A Question for Liberals

Even most republicans had to hold their nose when voting for tramp.

I was devastated when he won, anyone but him, and yes I voted for Hillary. I knew of him since the early 90 and all his corruptness and he brought it into the WH.
what i read from the lefties here in this forum,it seems most of them held their noses while voting for hillary....the amazing thing is all those nose holders from both parties still voted for someone they did not really like...the power the parties hold over those drones...
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
My opposition to Trump has nothing to do with Trump – it has to do with the fact that Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues; opposition to a president wrong on the issues regardless who he is or what party he belongs to.
yea one can believe what you just said after reading the shit you throw up...
Probably every single president we have ever had is narcissistic, egotistical and arrogant. Trump is just a blowhard about it, so you know exactly where he stands. I find it refreshing.

Because he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did. that's the important thing.

You're not a even a good troll Joe. You say stupid things that aren't funny and repeat yourself too much. That's why your rep count is so low.

If you were a better troll you would be cutting, sure, but droll and funny about it. You just come off as a total jerk. That's losing, Joe.
were is the rep count?....
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.

"Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president"

I do not believe he was DULY elected.
He LOST the popular AND he help from the russians.

he cheated.

"Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place"

hillary should have won via the popular vote (proving that the EC is RIGGED to the benefit of republicans) but I do NOT want her put in his place.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.

"Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president"

I do not believe he was DULY elected.
He LOST the popular vote AND he had help from the russians.

he cheated.

"Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place"

hillary should have won via the popular vote (proving that the EC is RIGGED to the benefit of republicans) but I do NOT want her put in his place.

"are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific"

he mocks decent people
he insults decent people
he LOVES dictators and murders
he is a russian puppet
he is a disgrace to humanity
he is an embarrssment to our country
he encourages hate and violence
he is a pig
he is a liar, a cheat and a conman
he obviously HATES most Americans.
he pisses on the constitution
he puts unqualified people (including his brats) in powerful positions
he has regularly filled court and government positions with right wing fascist theocrats and fascists
he endorsed and promoted roy moore (who wants to criminalize homosexuality and atheism) for US senate
he has disrespected and verbally attacked our allies
he regularly enriches himself and his businesses through his presidency.

of all the deplorable conservatives he is KING deplorable!
Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him?

No. By hook or by crook he won 2016. I'm pretty sure we would have seen gridlock, obstruction,and investigations out the wazoo had she won anyway, so I don't want her somehow installed. Ever.

For me, I'm afraid it's just his face that makes me dislike him so much. How could we elect a guy "with a face like that". I can't believe we did that. I know, I know that's awful shallow of me and all but hell, I admit it. I'm shallow like that, but I'm not running for president or anything.
IMO Dems aren't looking for revenge for Hillary We want revenge for all the AH things Trump has gotten away with, and revenge on his supporters who smile while Trump defecates on America

Come and get it.

I'd be happy to let you try.
You'll get yours in 2020 Tired of letting scum like you shit on America

Please try to "give me mine".

Myself, and a whole lot of others are more than willing to go down swinging.....

But, I got a good feeling you'll run out of you before I do.

So, be my guest.

And if we don't get ours in 2020, we might come looking for you.

I got a couple of people in mind to start.
Worst comes to worst and Trump is still stinking up the WH we have 4 more years to make his life miserable and shorter
yes and just think how miserable the next democrat president is going to find the first 4 years of their term....all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy.....and once again we can thank the die hard party people.....
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
/——-/ I be a Trump hater. He beat the lovely and gracious Hillary when it was her turn. Orange man bad. Two scoops of ice cream.
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.
The right wingers are using this as a lame excuse because there is no excuse for Donald Trump. After 40+ years of voting, I kinda know how to grin and bear it when my candidate loses. It is certainly not because I supported Hillary--in any other scenario I would never in God's world have voted for that corrupt bitch.
The reasons you listed for finding Trump unqualified are basically the same as mine. I don't know that he is doing this for personal gain or basing his decisions on it, necessarily, but otherwise, yes--he is incompetent, ignorant and a rich elitist con man. Plus personally he's a pig.
Even most republicans had to hold their nose when voting for tramp.

I was devastated when he won, anyone but him, and yes I voted for Hillary. I knew of him since the early 90 and all his corruptness and he brought it into the WH.
what i read from the lefties here in this forum,it seems most of them held their noses while voting for hillary....the amazing thing is all those nose holders from both parties still voted for someone they did not really like...the power the parties hold over those drones...
It's true--and next year's election is shaping up to be similar if old Joe doesn't stroke out first. I don't have anything against him, but he's too old. However, he isn't Trump, so there's that. Again.
In Russia and in China they give the voters a "choice" between two people who are both party supporters so there is no real choice. I'm beginning to feel we Americans are beginning to get handed the same bunch of shit.

I have voted third party before and I'm done voting for another Democrat I don't like just because it isn't Trump. So we'll see who gets chosen in convention. If it's Elizabeth Warren? Who is running on the Libertarian ticket? Any Independents out there yet?
IMO Dems aren't looking for revenge for Hillary We want revenge for all the AH things Trump has gotten away with, and revenge on his supporters who smile while Trump defecates on America

Come and get it.

I'd be happy to let you try.
You'll get yours in 2020 Tired of letting scum like you shit on America

Please try to "give me mine".

Myself, and a whole lot of others are more than willing to go down swinging.....

But, I got a good feeling you'll run out of you before I do.

So, be my guest.

And if we don't get ours in 2020, we might come looking for you.

I got a couple of people in mind to start.
Worst comes to worst and Trump is still stinking up the WH we have 4 more years to make his life miserable and shorter
yes and just think how miserable the next democrat president is going to find the first 4 years of their term....all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy.....and once again we can thank the die hard party people.....

"all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy."

The fact that conservatives have chosen to believe the BIG LIE "just because you don't like the guy" is just more evidence of why I don't like YOU!

I OPPOSE trump because
he attacks decent people
he promotes dictators and murderers
he cheats
he cheats at golf
he cheats on his wife
he pays off hookers
he lies
he pays off hookers and lies about it
he demonize and vilifies the NONconservative press
he promotes hate, anger and division
he promotes violence
he is using his presidency to make money
he bows to putin
he has shown our allies that HE is NOT their ally and HE can NOT be trusted
he has mocked POWS
he has mocked DEAD politicians
he has a mocking and derogatory nickname for EVERYONE except putin and other dictators who he respects!
he behaves like a 12 year old
he is an embarrassment to our nation
he pisses on the constitution
he has put UNQUALIFIED far right wing lunatics in judgeships and powerful government positions
This question is just for liberals and other non Trump supporters

Every right winger I have discussed this with says that the reason the left opposes Trump so much is because we are still mad that he beat Hillary and all the opposition he has seen is just an effort to either remove him from office and install Hillary, or at least punish him for beating Hillary in the election. I was angry about the way Trump won as well, but that is not the reason I dislike him so much. Since his inauguration, he has shown his incompetence, ignorance, and total lack of interest in doing anything for anyone but himself and others who are as rich as he is. He accepts conspiracy theories, and the word of enemy dictators over the facts as presented by his own investigative agencies, and a host of other things that make him unqualified to hold the position of POTUS.

My question is this Is your opposition to Trump an effort to remove a duly elected president and install Hillary in his place, or are there other reasons for your dislike of him? Be specific.

Non Orange Virus fan here for other reasons. I've disliked the him since the 80s, so having him becoming *pResident changes nothing.

1. I have little in common with a 'leader' who displays weakness and a lack of self confidence on a daily basis. Narcissists are useless.
2. I have little in common with a 'leader' with Jersey Shore sensibilities born into wealth who displays no tangible work ethic.
3. I have little in common with a 'leader' who is a carry-carrying member of the excessively greedy class.
4. I have little in common with a 'leader' who displays willful ignorance to the basics of how things work in the world.
5. I have little in common with a 'leader' who is reality show famous (ie. trash), a habitual liar and con man.
6. I have little in common with a 'leader' who rubs shoulders with authoritarian dictators and wants to espouse some of their traits.
7. I have little in common with a 'leader' that doesn't understand fiscal responsibility.
8. I have little in common with a 'leader' that doesn't respect the sovereign rights of individual states.
9. I have little in common with a 'leader' that doesn't respect the constitution, specifically the 1st and 2nd amendments.
10. I have little in common with a generally ugly human being that wants a crown for winning a rigged election.

I could go on and on and on, but I'll leave it at 10 items that will trigger Cult45 morons into a partisan mouth frothing frenzy. :04:
Come and get it.

I'd be happy to let you try.
You'll get yours in 2020 Tired of letting scum like you shit on America

Please try to "give me mine".

Myself, and a whole lot of others are more than willing to go down swinging.....

But, I got a good feeling you'll run out of you before I do.

So, be my guest.

And if we don't get ours in 2020, we might come looking for you.

I got a couple of people in mind to start.
Worst comes to worst and Trump is still stinking up the WH we have 4 more years to make his life miserable and shorter
yes and just think how miserable the next democrat president is going to find the first 4 years of their term....all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy.....and once again we can thank the die hard party people.....

"all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy."

The fact that conservatives have chosen to believe the BIG LIE "just because you don't like the guy" is just more evidence of why I don't like YOU!

I OPPOSE trump because
he attacks decent people
he promotes dictators and murderers
he cheats
he cheats at golf
he cheats on his wife
he pays off hookers
he lies
he pays off hookers and lies about it
he demonize and vilifies the NONconservative press
he promotes hate, anger and division
he promotes violence
he is using his presidency to make money
he bows to putin
he has shown our allies that HE is NOT their ally and HE can NOT be trusted
he has mocked POWS
he has mocked DEAD politicians
he has a mocking and derogatory nickname for EVERYONE except putin and other dictators who he respects!
he behaves like a 12 year old
he is an embarrassment to our nation
he pisses on the constitution
he has put UNQUALIFIED far right wing lunatics in judgeships and powerful government positions
so i was right....you dont like the guy....you could have just agreed with me....
IMO Dems aren't looking for revenge for Hillary We want revenge for all the AH things Trump has gotten away with, and revenge on his supporters who smile while Trump defecates on America

Come and get it.

I'd be happy to let you try.
You'll get yours in 2020 Tired of letting scum like you shit on America

Please try to "give me mine".

Myself, and a whole lot of others are more than willing to go down swinging.....

But, I got a good feeling you'll run out of you before I do.

So, be my guest.

And if we don't get ours in 2020, we might come looking for you.

I got a couple of people in mind to start.
Worst comes to worst and Trump is still stinking up the WH we have 4 more years to make his life miserable and shorter
yes and just think how miserable the next democrat president is going to find the first 4 years of their term....all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy.....and once again we can thank the die hard party people.....
Harry I hate to say it but trump has opened the door for all kinds of BS coming from future presidents dem or repub
The left is not mad hey are with the Donald that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
It's easy to understand.

For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary. Trump's political enemy, and by extemsion the political enemy of his base, must be in the first row of any rationale to support him. And, likewise, those who do not support him must have been as fully in the tank of Hillary as they are with the Donald.

And deflecting all evidence of Trump's corruption and immorality is a crutch for his supporters. Why not blame criticism on something they see as legitimate while ignoring what everyone else sees as impeachable behavior? Citing any of Trump's less than virtuous behavior would lend legitimacy to the calls for his impeachment and removal.

Sure Trump is deliberately cruel in policy, corrupt in deeds, lying in words, and boorishly immature in actions. But saying so makes them real. And the last things Trumpians are interested in is reality. They like the bright, shiny things more than the intangibles of truth, nobility and character.
For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary.
which party are you referring to here?...
The party that bought the line "I alone can fix it."
The left is not mad hey are with the Donald that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
It's easy to understand.

For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary. Trump's political enemy, and by extemsion the political enemy of his base, must be in the first row of any rationale to support him. And, likewise, those who do not support him must have been as fully in the tank of Hillary as they are with the Donald.

And deflecting all evidence of Trump's corruption and immorality is a crutch for his supporters. Why not blame criticism on something they see as legitimate while ignoring what everyone else sees as impeachable behavior? Citing any of Trump's less than virtuous behavior would lend legitimacy to the calls for his impeachment and removal.

Sure Trump is deliberately cruel in policy, corrupt in deeds, lying in words, and boorishly immature in actions. But saying so makes them real. And the last things Trumpians are interested in is reality. They like the bright, shiny things more than the intangibles of truth, nobility and character.
For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary.
which party are you referring to here?...
The party that bought the line "I alone can fix it."

the party that bought the line ' i hire the best people '
Come and get it.

I'd be happy to let you try.
You'll get yours in 2020 Tired of letting scum like you shit on America

Please try to "give me mine".

Myself, and a whole lot of others are more than willing to go down swinging.....

But, I got a good feeling you'll run out of you before I do.

So, be my guest.

And if we don't get ours in 2020, we might come looking for you.

I got a couple of people in mind to start.
Worst comes to worst and Trump is still stinking up the WH we have 4 more years to make his life miserable and shorter
yes and just think how miserable the next democrat president is going to find the first 4 years of their term....all because of the shit you people are putting on trump just because you dont like the guy.....and once again we can thank the die hard party people.....
Harry I hate to say it but trump has opened the door for all kinds of BS coming from future presidents dem or repub
Republicans in the Senate should have clamped down on him ,spoken up But no they were cowards
The left is not mad hey are with the Donald that Trump beat Hillary, because Hillary if not very left, and most leftists did not like Hillary very much.

Yet revenge for Hillary is the reason every right winger I saw claimed to be the reason for so much opposition to Trump.
It's easy to understand.

For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary. Trump's political enemy, and by extemsion the political enemy of his base, must be in the first row of any rationale to support him. And, likewise, those who do not support him must have been as fully in the tank of Hillary as they are with the Donald.

And deflecting all evidence of Trump's corruption and immorality is a crutch for his supporters. Why not blame criticism on something they see as legitimate while ignoring what everyone else sees as impeachable behavior? Citing any of Trump's less than virtuous behavior would lend legitimacy to the calls for his impeachment and removal.

Sure Trump is deliberately cruel in policy, corrupt in deeds, lying in words, and boorishly immature in actions. But saying so makes them real. And the last things Trumpians are interested in is reality. They like the bright, shiny things more than the intangibles of truth, nobility and character.
For a political ideology that depends on fear, suspicion and hatred, an enemy is absolutely necessary.
which party are you referring to here?...
The party that bought the line "I alone can fix it."

the party that bought the line ' i hire the best people '
And then the best people walk out or get indicted
Refresh my memory How many Generals was he smarter than ?? Kelly Mattis any others The man is a game show moron and repubs kiss his ass??? Shameful
& don't ferget that his stable geniusness, combined with his perfect memory - made him the healthiest prez that ever was!

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