated Mueller & his investigation ... until they saw Barr’s Summary of the report!
Something is “rotten in the state of Denmark” in this case. LOL

Really!? Mueller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, who claims to be Republican, same with McCabe and Comey. Nevertheless, Mueller proceeded to bring in, as investigators, every Trump hating democrat he could possibly find. So yeah, something does stink in Denmark, and it appears to be Democrats.
Apparently, you have never done an objective investigation. Mueller is an expert. Have you not heard the expression “keep your enemies close” to understand their thoughts for defensive strategy? The Democrats on Mueller’s team provided valuable motivation, and if Trump was cleared from colluding with the Russians, then the Democrats on Mueller’s team were very useful.

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