A preview of single payer? Yes.

That's not a preview. It's not funded or supported correctly.

We will never have sole single payer like Canada. We likely will have something very close to it though, with a secondary private market for those who choose to purchase additional insurance, much like they have in the UK.
Not sure what you mean by that. Insurance as you know it? Yes it's gone. You no longer get to purchase insurance for yourself or your family you will be assigned the government catch all version

So, why do countries with single-payer health systems still have thriving health insurance companies.
And why do many of the residents of those countries buy health insurance?

Thriving? The people on waiting lists aren't thriving. They are simply trying to survive their illness. The providers are thriving on tax dollars and delaying the actual cost's of giving care in order to thrive. Those that can afford supplemental insurance are doing so at their own expense and getting marginally better care.

So, now you're admitting that health insurance will still be available to those that can afford it...just like today?
That's a 180 degree turnaround on your part.
The rich usually get their way. Hope this isn't news to you.

I thought the whole point of government healthcare was to provide everyone with the same quality of care that the rich receive. You have just admitted that it isn't.

What you "think" is nonsense, as usual.

You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?
I thought the whole point of government healthcare was to provide everyone with the same quality of care that the rich receive. You have just admitted that it isn't.

What you "think" is nonsense, as usual.

You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?

What was sold is better than today, and it will be, and already is.
I thought the whole point of government healthcare was to provide everyone with the same quality of care that the rich receive. You have just admitted that it isn't.

What you "think" is nonsense, as usual.

You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?

How is that different to anything?
So you begrudge the Job Creators benefiting from their hard-earned capital.
Why do you hate the rich Komrad?
What you "think" is nonsense, as usual.

You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?

What was sold is better than today, and it will be, and already is.

Apparently you don't read the news. The people who have experienced it so far think it's far worse.

You haven't denied that it was sold on false premises.
What you "think" is nonsense, as usual.

You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?

How is that different to anything?
So you begrudge the Job Creators benefiting from their hard-earned capital.
Why do you hate the rich Komrad?

I thought you and your ilk are the ones who objected to a two tier system. Are you now saying you want such a system, that you have no problem with some people getting better care than others?
You mean Obamacare was sold on the premise that there would be one system for the average schmuck on the street and a separate better system for the 1%?

How is that different to anything?
So you begrudge the Job Creators benefiting from their hard-earned capital.
Why do you hate the rich Komrad?

I thought you and your ilk are the ones who objected to a two tier system. Are you now saying you want such a system, that you have no problem with some people getting better care than others?
You caught that too, huh?

Seems that they are not even afraid of the obvious lies being obvious anymore.
How is that different to anything?
So you begrudge the Job Creators benefiting from their hard-earned capital.
Why do you hate the rich Komrad?

I thought you and your ilk are the ones who objected to a two tier system. Are you now saying you want such a system, that you have no problem with some people getting better care than others?
You caught that too, huh?

Seems that they are not even afraid of the obvious lies being obvious anymore.

No, my ilk are for having a minimum health system for all.
If you can afford to pay for more then go for it.

Your ilk argue that it's all or nothing - either single payer or private insurance.
A typical tactic.
Not that should shock anyone but once obiecare becomes national single payer government healthcare we can all live under the same expectations as our Vet's. This is obiecare on a smaller yet still out of control scale, just imagine how bad it can get!

These are government employees. Government is the single payer.

Your article is funny. It ends by suggesting that government is at fault because it is rationing care.

Guess why it's rationing care...

U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.

Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote on Tuesday by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.

Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans' programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Of course, you might say we have to take government out of it. But we can't take government out of it because government is paying. Maybe the government should hand each vet a credit card with no spending limit, and our vets can be released to the open market to buy private insurance and select their own doctor. Fine, but this could dramatically raise the costs for the wrong reasons. Meaning: giving private insurance carriers a blank check from government creates toxic incentives according to your side; it goes against everything Conservatives believe.

Listen, we all know that these stupid little "hit jobs" are designed for low information voters. But this scandal has a much higher purpose. Despite every attempt of Bush to hide the costs of Iraq/Afghanistan off budget, it is becoming impossible not to see the true costs of these wars. And for what? To remove a petty dictator that we supported in the 80s? Like Republicans, I'd love to get rid of all evil doers, but, unlike Republicans, I don't trust Washington enough to do it. I believe that when Washington gets involved there will always be unintended consequences and hidden costs. But you can't tell Republicans that. If dear leader says that Government has the budget and competence to remake the Arab world in our democratic image, than the fucking lemmings drape themselves in flags and march right off a cliff with our grandchildren's future. But at least government is reading our emails and listening to our phone calls in order to protect us from the underwear bomber. Or was it the shoe bomber? Maybe it was the toothpaste bomber? Anyway, I trust government to figure it out. They know what is best.

You people always fall for it...
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Initially, the libs stomped their feet and called us liars for saying that Obamacare was a prelude to single payer. They called us liars. They reported us to AttackWatch.

Then, Barney Frank and a few others admitted that single payer was the goal. Now that more are admitting that Obamacare was never intended to work and single payer would be offered as the solution, we get no apologies for the past lies and will now be told that it's best for us. The ends justify the means. It was necessary for them to lie because no one would have supported them if they had told the truth. And they think we're all too stupid to know what is best for us. Choosing things ourselves is no good. They must dictate what we can and cannot do. If not for liberals, too many people would be making decisions that aren't commie-approved and we can't have that.

Government has been running health care for active duty military and veterans for decades. They suck at it. Case closed.
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