A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

See? ^^^

I had you pegged.

After a few short words.

(pats self on back)

Fine. Just stay away from my kids and we'll get along fine
Just keep your kids away from Disney and mainstream society and you'll be fine, snowflake. 😄
.This is America and not Jamaca, and the poll talked about what a quarter of the Americans polled thought ...
Not about what Jamaicans thought.

Your family came here for a reason, and if you just want to be a multinational person ...
We don't need your advice in how to run this place ... :auiqs.jpg:

You also have a rather obvious desire to loop off into fantasyland repeatedly in attempts to make a point ...
So it's necessary to take just about everything you say with a grain of salt..
I don't care if you want our advice or not. When we elect our Representatives to office you have no choice. 😄
I don't care if you want our advice or not. When we elect our Representatives to office you have no choice. 😄

You have the same choice I have and we both elect Representatives ...
But the thread isn't about elections, where it is about choices ... Pathetic Pawn.

Just keep your kids away from Disney and mainstream society and you'll be fine, snowflake. 😄

We OWN mainstream society, idiot.

That uncomfortable sound you're hearing, of things turning against you, is mainstream society.
We OWN mainstream society, idiot.

That uncomfortable sound you're hearing, of things turning against you, is mainstream society.
Where? Point it out. Where can we find your white wing message promoted? On the packaging of every MyPillow? 😄
So this is what you think of our Capitol cops.
So this is what you think of a FAILED insurrectionist who was breaking thru a window at the Capitol.

At yet................you were hiding elsewhere on Jan 6th.

Goes to show how much you really hate this country.

Yeah, if they walk like a duck. Quack like a duck, they are a fucking duck!
Start here:


That doesn't equate to a championing of your deplorable white wing ideology. The recall means the mayor, a democrat will choose a successor until voters can vote on a new DA in Nov. Is that your big cultural win? 😄 You poor sad fuck.
And yet you fucktards are whining about an insurrection that never happened.

You probably don't even realize how stupid you sound

Of course you don't. You're a libtard. There's brown stuff where your gray matter's supposed to be
Those people did something. You guys are all talk.

Are you all caught up now, drama queen?
Looks like we are close to finding out.

But hey, precedence set. If you scream at the gov n they don't do what you want, attack it.
We’re close to finding out if these people are all talk? When is that going to be?

And I thought you ignored me.
You're a fucking moron.

No, you'll know it when I catch up with you, you stupid little pansy
You keyboard warrior drama queens are all talk.

I can’t make it any easier for you to understand. What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?

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