A question for the Trump supporters...

That and promise to deport every single illegal that Biden has flooded the country with.
We need to do an emergency census, and figure out how many people shouldnt be here. Once found , they are fingerprinted, DNA and photographed, so when they are deported they are told that if they come back again, they will be executed for being an invasion force. No more Mr Nice Uncle Sugar. Time to get serious and if there are bleeding heart Marxists who want to shield these diseased illegals send them with them back to the shithole countries they fled from.
We need to do an emergency census, and figure out how many people shouldnt be here. Once found , they are fingerprinted, DNA and photographed, so when they are deported they are told that if they come back again, they will be executed for being an invasion force. No more Mr Nice Uncle Sugar. Time to get serious and if there are bleeding heart Marxists who want to shield these diseased illegals send them with them back to the shithole countries they fled from.
Can I get a Universal Translator over here?!
Exactly. Mike Lindell was right, we should have reinstated Trump.
Who told you all this?
are you one of these trump nut cases ??? really !!! you don't believe anything except what Trump tells you ... I gave you names in my previous post... the woman New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman who recorded it ... the recording has been authenticated for the courts to be used as evidence against Trump if you don't want to believe the truth I can't make you ... I can only show you the truth ... trump lies about everything he says... he is known for this kind of behavior all of his life... he's been doing it all his life ... he doesn't know how to tell the truth ... truth to him is something that gets in his way... if he doesn't like the truth he will change it to what he likes as the truth ... if you want to remain one of trumps sheep with a ring in your nose following believing this man that's your choice ... be stupid I can't help ya ... if you want to know the truth go to a credible source like the people involved not some conspiracy theorist .. grow up ...
Democrats will never admit the election was stolen.
you can't admit to something that never happens... you can't forge mail-in ballots its impossible and i challenge you to prove you can... these states had laws on the books that you can't count mail-in ballots until the day of the election ... That's why Trump was whining about these ballots... Rudy lied to the press that you can take these mail-in ballots and run them through 16 times ... you can only run it through once... it has an SKU number on it ... if it comes through a second time it gets kicked out and not counted so that shoots your stolen election bull shit... please tell us about how it was stolen... we would love to hear your words of wisdom how it was done
We didn't need Biden on display, we didn't need voter fraud!

We had Trump, on display, front and forward, (at his covid spreading rallies..... ) :rolleyes:

That's all Americans needed, to vote against him and beat the hell out of him, and win....regardless of who the democratic candidate was....
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He was reelected, then the big steal came in after 2am.
that's when they started counting the mail-in ballots, you moron... it was required by the law of each state that the Republicans passed ... instead like my state when they receive the mail-in ballot they count it ...Penn. Georgia, and Wisconsin, have laws saying they can't count them until the day of the election ... that usually starts around 2 AM ... why??? Because they are counting all of the people's votes that came into a polling place to vote that day, you moron...and you can't forge or count a mail-in ballot more than once ... all mail-in ballots have SKU numbers ... the big steals was a lie for you trump sheep to buy ... ...
We didn't need Biden on display, we didn't need voter fraud!

We had Trump, on display, front and forward, at his covid spreading rallies..... :rolleyes:

That's all Americans needed, to vote against him and beat the hell out of him, and win....regardless of who the democratic candidate was....
so much truth there... Trump is the most hated politician in America ... he will never get re-elected again because he's going to jail ... for the rest of his life ... after he loses his first appeal he's how you Trumpies say, lock him up, and the way he to jail ...
We need to do an emergency census, and figure out how many people shouldnt be here. Once found , they are fingerprinted, DNA and photographed, so when they are deported they are told that if they come back again, they will be executed for being an invasion force. No more Mr Nice Uncle Sugar. Time to get serious and if there are bleeding heart Marxists who want to shield these diseased illegals send them with them back to the shithole countries they fled from.
you two bozos are nut cases .... bide hasn't let in any illegal ... he hasn't let in people who are applying for asylum ... that's the constitution that allows that I realize you nut cases don't follow the Constitution but we democrats follow it ... only trump and his little trumpies want the construction removed ...he even said so ... I realize you don't like Latinos coming into the US ... but like all asylum seekers the constitution allows it ... now as for biden ... he has returned more illegals back to their country of origin then trump did or Obamas or bush ... so you seem to do not know that do you ...
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
He was pointing out newspaper articles where General Milley was telling the press that Trump wanted to invade Iran, but it was Milley who drew up a classified plan to invade Iran that Trump rejected.

"I could have declassified all this stuff at the time, but i didnt", Trump says, referring to the articles about it.

No Iranian war plans were found at Mara Lago. Trump isnt being charged for that either. That audio is not going to help the prosecution one iota. Its simply not a part of their case against Trump.
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you can't admit to something that never happens... you can't forge mail-in ballots its impossible and i challenge you to prove you can... these states had laws on the books that you can't count mail-in ballots until the day of the election ... That's why Trump was whining about these ballots... Rudy lied to the press that you can take these mail-in ballots and run them through 16 times ... you can only run it through once... it has an SKU number on it ... if it comes through a second time it gets kicked out and not counted so that shoots your stolen election bull shit... please tell us about how it was stolen... we would love to hear your words of wisdom how it was done
you two bozos are nut cases .... bide hasn't let in any illegal ... he hasn't let in people who are applying for asylum ... that's the constitution that allows that I realize you nut cases don't follow the Constitution but we democrats follow it ... only trump and his little trumpies want the construction removed ...he even said so ... I realize you don't like Latinos coming into the US ... but like all asylum seekers the constitution allows it ... now as for biden ... he has returned more illegals back to their country of origin then trump did or Obamas or bush ... so you seem to do not know that do you ...
Every day i pray that a drunk illegal T-bones your sorry ass, but then it would mean that you died with your head shoved up your ass, and never saw it coming.

We need to do an emergency census, and figure out how many people shouldnt be here. Once found , they are fingerprinted, DNA and photographed, so when they are deported they are told that if they come back again, they will be executed for being an invasion force. No more Mr Nice Uncle Sugar. Time to get serious and if there are bleeding heart Marxists who want to shield these diseased illegals send them with them back to the shithole countries they fled from.
Not so sure about the execution part.

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