A preview of single payer? Yes.

I'm for what I said. And basic healthcare isn't sub-par, just basic.

Well then basic healthcare comes with a four to 32 week wait time. Not sub-par by your standards, just basic.

We'll see. That doesn't need to happen BTW, if you fund it properly.

Fund it properly? The budget is set to increase by 2.1 billion next year.


And yet the budget increased by the exact same 2.1 billion this year and we got this as a result?

The government people got their bonuses. So far I think that's about all we got from our 2.1 billion. The vets sure as hell didn't gain anything from more money spent.

So what exactly is proper funding in your little mind? How much more do we need to spend in order to get your government people paid and actually have that trickle down to what our vets get?
Government has been running health care for active duty military and veterans for decades. They suck at it. Case closed.

Obama didn't have the courage to push for single payer. He is merely forcing younger, healthier people into the private insurance market to bring the cost curve down. Barney Frank is a loon.

Your comments about the failure of government administered heath care complicated by how much Republican seniors love medicare. This is why the Republican party can't kill it. If you don't believe me, watch the dance they do every election cycle in Florida.

Regarding the VA. It was actually running quite well until the Republicans started multiple wars and then very quietly defunded it to make room for more tax cuts for the wealthy, whose children overwhelmingly don't fight our wars.

As for your terminal cliches about government incompetence, I'm with you. I don't think government is competent enough to run a laundromat. So why did you give it the power to rebuild an entire Arab nation? Don't you understand the law of unintended consequences? Bush made no plans to pay for the war, nor did he make any preparations for the massive health care costs that would result. Who can blame him? He didn't want anyone talking about all the mangled bodies coming home, especially when it became clear that his administration made the intelligence fit the policy, which was developed in the late 90s by the PNAC.

Next time dear leader convinces you to spend trillions fighting a petty dictator who can't project force past his own camel, please learn to ask questions. This goes for both sides of the aisle, but especially Republicans, who trust Washington-based military solutions far more than the anti-war left. Vietnam and Iraq weren't failures because of the troops. They were failures at the policy level . . . because Washington solutions - be they fiscal or military - tend to be dangerously short sighted. (Don't tell Republicans this . . . because they are deep believers in Washington's power to save, fix and improve the globe)
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Well then basic healthcare comes with a four to 32 week wait time. Not sub-par by your standards, just basic.

Where did you get that statistic from?

Current VA wait times. Are you too stupid to look those up?

I thought we were talking about the prospect of national single-payer.
Where are the projections of a four to thirty two week wait time?
Where did you get that statistic from?

Current VA wait times. Are you too stupid to look those up?

I thought we were talking about the prospect of national single-payer.
Where are the projections of a four to thirty two week wait time?
Single payer basically means single insurer.

Shirley, you are not so thick to understand that.
Well then basic healthcare comes with a four to 32 week wait time. Not sub-par by your standards, just basic.

We'll see. That doesn't need to happen BTW, if you fund it properly.
That is all it takes to turn lead into gold. Just fund the project properly. :rolleyes:

Nope, but it helps, if it can be done at all that is, and this can be since it's what the rest of the industrialized Western nations do.
I thought we were talking about the prospect of national single-payer.
Where are the projections of a four to thirty two week wait time?
Single payer basically means single insurer.

Shirley, you are not so thick to understand that.

Call it what you like.
I call it a progressive playing stupid.

You know the implications. You know the results.

You are a plain old Marxist.

Why not just own up to it?
Where did you get that statistic from?

Current VA wait times. Are you too stupid to look those up?

I thought we were talking about the prospect of national single-payer.
Where are the projections of a four to thirty two week wait time?

So you're too stupid to follow the wait times of a current single payer system (The VA) and extrapolate what would happen with a national single payer system.

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