A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says


Rambo was a movie character, and cosplay is fictional.​
Uh huh... now see if you can connect that thought to my comments towards you....you Short Bus riding mother fucker. 😄 You dumb boy. How long is it going to take you to piece this simple puzzle together? 😄
Where that may be an accurate representation of how you view the world, and help explain the way you vote ...
It still just means you are a Pathetic Pawn ... :thup:.
Sure Rambo. Let me know when they finally draw First Blood so I can get the popcorn ready.
You're advocating violence against people refusing top give up their guns to corrupt commies like you. Stop lying.
If that's what we change the law to then not following it makes you a criminal. What else should be done with criminals? 😄
Don't need to. I am not the one advocating violence.

So you don’t support the keyboard warrior drama queens who say they will take up arms against the government.

Excellent. We agree on that. They’re a bunch of drama queens, aren’t they?
So you don’t support the keyboard warrior drama queens who say they will take up arms against the government.

Excellent. We agree on that. They’re a bunch of drama queens, aren’t they?
You better hope they are you lying bastard.
You want to see more blood and to eat popcorn ... Bread and Games ... Pathetic Pawn..
No, I want you clowns to lay down like the cucks you are and just, let it happen. You're the ones with fantasies of resistance. I'm going to be okay either way. Both options available to you cucks are amusing in their own right. 😄
You better hope they are you lying bastard.
No, I want you clowns to lay down like the cucks you are and just, let it happen. You're the ones with fantasies of resistance. I'm going to be okay either way. Both options available to you cucks are amusing in their own right. 😄

There you go making shit up again ... Whatever you need to tell yourself ... Pathetic Pawn.

.You are acting like people would have to be some kind of fictional character to accomplish their goals.
And I am not imagining that, because it is what you posted ... Pathetic Pawn..
Oh, that I'm not making up, you'd have to be. You and Jim Bob aren't going to MacGyver this thing with redneck ingenuity and big baller dreams. That's not how that's going to work out for you. 😄
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Oh, that I'm not making that up, you'd have to be. You and Jim Bob aren't going to MacGyver this thing with redneck ingenuity and big baller dreams. That's not how that's going to work out for you. 😄

You have no idea how anything will work out for anyone ... Jim Bob and MacGyver rednecks are fiction fantasies of yours and don't exist.
The only thing that isn't working is your inability to just make something up and act like you have a relevant point to make ... Pathetic Pawn.


You have no idea how anything will work out for anyone ... Jim Bob and MacGyver rednecks are fiction fantasies of yours and don't exist.
The only thing that isn't working is your inability to just make something up and act like you have a relevant point to make ... Pathetic Pawn.

Do you have anything but cosplayer fantasies about your capabilites against the government? 😄
Where have YOU been...there were guns at the Capitol on Jan 6th.....not that YOU had the courage to be there. :heehee:

Yeah, a Brownshirt murdered a USAF veteran. That was it, clod.

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