A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

Listen, I don't want to come off like I'm trying to dissuade you from violence, I fully support your choice to commit suicide by the military or the police. I think that could be entertaining to watch on a rainy evening with some beer and popcorn. I'm just wondering if you guys have any anti aircraft artillery or such so I know how much to wager on how long you yahoos hold out.

See it doesn't take long until you relish the idea of being entertained watching your Federal Government
do something completely unnecessary because of political garbage.

You don't care about protecting peace, life or liberty ... You want "bread and games", how pathetic ... :auiqs.jpg:

And now you're going to be violent Stalinist fucktards who threaten children.

See how that works, asswipe?

YOU, motherfucker, are leaving town.

You don't seem to understand. I've had it with your bullshit, and so have millions of others.

You're leaving. You can do it the easy way or the hard way, but either way you're leaving.

Hey - you fucked up. You thought you could threaten my kids in the process of destroying my culture. Well, you made a big fucking mistake. BBIIIGGGG mistake.

Now you're going to find out exactly how big of a mistake it was
You are the violent thug, threatening Congress.

See it doesn't take long until you relish the idea of being entertained watching your Federal Government
do something completely unnecessary because of political garbage.

You don't care about protecting peace, life or liberty ... You want "bread and games", how pathetic ... :auiqs.jpg:

What's unnecessary about responding to armed threats? It's your clown posse talking about how they think they got the balls and fire power to take on the government. In that eventually its perfectly just to put you down like dogs. 😁
Bullshit. Dem advantage is ONLY in the population centers, nowhere else.

And now the righties are hip to how you rig that stuff, and they're going to tear you apart.

They're already booting your people out, and you're going to lose the next election BADLY. Los Angeles is going to get a conservative mayor for the first time in 50 years, that's how bad it is.


The Bernie faction has ZERO chance against the Hillary Clintons of the world.

On the other hand, if Bernie were to temporarily join forces with Scruffy and his pals, we might get something done
So...the Dem advantage is only in population. :heehee: Golly gee!
I wonder how many can get off the couch and walk a mile..??
If your crowd keeps up their bullshit around elections, we all may get a chance to SEE how many can. No American is going to benefit from that kind of action but only a fool will think it isn't possible.
If your crowd keeps up their bullshit around elections, we all may get a chance to SEE how many can. No American is going to benefit from that kind of action but only a fool will think it isn't possible.
I don't have a crowd you clown. I am sure if you fool hardy folks feel the need to do something you won't.
The vast majority of those people are just keyboard warrior drama queens.
The mistake people like you make is to assume that resisting always equates to winning against the U.S. military. Did the hijackers on 9-11 win against our military? With an investment of a couple of million dollars and a few months of training, they threw our nation and its economy into massive turmoil for a decade.

Patriotic Americans who refuse to allow a broken electoral system to be used even when they can't trust it could shut this nation down without firing a shot, Cletus. Our legal system is not based on enforcement at such a scale. It's always been about respect for the law and a common belief in justice for all. America as founded can never be a true police state.
The mistake people like you make is to assume that resisting always equates to winning against the U.S. military. Did the hijackers on 9-11 win against our military? With an investment of a couple of million dollars and a few months of training, they threw our nation and its economy into massive turmoil for a decade.

Patriotic Americans who refuse to allow a broken electoral system to be used even when they can't trust it could shut this nation down without firing a shot, Cletus. Our legal system is not based on enforcement at such a scale. It's always been about respect for the law and a common belief in justice for all. America as founded can never be a true police state.
America as founded was a slave state you incredible moron. 😄 That's beyond even a police state. Jesus Christ you guys are dumb.
What alternate reality Los Angeles are you living in?
I don't live here, dummy. I only work here. I'll be back with the kids in paradise in 24 hours. But I own a business here, which means I'm involved in the community. And as my business succeeds I become more involved. We return things to the kids. Band instruments. Free lessons. Whatever we can do.
The mistake people like you make is to assume that resisting always equates to winning against the U.S. military. Did the hijackers on 9-11 win against our military? With an investment of a couple of million dollars and a few months of training, they threw our nation and its economy into massive turmoil for a decade.

Patriotic Americans who refuse to allow a broken electoral system to be used even when they can't trust it could shut this nation down without firing a shot, Cletus. Our legal system is not based on enforcement at such a scale. It's always been about respect for the law and a common belief in justice for all. America as founded can never be a true police state.
Those keyboard warrior drama queens aren’t going to do a thing. You guys are harmless drama queens talking big on an anonymous message board.

You’re 61 years old, Rambo. Shut the fuck up and go take your nap.
Right. Because those people actually brought weapons to Jan 6.

Drama queens like you are all talk. You‘re a harmless pussy running your mouth on an anonymous message board. Ooooh scary.
Sorry, I have no time for bleating bullshit like this. If you want to play with yourself, go get a room. Me, I'm off to celebrate the holidays with the kids. Bye now. :)

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