A Question For The Left Wingers On This Forum


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.

I was raised Republican and voted for them up through Reagan and Bush 41.
They seemed like the “sane” party who engaged in basic conservative values

But in the mid 90s, Newt Gingrich came along paralyzing Government and empowering the radical right. It was also the time when Talk Radio emerged and took control of the party.

When Bush 43 was elected, I gave him moderate support and he had my full support after 9-11. But when he abandoned the War on Terrorism to engage in a War in Iraq….he lost my support.

I welcomed Obama’s election and was appalled at the antics of the Tea Party and the control Fox News had over Republicans.

Since the 1980s I recognized Trump was a cartoon character of what a rich man was supposed to be. I never bought his act or his lack of personal integrity. I laughed when he ran for President and was shocked that this snake oil salesman had taken control of the GOP
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?
Have you asked that question of yourself? Have you asked it of the righties here? No? Then you're a hypocrite, and we can't take you seriously.

And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly.
Do you know how many times we've heard the "I used to be a Democrat ..." story? It's the mostest favorite story that Russian trolls and other propagandists use.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.
If you're calling Ukraine a stupid war, you're either a stupid or a fascist.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.
Who fed you the crazy talking point that Republicans don't ship jobs overseas?

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.
Again, what alternate reality do you get this stuff from?

I don't know if you're just completely brainwashed, or if you're deliberately pushing propaganda. In either case, there's no point in taking you seriously.
Have you asked that question of yourself? Have you asked it of the righties here? No? Then you're a hypocrite, and we can't take you seriously.

Do you know how many times we've heard the "I used to be a Democrat ..." story? It's the mostest favorite story that Russian trolls and other propagandists use.

If you're calling Ukraine a stupid war, you're either a stupid or a fascist.

Who fed you the crazy talking point that Republicans don't ship jobs overseas?

Again, what alternate reality do you get this stuff from?

I don't know if you're just completely brainwashed, or if you're deliberately pushing propaganda. In either case, there's no point in taking you seriously.

It's apparent that you cannot handle opposing viewpoints, you lil' fascist you!!
I was raised Republican and voted for them up through Reagan and Bush 41.
They seemed like the “sane” party who engaged in basic conservative values

But in the mid 90s, Newt Gingrich came along paralyzing Government and empowering the radical right. It was also the time when Talk Radio emerged and took control of the party.

When Bush 43 was elected, I gave him moderate support and he had my full support after 9-11. But when he abandoned the War on Terrorism to engage in a War in Iraq….he lost my support.

I welcomed Obama’s election and was appalled at the antics of the Tea Party and the control Fox News had over Republicans.

Since the 1980s I recognized Trump was a cartoon character of what a rich man was supposed to be. I never bought his act or his lack of personal integrity. I laughed when he ran for President and was shocked that this snake oil salesman had taken control of the GOP

And then at some point you joined the deviancy bandwagon, and swore allegiance to Bidenista-dom!!
It's apparent that you cannot handle opposing viewpoints, you lil' fascist you!!
Says the guy now using insults to run from debate, a standard fascist tactic.

Speaking of other fascist tactics, the Nazis also used the "Jews/liberals are attacking children!" line that you use.

Remember, if you see someone spinning a "I used to be a Democrat ..." story and then backing it up with standard GOP talking points, they're either a hardcore lifelong Republican, or a paid Russian troll.
Says the guy now using insults to run from debate, a standard fascist tactic.

Speaking of other fascist tactics, the Nazis also used the "Jews/liberals are attacking children!" line that you use.

Remember, if you see someone spinning a "I used to be a Democrat ..." story and then backing it up with standard GOP talking points, they're either a hardcore lifelong Republican, or a paid Russian troll.

What insult?

You make no sense when you get too excited.
I was raised Republican and voted for them up through Reagan and Bush 41.
They seemed like the “sane” party who engaged in basic conservative values

But in the mid 90s, Newt Gingrich came along paralyzing Government and empowering the radical right. It was also the time when Talk Radio emerged and took control of the party.

When Bush 43 was elected, I gave him moderate support and he had my full support after 9-11. But when he abandoned the War on Terrorism to engage in a War in Iraq….he lost my support.

I welcomed Obama’s election and was appalled at the antics of the Tea Party and the control Fox News had over Republicans.

Since the 1980s I recognized Trump was a cartoon character of what a rich man was supposed to be. I never bought his act or his lack of personal integrity. I laughed when he ran for President and was shocked that this snake oil salesman had taken control of the GOP
The year I started voting, we had a crooked Democrat Governor, so I went with Lamar and Nixon. We all know how Nixon turned out, so I went with Carter, a smart guy, but couldn't get lucky in a two-bit whore house with a roll of quarters. Went with Ron, all bets were off. At any given time any of them can be equally Fkd up or seriously incompetent. I take it on an election by election basis. I look for people that will probably not FUBA the whole government, and we are likely to be able to survive, until we can vote them out, if given a better choice. The only politician that ever had my vote from the beginning of their career to the end was Lamar. Been lots of Republicans and Democrats along the way, and I have survived them all and thrived, and will continue to survive them all, and thrive to an extent to the end, but it won't be politics or economics that gets. It will be old age, and I will fight the good fight there, as long as possible, as I am still having a good time.
I was raised Republican and voted for them up through Reagan and Bush 41.
They seemed like the “sane” party who engaged in basic conservative values

But in the mid 90s, Newt Gingrich came along paralyzing Government and empowering the radical right. It was also the time when Talk Radio emerged and took control of the party.

When Bush 43 was elected, I gave him moderate support and he had my full support after 9-11. But when he abandoned the War on Terrorism to engage in a War in Iraq….he lost my support.

I welcomed Obama’s election and was appalled at the antics of the Tea Party and the control Fox News had over Republicans.

Since the 1980s I recognized Trump was a cartoon character of what a rich man was supposed to be. I never bought his act or his lack of personal integrity. I laughed when he ran for President and was shocked that this snake oil salesman had taken control of the GOP
I did not abandon Bush as quickly as you, but otherwise exactly the same story. What I am sick of is Trump disciples telling me I am a "lib" because Trump is a clown show and I am not blind to his craziness. Trump and the Trump cult are not conservative. I am.
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Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.
Your big problem with all of that is...

Trump erased any and all good that he did on January 6, 2021...

He and his minions (with his knowledge) summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob to move against the United States Congress on that day...

That is Mortal Sin and cannot and will not be forgiven...

It is akin to Benedict Arnold conspiring to turn West Point over to the King's forces...

Fortunately, both acts of treachery failed... the one in 1780... and the one on January 6, 2021...

Benedict Arnold was not given a Second Chance...

Trump will not be given a Second Chance either...

There is no negotiation possible on this particular point...

Which is a damned shame, actually, because much of the Trump Agenda (so-called) was actually good for America...

But it came at too high a price... namely, the man himself, with his immense catalog of flaws...

The agenda was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger...

Find another Messenger and you'll find a great many more Americans joining the old Trump Base in voting-out the Illegals-loving Democrats...

Fail to change Standard Bearers and you will lose again in 2024...

The math inherent in this is inescapable and rock-solid... you cannot win without Independents and Reagan Democrats... and they will not vote for Trump...

Snap out of it... wake up... make the change, while there is still time.
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Your big problem with all of that is...

Trump erased any and all good that he did on January 6, 2021...

He and his minions (with his knowledge) summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob to move against the United States Congress on that day...

That is Mortal Sin and cannot and will not be forgiven...

It is akin to Benedict Arnold conspiring to turn West Point over to the King's forces...

Fortunately, both acts of treachery failed... the one in 1780... and the one on January 6, 2021...

Benedict Arnold was not given a Second Chance...

Trump will not be given a Second Chance either...

There is no negotiation possible on this particular point...

Which is a damned shame, actually, because much of the Trump Agenda (so-called) was actually good for America...

But it came at too high a price... namely, the man himself, with his immense catalog of flaws...

The agenda was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger...

Find another Messenger and you'll find a great many more Americans joining the old Trump Base in voting-out the Illegals-loving Democrats...

Fail to change Standard Bearers and you will lose again in 2024...

The math inherent in this is inescapable and rock-solid... you cannot win without Independents and Reagan Democrats... and they will not vote for Trump...

Snap out of it... wake up... make the change, while there is still time.

The Trump Factor has already been stamped on American Politics!
He exposed the Uniparty nature of our corrupt and deviant politics leading us to totalitarianism, as Fed authoritarianism has already arrived under Obama, and now Joey!

The Trump Factor has already been stamped on American Politics!
He exposed the Uniparty nature of our corrupt and deviant politics leading us to totalitarianism, as Fed authoritarianism has already arrived under Obama, and now Joey!

Doesn't matter in the slightest.

He violated the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power...

He is unfit for public office and it is likely that after the DoJ is done with him that he will be barred by statute and the Constitution from ever again threatening America.

Either come to grips with that and anoint Ron DeSantis as his replacement or guarantee your own loss in November 2024.
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Doesn't matter in the slightest.

He violated the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power...

He is unfit for public office and it is likely that after the DoJ is done with him that he will be barred by statute and the Constitution from ever again threatening America.

Either come to grips with that and anoint Ron DeSantis as his replacement or guarantee your own loss in November 2024.

I'll use your rebuttal.

It doesn't matter.....:abgg2q.jpg:.
When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.
The truth about Trump has never changed...why should opinions of him change?
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.
Trump was/is a criminal. Nothing changes that. Why would you be asking stupid questions? Do you not have any shame or self respect?
The Trump Factor has already been stamped on American Politics!
He exposed the Uniparty nature of our corrupt and deviant politics leading us to totalitarianism, as Fed authoritarianism has already arrived under Obama, and now Joey!

That is an absolutely retarded, lying argument. Get the fuck out of here liar.

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