A Question for Rightwingers

Would you support mandated concealed carry?

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No one should be mandated to carry a gun or buy health insurance.

and keep your damn probe out of Jillian's womb too :D

The ultrasound should be a routine part of abortions to determine gestational age. I was under the impression that an abortion was done in conjunction with an ultra sound ... don't they need to see where the babby is to rip it out?

Jillian doesn't just rip that sucker out.
He's supposed to be apolitical but in this case he voted politically and with the left. He imposed the greatest tax hike in the history of AMerica.

Yes, indeed.

There is no excuse for what he did.

There was legal precedent that he could use:

"A tax, in the general understanding of the term, and as used in the Constitution, signifies an exaction for the support of the Government. The word has never been thought to connote the expropriation of money from one group for the benefit of another"

United States v. Butler - 297 U.S. 1 (1936)


But this bill was not sent to him as a tax unless the democrats lied about that. It was sent to him as being under the commerce clause. So basically he did just what Kagen would have done. He re wrote the bill and made it a tax before passing it. The judiciary have now moved into the womb of the legislators.

Ron Paul on Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling

Ron Paul on today’s Supreme Court decision:

“I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it come to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.

“Today we should remember that virtually everything government does is a ‘mandate.’ The issue is not whether Congress can compel commerce by forcing you to buy insurance, or simply compel you to pay a tax if you don’t. The issue is that this compulsion implies the use of government force against those who refuse. The fundamental hallmark of a free society should be the rejection of force. In a free society, therefore, individuals could opt out of “Obamacare” without paying a government tribute.

Yes, indeed.

There is no excuse for what he did.

There was legal precedent that he could use:

"A tax, in the general understanding of the term, and as used in the Constitution, signifies an exaction for the support of the Government. The word has never been thought to connote the expropriation of money from one group for the benefit of another"

United States v. Butler - 297 U.S. 1 (1936)


But this bill was not sent to him as a tax unless the democrats lied about that. It was sent to him as being under the commerce clause. So basically he did just what Kagen would have done. He re wrote the bill and made it a tax before passing it. The judiciary have now moved into the womb of the legislators.

Ron Paul on Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling

Ron Paul on today’s Supreme Court decision:

“I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it come to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.

“Today we should remember that virtually everything government does is a ‘mandate.’ The issue is not whether Congress can compel commerce by forcing you to buy insurance, or simply compel you to pay a tax if you don’t. The issue is that this compulsion implies the use of government force against those who refuse. The fundamental hallmark of a free society should be the rejection of force. In a free society, therefore, individuals could opt out of “Obamacare” without paying a government tribute.


ron paul doesn't know anything about the constitution. why would his opinion matter?

his idiot son said it doesn't matter what the court says as to constitutionality.

dumb and dumber.
But this bill was not sent to him as a tax unless the democrats lied about that. It was sent to him as being under the commerce clause. So basically he did just what Kagen would have done. He re wrote the bill and made it a tax before passing it. The judiciary have now moved into the womb of the legislators.

Ron Paul on Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling

Ron Paul on today’s Supreme Court decision:

“I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it come to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.

“Today we should remember that virtually everything government does is a ‘mandate.’ The issue is not whether Congress can compel commerce by forcing you to buy insurance, or simply compel you to pay a tax if you don’t. The issue is that this compulsion implies the use of government force against those who refuse. The fundamental hallmark of a free society should be the rejection of force. In a free society, therefore, individuals could opt out of “Obamacare” without paying a government tribute.


ron paul doesn't know anything about the constitution. why would his opinion matter?


Yo jilly, thou are confusing the Constitution (1787) with the Communist Manifesto.

As always, Heil Hitler.

Ron Paul on Supreme Court ObamaCare Ruling

Ron Paul on today’s Supreme Court decision:

“I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it come to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.

“Today we should remember that virtually everything government does is a ‘mandate.’ The issue is not whether Congress can compel commerce by forcing you to buy insurance, or simply compel you to pay a tax if you don’t. The issue is that this compulsion implies the use of government force against those who refuse. The fundamental hallmark of a free society should be the rejection of force. In a free society, therefore, individuals could opt out of “Obamacare” without paying a government tribute.


ron paul doesn't know anything about the constitution. why would his opinion matter?


Yo jilly, thou are confusing the Constitution (1787) with the Communist Manifesto.

As always, Heil Hitler.


riiiiiiiiiiiight.. because i'm such a pro-hitler type.


but if you have an issue with it, you can always complain to justice roberts.

pity people like you reflect so poorly on real conservatives.
why would that make the difference?

are you paying more or less for insurance if there's a national pool of money?

This is why we wonder if you're really a lawyer. Can you answer the question or is it beyond you?

Who is this 'we' you speak of? Or is there schizophrenia involved.

No, Dear. It's everyone who has read your posts. We're still waiting for you to post the Clarence Thomas decision that shows he's an idiot.

You think the federal government has unlimited powers and abilities to spend, it's an infantile mind set

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