A question for the Trump supporters...

No truer words were ever spoken
Trump could shoot someone and his followers would excuse him

Look at Jan 6
Ask the Republican candidates for President in the 2024 election if they are for the United States as a free and sovereign nation. With a common language, And a common culture. Ask if we can reduce the wars and have some peace for a decade or two before we ramp up again. Trump tried to do what I typed.
Noble intentions, but your question is all wrong.

In essence you are asking "Everyone who has chosen to believe in a dogma, if evidence conflicts with your dogma, will you reconsider your dogma?

Of course, the answer is no, by definition.
I'm in agreement with that. But I also think that question should be asked nonetheless. It's a great test in understanding ones convictions.
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
The answer came long ago.

deaf dumb blind jazz.jpg
No. The only way I would change my mind is if I saw indictments or at least serious investigations of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden along with Trump. The hypocrisy and witch hunt bother me. There are plenty of Candidates besides Trump I would vote for but the more they press on him and ignore the other dirty politicians it becomes a thing where on principle I would vote for him out of disgust at what they are doing to him.

If he goes it's Vivek or Robert Kennedy jr for me.
'Swamy wants Musk as VP and Musk wants you to fund a trip to Mars as he practices Twitter fascism on non-members. You now have a clue as to what the Martian colony would look like.
Get used to it. The Pandemic money was a fluke..and yet it seriously helped the 'peasants'.
It'll be a long before something like that happens again~
What capitalism gives with the one hand, it takes away with the other. Pandemic money is a tossed bone to the prisoners while The Elf, Big Farmer, and Big Pharma profits were many-fold larger.
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
only afrer biden resignes for hiding documents in his car

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