A Question for Progressives

impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?

bending over & grabbing one's ankles.... thereby becoming the bitch for the leader of foreign adversarial nation.... & committing high crimes & misdemeanors is what treason is & what your president has done.

your president is a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies & arrested development. & that is in addition to the natural onset of dementia that could be happening due to his age & crappy lifestyle.

Don't say "your President" like he's mine alone.

Donald J. Trump is also your President, you know.

no he's not. he's not legit & by all intents & purposes i am a (D) in his eyes, because i disagree with everything that vile creature stands for... therefore i am the 'enemy'.
Impeaching Drumpf.

He is a man baby and carnival barker that has the real potential to fuck things up for a long time.

In regards to NK I think its the height of hypocrisy to tell someone they cant have nuclear bombs. Its literally telling someone they have to give up their weapons even though you have the exact same weapons.

You say he can fuck things up long term, because you can't declare the same in the short term, because that would be unsupported. In other terms, he must be a bad POTUS at some point, because your emotions are more important than the tangible. Your post says a lot.
He's already fucked things up in the short term. Short term can be dealt with. I know my post says a lot. You dont have to get emotional over it. :rolleyes:

Way to support your position.
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
By working with the Ruskies.

His constant lies show he is mentally unstable. The only other person I know that lies like he does is mentally unstable.

Working with what Russkies? If you're privy to some information we're not aware of, you should seriously think about contacting the Mueller investigation and bringing them up to date.

BTW, Obama lied just about every day for 8 years. Is he "mentally unstable" too? Must have been all those drugs he did.
Mueller already knows about it.

but...but...but....Obama. Not a good deflection. :rolleyes:

No "deflection", just stating the facts. How has Trump lied to me? He's performed far more than he promised and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him in 2020.

Obama on the other hand, was a chronic and pathological liar, as is Hillary.

"How has Trump lied to me?"

Mexico will pay for the wall.
I'll show my taxes after the election.
The meeting at Drumpf Tower was about baby adoption.
My inauguration had the largest crowd in history.
Democrats dont care about border security
3k people didnt die in the hurricane that hit puerto rico

Should I go on? :rolleyes:
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Impeaching Drumpf.

He is a man baby and carnival barker that has the real potential to fuck things up for a long time.

In regards to NK I think its the height of hypocrisy to tell someone they cant have nuclear bombs. Its literally telling someone they have to give up their weapons even though you have the exact same weapons.

You say he can fuck things up long term, because you can't declare the same in the short term, because that would be unsupported. In other terms, he must be a bad POTUS at some point, because your emotions are more important than the tangible. Your post says a lot.
He's already fucked things up in the short term. Short term can be dealt with. I know my post says a lot. You dont have to get emotional over it. :rolleyes:

Way to support your position.
Thanks I thought it was pretty good myself.
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.

Wasn't that the usual tactic the Marxists and Communists used in Soviet Russia, China, and Cuba? If you disagreed with them, you're either a traitor, a criminal, or insane?

Seems our illustrious Democrats have learned well from their commie overlords.

impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power

So no links to any filed charges which gives support your imaginary crimes, or is this just something you heard some sock-puppet say on MSNBC or CNN?
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power
If he declares a state of emergency I want someone to hit him with this quote he made back in May.

"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of that scourge that’s taking over our country. And the numbers are way down."
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power
If he declares a state of emergency I want someone to hit him with this quote he made back in May.

"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of that scourge that’s taking over our country. And the numbers are way down."

He might declare a state of emergency or he might not, who knows?

Personally, I hope he does. If that's what it takes to get the wall built, then good.
Which is more important to you:

A. Impeaching Donald Trump; or

B. Denuclearizing North Korea?

Pick one and explain (if you can).
A. He is a crisis for the USA and world every moment he breathes as presidente.
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power
If he declares a state of emergency I want someone to hit him with this quote he made back in May.

"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of that scourge that’s taking over our country. And the numbers are way down."

He might declare a state of emergency or he might not, who knows?

Personally, I hope he does. If that's what it takes to get the wall built, then good.
I hope he does too. That way it will get tied up in court and they will have to reopen the government he shutdown because he had a man baby tantrum.
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?
We already have the evidence that he is now the worst POTUS in history. No need to find anything with all this evidence laying around. :rolleyes:
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?
We already have the evidence that he is now the worst POTUS in history. No need to find anything with all this evidence laying around. :rolleyes:

The evidence that you dug out of your ass is not credible evidence.
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?

Well to be fair, he did have two scoops of ice cream that time, and everyone else got only one.

I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?

Well to be fair, he did have two scoops of ice cream that time, and everyone else got only one.


That's correct... I also recall him having two sips of water. However every great president must have some personality flaws.
impeach trump because he has committed treason. this is wartime - a cyber war, so the charge is appropriate. & because he's mentally unstable enough to be the one that pushes that red button & we all go boom.

How has he committed "treason"? And what has he done that would give any indication of being "mentally unstable"?
He failed to completely cave to democrat wishes and that's treason.
He won the 2016 Presidental election and hillary didn’t,and that's treason
Need anymore proof?.

conspiracy to defraud the united states (collusion)
dereliction of duty
witness tampering
obstruction of justice
& it will be multiple counts of each
AND if he declares a state of emergency - then he can be charged with abuse of power

So no links to any filed charges which gives support your imaginary crimes, or is this just something you heard some sock-puppet say on MSNBC or CNN?

that's not my job - but don'tcha worry - bob is on the job. oh ya & so is the new house. adam shiff chair of the intel committee... & maxine waters -chair of the finance committee & jerry nadler - chair of the judiciary commitee.... they will be doing the job that congress is meant to be doing but the reall pussies... the (R)s failed to do.
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?
Lets us start with being a leader. So far he has been led. Then go to nepotism which is forbidden in every business and nation except Royal ones. He has done nothing but divide our nation with his puerile behavior and rhetoric that is very similar to events in history.
I have a question too...

where are the progressives planning to find the evidence that Trump has done anything less than committed to being the greatest American president?
Lets us start with being a leader. So far he has been led. Then go to nepotism which is forbidden in every business and nation except Royal ones. He has done nothing but divide our nation with his puerile behavior and rhetoric that is very similar to events in history.

If he's been led why is he always two moves ahead of you progressives? Sounds like you are led - by CNN and others. Always behind Trump.

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