Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

No one is aborting cells. So that's a horrible reason to fail to acknowledge that at conception a new, genetically distinct human being has come into existence.
So the morning after pill is OK with you?

The real reason is that it's easier for you to dismiss their death if you don't see them as human. It's a form of cognitive dissonance. You can't bear to admit that you support something that is wrong to do, especially something as serious as ending a human life.
No, the real reason is I don't accept your assertion that a person and a few strands of DNA are equivalent. You calling a fertilized egg a human life doesn't resonate with me.
Sorry. But you're bonkers. Trump dragged you all into the kayfabe world of pro wrestling, and now you're trapped there.
? What does Trump have to do with the fact that killing dependent humans for profit and fun is a human rights violation?
We know who the demented anti human rights whackos are here...
So the morning after pill is OK with you?

No, the real reason is I don't accept your assertion that a person and a few strands of DNA are equivalent. You calling a fertilized egg a human life doesn't resonate with me.
Whether or not it resonates, the reality is that all of us begin life that way, and there us no right to kill humans at any stage of development just because they don't "resonate" with you.
? What does Trump have to do with the fact that killing dependent humans for profit and fun is a human rights violation?
We know who the demented anti human rights whackos are here...
As soon as you start calling people who don't agree with you "Nazis" and "baby-killers" and "marxists", you've lost. It might be fun to jerk off to these fantasies, but it ends the discussion and leaves you muttering to yourself.
As soon as you start calling people who don't agree with you "Nazis" and "baby-killers" and "marxists", you've lost. It might be fun to jerk off to these fantasies, but it ends the discussion and leaves you muttering to yourself.
Not true. We who value life will continue to point out that negative eugenics, genocide, the butchery of the defenseless, coercion remain the hallmarks of those who reject human rights. You reject the comparison because it's a valid one and you have no defense. Not because the comparison isn't true, but because it is.
The nazls also rejected all criticism and negative comparison.. the ccp called those who objected "counter revolutionaries".
You know what you are.
Not true. We who value life will continue to point out that negative eugenics, genocide, the butchery of the defenseless, coercion remain the hallmarks of those who reject human rights. You reject the comparison because it's a valid one and you have no defense.
Whether or not it resonates, the reality is that all of us begin life that way, and there us no right to kill humans at any stage of development just because they don't "resonate" with you.
So the Israelis should try to kill any humans even if they are fighting for Humas?
There is no human right to kill defenseless dependent offspring.
To insist otherwise is to reject human rights. Which is, of course, what is the premise behind negative eugenics... ie, state endorsed abortion and euthanasia.
dvng.23.10.12 #6,275
Adam, did you eat the apple?

You are wasting your opportunity.
nf.23.10.12 #6,275 to dvng.22.12.10 #6,270
I have my answer from you to this question

WHAT is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

nf.22.12.09 #6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes, how?

Your answer is to refuse to answer and run away which means you cannot think of one thing that inflicts harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

So your position that it’s OK letting the states decided anything the majority wants regarding abortion, violates the Constitution if the majority can ban a medical procedure that causes no harm to that religious majority in certain states.

I have no idea why you are on a message board if you cannot defend your stated opinion that resolving a human rights issue is up to the majority opinion state by state.

You are backing tyranny of a majority to take fifty years of reproductive freedom away from women but not due to harm to a single born citizen or viable human being , society as a whole or to any state that you can argue.

So run back to your world of “I am right because I say so” and live happily ever after.

nf.23.10.12 #433
So the morning after pill is OK with you?

No, the real reason is I don't accept your assertion that a person and a few strands of DNA are equivalent. You calling a fertilized egg a human life doesn't resonate with me.
Is that the one that blocks contraception? If so, sure.

I'm not the one who says so, science is the one that says so. But that's not the reason it doesn't resonate with you. It doesn't resonate with you because it's how you rationalize abortion doesn't end a human life.
Is that the one that blocks contraception? If so, sure.

I'm not the one who says so, science is the one that says so. But that's not the reason it doesn't resonate with you. It doesn't resonate with you because it's how you rationalize abortion doesn't end a human life.
Science doesn't say any thing about the morning after pill, which is pushed at women as so.e sort of magic fixer-upper.
Every living being that has ever existed or will ever exist is a collection of cells.

Is it easier for you to kill them if you see them as mere cells rather than what they are; a new, genetically distinct human being in its earliest stage of the human life cycle?
I see them in another person and their decision on whether they to carry them to birth.

Ya know, body autonomy.
Is that the one that blocks contraception? If so, sure.

I'm not the one who says so, science is the one that says so. But that's not the reason it doesn't resonate with you. It doesn't resonate with you because it's how you rationalize abortion doesn't end a human life.

So, you want control of that too. Are you picking the wine too?
Says a Godless creature that openly defends the murder of thousands of innocent children every day. What standing do you delusionally imagine that you coulds possibly have to credibly speak of respect for life?
Do you support war?

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