A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

I think we've moved beyond the watching stage. We were watching six months ago. Now we're pissed. Because of what we saw, while we were watching.
Perestroika Failed Because It Was a Re-Structuring Instead of a Demolition

Under a republic, politics is a spectator sport. Now is the time to consider some basic institutions that led us into this present decay: the Constitution, inheritance, unpaid college education, stock ownership, unearned equality, etc. Whatever is never pointed to as a mistake from its very beginning is the result of our self-appointed rulers' sneaky censorship.
I'm not doing that either....But I'm not the nitwit who thinks that the patterns of history won't come back to bite his arrogant narrow little ass.
I believe things people can produce evidence of. I saw the Cucks at the Capitol operate. I wasn't very impressed. White wing cucks have done nothing to make me think they're a serious threat. They're firecrackers. They can hurt some people sure but then they're all burnt out and done.
I'm not concerned about it. 😄 It's the 20% who should be concerned about becoming human target practice for the government. What do I have to be concerned about? I'm not planning an insurrection. 😄

Not enough spankings maybe? Seems a little late now though most of these clowns are already adults.

I don't see it because nothing is happening. So far it's just a bunch of cosplayers running their mouths. Wake me when the situation changes, sweetheart.

You aren't going to see it until it happens, and when it does it will be too late.

If the only thing you have to offer is that the government will stomp them down ...
When that is exactly why they will be fighting ... You fail to understand even the simplest of connections.

Keep sleeping and dreaming of your grand government fantasies ... Pathetic Pawn.

.You aren't going to see it until it happens, and when it does it will be too late.​
Ooo, this feels like we're jumping genres. I got horror movie vibes.
If the only thing you have to offer is that the government will stomp them down ...
When that is exactly why they will be fighting ... You fail to understand even the simplest of connections.​
You're like the M.C. Escher of political theory. 😄

It all makes sense. They're going to fight the government to stop them from stomping them down, causing the government to have stomp them down. Thus proving they were right to fight the government in the first place. Brilliant! 😄
Keep sleeping and dreaming of your grand government fantasies ... Pathetic Pawn.​
I will. On a beach in Miami. 😎
Ooo, this feels like we're jumping genres. I got horror movie vibes.

You're like the M.C. Escher of political theory. 😄

It all makes sense. They're going to fight the government to stop them from stomping them down, causing the government to have stomp them down. Thus proving they were right to fight the government in the first place. Brilliant! 😄

I will. On a beach in Miami. 😎

You might as well head to Cuba ... You'd probably be safer and happier there ... Pathetic Pawn ... :auiqs.jpg:

No fleeing, still have family and property down there as well. I know the idea of being multinational is foreign to you simp bastards. 😄

This is America and not Jamaca, and the poll talked about what a quarter of the Americans polled thought ...
Not about what Jamaicans thought.

Your family came here for a reason, and if you just want to be a multinational person ...
We don't need your advice in how to run this place ... :auiqs.jpg:

You also have a rather obvious desire to loop off into fantasyland repeatedly in attempts to make a point ...
So it's necessary to take just about everything you say with a grain of salt.

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Yeah, a Brownshirt murdered a USAF veteran. That was it, clod.
So this is what you think of our Capitol cops.
So this is what you think of a FAILED insurrectionist who was breaking thru a window at the Capitol.

At yet................you were hiding elsewhere on Jan 6th.

Goes to show how much you really hate this country.
No one is saying that you flaming retard. What we are saying is it isn't surprising that many are based on the corruption spewing forth from DC.

You supported (from hiding) a FAILED insurrection. You can't serve the fat former pig AND our country at the same time.
So this is what you think of our Capitol cops.
So this is what you think of a FAILED insurrectionist who was breaking thru a window at the Capitol.

At yet................you were hiding elsewhere on Jan 6th.

Goes to show how much you really hate this country.
Whereas YOU think it's perfectly fine when this country is being run by Stalinist pigs whose brownshirts threaten children and cops and loot and burn out businesses

Fuck you, commie. Your shit ain't selling.

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