A question for the Trump supporters...

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He left the vehicle saw some thug checking out houses in a rainstorm, then called to see what the police would do. Unfortunately the police didnt think it was important enough to come right away, so George got a beat down from a Homophobe thug.

'Checking out houses?' another fucking liar here.

Fact: "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK,"
He left the vehicle saw some thug checking out houses in a rainstorm, then called to see what the police would do. Unfortunately the police didnt think it was important enough to come right away, so George got a beat down from a Homophobe thug.

But yes, Trayvon went after Zimmerman partly because he thought he was being cruised by a gay guy. Facts matter.
I've had more than one of them tell me that ALL of the evidence against Trump in ALL of the cases is phony, manufactured. So when they hear a tape of him doing exactly what the charges said he did, they must think it was computer-generated, or perhaps a paid impersonator. One of them told me it's just AI.

So the videos, emails, texts, documents and sworn testimony from his staffers and lawyers are also phony. Someone created them.

There appears to be no communicating with these people, there is no proving anything, there is no explaining anything.
it's not computer generated it's part of the evidence against him it's not phony... this was basically A New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman who was there to help Mark Medows with his upcoming book ... she was going to record information from him for a book he was writing .... she testified about it under oath to a grand jury ... if you think she is going to lie about it and risk going to jail; for 10 years you are stupider then your response here is... so you heard the recording from the reporter She said it was trump trying to impress her on how important he is ... this recording is going to send him to jail ... nobody created them they are real ... get it !!! not phony, real !!!... were you getting this nonsense that staffer, lawyers, is someone creating them, is beyond me ... when it was trumps lawyers and his staffers who testified under oath to a grand jury ...if you think these people would lie to a grand jury and risk going to prison for 10 years, you are real stupid...
it's not computer generated it's part of the evidence against him it's not phony... this was basically A New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman who was there to help Mark Medows with his upcoming book ... she was going to record information from him for a book he was writing .... she testified about it under oath to a grand jury ... if you think she is going to lie about it and risk going to jail; for 10 years you are stupider then your response here is... so you heard the recording from the reporter She said it was trump trying to impress her on how important he is ... this recording is going to send him to jail ... nobody created them they are real ... get it !!! not phony, real !!!... were you getting this nonsense that staffer, lawyers, is someone creating them, is beyond me ... when it was trumps lawyers and his staffers who testified under oath to a grand jury ...if you think these people would lie to a grand jury and risk going to prison for 10 years, you are real stupid...
Who told you all this?
'Checking out houses?' another fucking liar here.

Fact: "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK,"
Tell me you don't know that Trayvon had burglar tools and stolen loot in his school locker.
Trayvon was looking for a place to rob and Zimmerman wouldn't stop following him.
Zimmerman deserved a medal for protecting his community from a thief.
Tell me you don't know that Trayvon had burglar tools and stolen loot in his school locker.
Trayvon was looking for a place to rob and Zimmerman wouldn't stop following him.
Zimmerman deserved a medal for protecting his community from a thief.
And he was a Democrat Voter also, but i think that changed after the Lame Stream Media falsely identified him.
I will back ANY GOP candidate who can take down the Democrat Regime. It's not about the candidates anymore, it's about saving this country. The Democrats have gone full Marxist and work every day on destroying this country.
That and promise to deport every single illegal that Biden has flooded the country with.
These documents are government property ... Donald Trump refused to give them back when asked ... that's not allowed ... ever ...

There's at least one document labeled "Top Secret // SCI" ... that's a major fuck-up ... do we want a President who can't be trusted with military secrets? ...
Just because you think Trump can't be trusted with secret documents doesn't mean others agree with you.
That and promise to deport every single illegal that Biden has flooded the country with.
Ideally yes but first things first. We need to focus on stopping or at least slowing the flow OUT of the defective countries. There are millions coming just out of Venezuela alone. Has BIden even mentioned Venezuela or Maduro? Nope. Who is paying for the all these Africans showing up? How about we find out and stop it? Why not set up a massive blockade in Panama?
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?

We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?

It's a BS "Crime" PedoPete as VP kept docs in his fucking garage
Tell me you don't know that Trayvon had burglar tools and stolen loot in his school locker.
Trayvon was looking for a place to rob and Zimmerman wouldn't stop following him.
Zimmerman deserved a medal for protecting his community from a thief.
Fact: "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK,"

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