A possibly overlooked fact of the "Mueller Report".....

Republicans appointed a special counsel who is a Republican.
They hated Mueller & his investigation ... until they saw Barr’s Summary of the report!
Something is “rotten in the state of Denmark” in this case. LOL

Really!? Mueller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, who claims to be Republican, same with McCabe and Comey. Nevertheless, Mueller proceeded to bring in, as investigators, every Trump hating democrat he could possibly find. So yeah, something does stink in Denmark, and it appears to be Democrats.
Murller had an excellent reputation among both Republicans and Democrats.
Mueller, as lead, chose the best investigators.
If they were Democrats, then maybe Mueller thought they would be the BEST investigators for this job. Makes sense to me.
Really!? Mueller was appointed by Rod Rosenstein, who claims to be Republican, same with McCabe and Comey.

You're "correct".....Those folks may be republican.....but they are NOT Trump cult members......So, to cultists like you, they're RINOs..............Have some more lool-aid.
Democrats are doing it as payback on one hand and to coverup their crimes on the other.

Can't help you there, Mud.......you're too far up Trump's ass to hear for whom the bell tolls.
As usual, I simply asked IF a Mueller report summary may have been handed in to Barr.....and WHY Barr chose to write his own "version" instead of releasing Mueller's.....

And all I got from Trump cultists....is the same trite....."butthurt"...etc.....

Sad, expected and funny.
Democrats are doing it as payback on one hand and to coverup their crimes on the other.

Can't help you there, Mud.......you're too far up Trump's ass to hear for whom the bell tolls.
Whatever......the fact remains....you were promised something and the Dems didn't deliver.
Yet you still trust them.
You are such a fucking tool.
Mindless shitforbrains sheeple motherfucker.
As usual, I simply asked IF a Mueller report summary may have been handed in to Barr.....and WHY Barr chose to write his own "version" instead of releasing Mueller's.....

And all I got from Trump cultists....is the same trite....."butthurt"...etc.....

Sad, expected and funny.
If it varied significantly from anything the Mule said, we would have already heard about it by now, just like we did in the wake of the Buzzfeed leak.

Once again....

First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.
This little snowflake, suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, just can’t bring herself to accept the fact that it was Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats who colluded with Russia - not President Trump. :laugh:
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First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.
This little snowflake, suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, desperately wants to imagine herself as important. She is upset and feels she could change the outcome if only she had the chance to “review” it. :lmao:
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.
Hey snowflake, explain to the class the difference between “seeing” the report and “reviewing” the report.

Both mean you saw it...you redundant asshole. :lmao:
You made the mistake of swallowing the BS being fed to you gullible sheep by the leftwing media, nat4900.
Now your ass is chapped and you can’t admit it was your own fault for being stupid.
You are such a fucking tool.
Mindless shitforbrains sheeple motherfucker.

Does the above mean you don't like me too much........LMAO

(Try a strong laxative for your "disposition")
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership......... just please address the bolded question.

You will cling to this until you hit the ground Nat. THUD! You lost, deal with it.

First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership......... just please address the bolded question.
NO COLLUSION! Suck it up!
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership......... just please address the bolded question.
That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???
Based on past investigations of Whitewater and Watergate there would have been an "Executive Summary" that had already been scrubbed of all Grand Jury or sensitive intelligence data. Barr is attempting to impose some arbitrary classifications to further censor Mueller's report. We should have seen most of Mueller's findings days ago.

Or maybe we did???
First of all, let me state that as of TODAY, there is NO Mueller Report that, besides the Mueller team and a handful of republican DOJ stooges, anyone of us have seen or reviewed.

Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

That stated, does anyone think that Mueller would have handed in his final report WITHOUT a "Summary" section after writing 300-400 pages of findings???

If Mueller indeed had a summary section, why wasn't THAT little summary handed over to those House Select Committee members who have clamored to share in Mueller's findings.

Without the usual "butthurt"...."we're tired of winning so much"...."snowflakes"...etc. comments for the Trump cult membership......... just please address the bolded question.
Yea yea yea yea what if little Red Riding Hood had used a glock 18 on the big bad wolf or if we had pictures of monica with bills weenie in her mouth
Or a dvd of putin and hillary sharing a bottle of vodka and him saying you deserve every penny of that 145 million we got you for uranium one sweet cheeks now give big daddy some sugar.
Second, it is still a mystery as to the "why" Mueller handed over his report without having subpoenaed Trump to testify under oath, before a grand jury....After all, Bill Clinton acquiesced to do so.

Ken Starr was a Special Prosecutor appointed to prosecute Clinton's crime of perjury.

Mueller was Special Counsel appointed to look for evidence of the possible commission of a crime.
Ken Starr was a Special Prosecutor appointed to prosecute Clinton's crime of perjury.

NO, you fucking moron....That was NOT why Starr was appointed.......

Again, this is why Trump loves the poorly educated.......


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