A question for the anti-choice crowd.

Yeah I notice when I answered your question about where the money came from...

You didn't answer my question. You said it comes from "the education budget" but I asked you where they get their money from? You see... the money comes from the taxpayer, not the government. So it's the taxpayer's money, not the government's. You also erroneously claimed the money is funding something... it's not, it's paying for something. There is a service provided of which the provider is paid for. That's different than funding something.

Okay, well, I'm a tax payer, so it's my money, and I refuse to let you use my money to pay for a religious school.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You do that. Tell the government to "Go fuck a duck, I ain't paying no stinkin taxes!"

Lemme know how that works out for ya.

But that's the government and the government is the people... not YOU. See... when I give the government my money, it's still my money because I am the government.

Not everyone who has a child in school pays taxes, so myself and others have decided to contribute so that those children can be educated too. Cash can be used for anything, so in order to ensure the money is used to educate the children, it is given in the form of a voucher. So it shouldn't matter what KIND of school as long as it meets the educational standards we've all agreed upon. That should be left to the individual.

And before you say it, I don't have any problem with a Muslim using their voucher to send their kid to a Muslim school, as long as the Muslim school is accredited and meets academic standards. It's their business, not mine.
Well, I'm also the government. You don't want your money paying to help support the children of women who choose not to have abortions, and I don't want my money paying for religious institutions. I guess we both gotta put up with our money being used for shit we don't particularly approve of, don't we?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Vouchers are used so the money can only be spent on a specific thing. And the government isn't paying anyone anything... it's my money. It's not the government funding a religious institution. It is me using my money to pay a religious institution for their services. You're just flat wrong as usual.
Either you don't understand how the voucher system works, or you are flat out lying about your understanding. I don't know which.

Who provides the vouchers?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where does the money come from?
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
Either you don't understand how the voucher system works, or you are flat out lying about your understanding. I don't know which.

Who provides the vouchers?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where does the money come from?
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
Either you don't understand how the voucher system works, or you are flat out lying about your understanding. I don't know which.

Who provides the vouchers?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where does the money come from?
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
Well, you can argue whatever you'd like. Since you do not know me, you know neither my financial situation, nor my tax burden. I understand that it makes it easier for you to just assume that anyone who does not share your selfish views must be one of the "freeloaders", but, you'd be wrong.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Where does the money come from?
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Where does the money come from?
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
Well, you can argue whatever you'd like. Since you do not know me, you know neither my financial situation, nor my tax burden. I understand that it makes it easier for you to just assume that anyone who does not share your selfish views must be one of the "freeloaders", but, you'd be wrong.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a freeloader.
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Says the lady who presumes she knows the financial situation of a complete stranger.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The education budget. Which is a government department.

Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
Well, you can argue whatever you'd like. Since you do not know me, you know neither my financial situation, nor my tax burden. I understand that it makes it easier for you to just assume that anyone who does not share your selfish views must be one of the "freeloaders", but, you'd be wrong.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a freeloader.
That you go making presumptions, again. That's okay. You're an idiot. We understand you don't know any better, and can't help yourself.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Where does their money come from?
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Says the lady who presumes she knows the financial situation of a complete stranger.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't cry, loser.
Me. The money is mine. I pay taxes just as much as you do, so, by your logic I have just as much claim to that money as you do.

I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Says the lady who presumes she knows the financial situation of a complete stranger.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't cry, loser.
I was thinking the same thing, idiot.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I don't believe you "pay taxes just as much as you do". In fact, I would argue that you haven't paid taxes in your adult life. Not in any substantial sense.
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Says the lady who presumes she knows the financial situation of a complete stranger.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't cry, loser.
I was thinking the same thing, idiot.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So neither of us wants you to cry. You can do it. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly...
It's presumptive idiot day on USMB... I'm seeing it on all the threads, seems that the "know it alls" are out in force today.
You lunatics always out yourselves.
Says the lady who presumes she knows the financial situation of a complete stranger.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't cry, loser.
I was thinking the same thing, idiot.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So neither of us wants you to cry. You can do it. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly...
You really are a special kind retarded, aren't you? Welcome to the ignored trash heap.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Or we both pay our fucking taxes, and quit bitching about how it's used.

I was fine with that arrangement, you are the one who complained.
Actually, you are the one bitching about your taxes being used to pay for "bastards" you didn't make. Now, we've found something I disagree with. So, I won't bitch about Christian schools getting my tax dollars, and you don't bitch about your tax dollars used for welfare. Deal?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Actually, you are the one bitching about your taxes being used to pay for "bastards" you didn't make. Now, we've found something I disagree with. So, I won't bitch about Christian schools getting my tax dollars, and you don't bitch about your tax dollars used for welfare. Deal?

Yes, I am opposed to the government funding abortions. I am also opposed to the government paying for plastic surgery or sex change operations. I am opposed to the government supporting your drug habit or buying your booze. There are all sorts of things I don't think the government should be using our tax dollars to pay for. A long time ago, I agreed that government should use our tax dollars to subsidize education because I feel education is important... but you know what? If there is going to be this kind of resistance to who spends their vouchers where... I would rather just return the tax dollars to the states and let my state decide how it is spent.
Except that's not how vouchers work. The government doesn't give you one cent. That's why it's a voucher, not a tax refund. All you get is a piece of paper to give to your "school of choice", letting them know that, when they remit, the government will pay whatever percentage of their tuition the voucher is good for. In other words, the government doesn't pay you, they pay the school, just as if it were a public school getting federal funds.

Sorry, vouchers for religious schools is using the government to fund religious institutions - a direct violation of the first amendment.

Vouchers are used so the money can only be spent on a specific thing. And the government isn't paying anyone anything... it's my money. It's not the government funding a religious institution. It is me using my money to pay a religious institution for their services. You're just flat wrong as usual.
What a low information moron you are. Once you pay your taxes, it's not your money anymore. And you don't decide where that money goes, the government does. So no, it's not you funding religious institutions -- it's the government doing that.

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