A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

Look at you avoiding the question like a little bitch. I love it when you do this. It’s hilarious repeating it for you and watching you desperately flail like the coward you are. :laugh:

I’ll ask again. Do you support the drama queens who say they are open to taking up arms against the government? Yes or no.

You can answer the question this time you scared little bitch. Or not. I’ll make sure to keep asking you until your scared bitch ass answers. ;)
Where did my little bitch westwall go?

Get back over here and avoid this question some more. You scared little bitch, you.
No one's afraid of you toothless wimps either.

Next time you riot we crack your skulls.

As long as we understand each other, you can shut up now. I not interested in any further input from you.
Yea, right. You aren’t going to do a thing other than sit on your old fat ass eating Cheetos and running your mouth on an anonymous message board.

Tell me, when is the last time you cracked anyone’s skull?
I haven't read through the replies or anything but that seems really low. Theoretically/philosophically that number should be 100 percent.
No one's afraid of you toothless wimps either.

Next time you riot we crack your skulls.

As long as we understand each other, you can shut up now. I not interested in any further input from you.
And the next time you do we'll charge you clowns with sedition. 😄
The act will be states seceding

The act will be states seceding. And then you butthurt Leftists, who have said for years how much you hate us anyway, will call down the moon. No one knows why. You've made clear how much you hate us.
You're not going to do that either. I do love all these cuck fantasies though. When the call for insurrection and secession fizzles out and goes nowhere what next? Are glowing aliens going to come down to your retirement communities in Florida and take you to a place where you never get old?
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You're not going to do that either. I do love all these cuck fantasies though. When the call got insurrection and secession fizzles out and goes nowhere what next? Are glowing aliens going to come down to your retirement communities in Florida and take you to a place where you never get old?

You folks either do not realize the damage you have done, or you're in complete denial. But either way, I find it deeply peculiar that for decades now you have expressed how much you hate this country, you hate conservatives, you hate Christians, everyone is racist etc....and we finally say "Okay, we're out. We can't share a country with you. It's over." and you all wail like babies. You should be GLAD. You should be RELIEVED.
You folks either do not realize the damage you have done, or you're in complete denial. But either way, I find it deeply peculiar that for decades now you have expressed how much you hate this country, you hate conservatives, you hate Christians, everyone is racist etc....and we finally say "Okay, we're out. We can't share a country with you. It's over." and you all wail like babies. You should be GLAD. You should be RELIEVED.
Because you don't get to take your ball and go home. We don't like you and so we're going to take your country from you. How hard is that to figure out? 😄
Because you don't get to take your ball and go home. We don't like you and so we're going to take your country from you. How hard is that to figure out? 😄

Sure we do. It's called secession. Texas is talking pretty seriously about it. And anyway, why do you care? It's not "your" country anyway--don't you remember how much Leftists hate this country? We do.

It appears that you guys played the spoiled rotten teenager's game: you whined and complained and moaned about how awful "home" was so much, the parents finally said, okay, home is no longer an option. Now you want to say "WE DIDN'T REALLY MEAN ITTT!!!!" like the spoiled children you are.

Well, most of us mean it. We're done.
Sure we do. It's called secession. Texas is talking pretty seriously about it. And anyway, why do you care? It's not "your" country anyway--don't you remember how much Leftists hate this country? We do.

It appears that you guys played the spoiled rotten teenager's game: you whined and complained and moaned about how awful "home" was so much, the parents finally said, okay, home is no longer an option. Now you want to say "WE DIDN'T REALLY MEAN ITTT!!!!" like the spoiled children you are.

Well, most of us mean it. We're done.
Well for one I have family in Texas. There are also some pretty large blue cities there. What about those people who wouldn't want to secede? You think we're just going to let you force them? 😄

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