A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says


I never said anything about being Rambo.
Rambo is a fictional character you keep referring to attempting to make some fictional point ... Pathetic Pawn.

Do you not understand what's happening here? I know you never called yourself Rambo. You took yourself way too seriously, which in many ways is even funnier than if had come here to proclaim you were Rambo. I called you Rambo. 😄
oooooooh, little tough guy.

You go girl!
Look at you avoiding the question like a little bitch. I love it when you do this. It’s hilarious repeating it for you and watching you desperately flail like the coward you are. :laugh:

I’ll ask again. Do you support the drama queens who say they are open to taking up arms against the government? Yes or no.

You can answer the question this time you scared little bitch. Or not. I’ll make sure to keep asking you until your scared bitch ass answers. ;)
Yup. Bank on the fact that we are harmless. We are total wusses. Yeppers!

That's us! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Prove me wrong. You’re a scared little bitch and you can’t even answer a simple question on an anonymous message board. Lmao.

You’re completely harmless.
Do you not understand what's happening here? I know you never called yourself Rambo. You took yourself way too seriously, which in many ways is even funnier than if had come here to proclaim you were Rambo. I called you Rambo. 😄

Well ... If the topic of the thread is about a quarter of the Americans polled being open to taking up arms against the government ...
Then I can see why you might need to live in a fantasyland, thinking calling someone Rambo,
or comparing them to a fictional character while eating popcorn is funny.

I am also aware of the fact that you and your fantasies are closer to providing a clear view
of who doesn't understand what is going on ... Pathetic Pawn.


Well ... If the topic of the thread is about a quarter of the Americans polled being open to taking up arms against the government ...
Then I can see why you might need to live in a fantasyland, thinking calling someone Rambo,
or comparing them to a fictional character while eating popcorn is funny.

I am also aware of the fact that you and your fantasies are closer to providing a clear view
of who doesn't understand what is going on ... Pathetic Pawn.​
Wow they said it in a poll? I guess it must be true. Don't worry Rambo, you go first, I'm sure those reinforcements are on the way. 😄
Wow they said it in a poll? I guess it must be true. Don't worry Rambo, you go first, I'm sure those reinforcements are on the way. 😄

A quarter of them said it in a poll ... You act like that's nothing to be concerned about.
I mean you think it means something about cosplay or Rambo or rednecks ... Maybe even popcorn, beer, and jokes.

It never crossed your mind something may be wrong when a quarter of the people polled
said they would be open to the idea of taking up arms against the government.

You didn't see it going in, and you still haven't seen it ... Because you are a Pathetic Pawn.


A quarter of them said it in a poll ... You act like that's nothing to be concerned about.
I mean you think it means something about cosplay or Rambo or rednecks ... Maybe even popcorn, beer, and jokes.

It never crossed your mind something may be wrong when a quarter of the people polled
said they would be open to the idea of taking up arms against the government.

You didn't see it going in, and you still haven't seen it ... Because you are a Pathetic Pawn.


And don't forget, stupid as a fence post. These people simply are unconscious to what is happening around them..
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.A quarter of them said it in a poll ... You act like that's nothing to be concerned about.
I mean you think it means something about cosplay or Rambo or rednecks ... Maybe even popcorn, beer, and jokes.​
I'm not concerned about it. 😄 It's the 20% who should be concerned about becoming human target practice for the government. What do I have to be concerned about? I'm not planning an insurrection. 😄
It never crossed your mind something may be wrong when a quarter of the people polled
said they would be open to the idea of taking up arms against the government.​
Not enough spankings maybe? Seems a little late now though most of these clowns are already adults.
You didn't see it going in, and you still haven't seen it ... Because you are a Pathetic Pawn.
I don't see it because nothing is happening. So far it's just a bunch of cosplayers running their mouths. Wake me when the situation changes, sweetheart.
The younger urban dwellers realize they have such a limited experience with firearms ... especially ranged firearms...coupled with their dependence on logistical supplies daily and dense population centers...makes for a piss poor tactical situation.
They Can't Shoot; They Can Only Loot

Yet their Liberal Massuhs dreamily expect the Dindu Gangstas to be their revolutionary army that will crush the Right for them and bring us to a touchy-feely Rainbow utopia.

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