A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

What's unnecessary about responding to armed threats? It's your clown posse talking about how they think they got the balls and fire power to take on the government. In that eventually its perfectly just to put you down like dogs. 😁

What's unnecessary is starting a fight that doesn't need to be started against people who have done nothing wrong ...
For the sole purpose of addressing failures in enforcing the laws we already have on the books.

Where your ignorance may help you feel justified ...
You are just a pathetic clown and pawn of people who don't respect you, your rights, or what you may think.

I don't live here, dummy. I only work here. I'll be back with the kids in paradise in 24 hours. But I own a business here, which means I'm involved in the community. And as my business succeeds I become more involved. We return things to the kids. Band instruments. Free lessons. Whatever we can do.
Then how did you miss that the Mayor is a Democrat as are the two candidates who won the run off election for the general in Nov.? Just how stupid are you?
Still have your head buried deep in your ass I see.
Go ahead and point out any factual errors in my statement.
.What's unnecessary is starting a fight that doesn't need to be started against people who have done nothing wrong ...
For the sole purpose of addressing failures in enforcing the laws we already have on the books.​
We're talking about clowns who want to take up arms against the government, there is plenty of wrong with that. It doesn't become okay because you don't think the government is doing what it should be doing, your choice is to win elections for people who will. Failure to do so doesn't justify violence.
Where your ignorance may help you feel justified ...
You are just a pathetic clown and pawn of people who don't respect you, your rights, or what you may think.​
I'm not the one trying to justify acts of violence, I'm simply asking for a heads up so I can get the popcorn, beer and bong ready.
We're talking about clowns who want to take up arms against the government, there is plenty of wrong with that. It doesn't become okay because you don't think the government is doing what it should be doing, your choice is to win elections for people who will. Failure to do so doesn't justify violence.

I'm not the one trying to justify acts of violence, I'm simply asking for a heads up so I can get the popcorn, beer and bong ready.
You lying bastards can't seem to grasp that the people are supposed to running this country via electing people who represent us! They don't represent us anymore, commie.
We're talking about clowns who want to take up arms against the government, there is plenty of wrong with that. It doesn't become okay because you don't think the government is doing what it should be doing, your choice is to win elections for people who will. Failure to do so doesn't justify violence.

I'm not the one trying to justify acts of violence, I'm simply asking for a heads up so I can get the popcorn, beer and bong ready.

The only time I would feel compelled to take up arms would be if there was no other choice when it comes to my Rights.

I already stated that I am not starting anything, don't care what you think, or how you vote ...
And if the people you vote for want to start something ... That's on you, not me.

Enjoy your beer and popcorn ... Pathetic pawn.


The only time I would feel compelled to take up arms would be if there was no other choice when it comes to my Rights.

I already stated that I am not starting anything, don't care what you think, or how you vote ...
And if the people you vote for want to start something ... That's on you, not me.

Enjoy your beer and popcorn ... Pathetic pawn.

All these lying bastards do is try to start trouble.
You lying bastards can't seem to grasp that the people are supposed to running this country via electing people who represent us! They don't represent us anymore, commie.

The people in office today were put there by their voters, whether they're on the left or the right. If you don't feel represented that's because you and your candidate are losers. 😄

The only time I would feel compelled to take up arms would be if there was no other choice when it comes to my Rights.

I already stated that I am not starting anything, don't care what you think, or how you vote ...
And if the people you vote for want to start something ... That's on you, not me.

Enjoy your beer and popcorn ... Pathetic pawn.

Then what the fuck do you keep responding to my posts for? I was responding to people who were puffing out their chests and cosplaying like they could take on the government and that is the context my comments should be received in.

Why haven't your Pantifa goon squads come out to the rural areas, like they've threatened to?
Why bother....it's mostly dirt and dirt doesn't vote. Something else trumplets haven't figured out. :heehee:

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