A question for the Trump supporters...

You are not clever enough to win any argument with me. You need to face that. I can embarrass you all day long, although you do a bang up job of that yourself.
Humpty Trumpty!

We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?

3. Presidents are allowed to have personal property, like Clinton's sock drawer tapes.
few take that gem seriously. Why? It's one of Trumps plates of shit thrown against the proverbial wall.

Comparing the Trump crimes with the so-called Socks thing? Try using a search engine before you so publicly show off your ignorance and stupidity.

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Judge Amy Berman Jackson dismissed Judicial Watch's lawsuit against the National Archive and Records Administration (NARA). In her opinion, she stated that the NARA did not have the ability to declare an item to be a presidential record; it did not have possession of the tapes; and had no ability to seize them or compel former President Clinton to release them.

So, contrary to former President Trump's statement, the government did not lose that case.

While that was a civil case, former President Trump faces criminal charges related to the documents allegedly in his possession.

The Justice Department also did not cite the Presidential Records Act in its indictment of Donald Trump. It cited statutes in the Espionage Act about the possession of documents related to national defense.

I will back ANY GOP candidate who can take down the Democrat Regime. It's not about the candidates anymore, it's about saving this country. The Democrats have gone full Marxist and work every day on destroying this country.
Spoken like a true brainwashed cult member. Thats exactly the message that’s been pushed. Don’t be a mindless drone. Every person should be evaluated on their words actions and character. Not stereotyped by a Blue or Red badge. That’s the game, you think you’re playing, but you’re really being played.
Spoken like a true brainwashed cult member. Thats exactly the message that’s been pushed. Don’t be a mindless drone. Every person should be evaluated on their words actions and character. Not stereotyped by a Blue or Red badge. That’s the game, you think you’re playing, but you’re really being played.
What more do you need to see? You are actually one of the more intelligent DemBots yet somehow you fail to see the destruction of the border, the Fentanyl attack on our citizens, the destruction of the US Justice System and the attack on law enforcement and border patrol. Who is the brainwashed cultist Slade? Wake the f- up.
What more do you need to see? You are actually one of the more intelligent DemBots yet somehow you fail to see the destruction of the border, the Fentanyl attack on our citizens, the destruction of the US Justice System and the attack on law enforcement and border patrol. Who is the brainwashed cultist Slade? Wake the f- up.
I see the issues at the border, the negative effects of fentanyl, Justice system is fine, and law enforcement is undergoing needed reforms… in this case your extremist views against the left is the brainwashed cult speak. I actually see value and good/bad actors from both sides
What more do you need to see? You are actually one of the more intelligent DemBots yet somehow you fail to see the destruction of the border, the Fentanyl attack on our citizens, the destruction of the US Justice System and the attack on law enforcement and border patrol. Who is the brainwashed cultist Slade? Wake the f- up.
You people act so concerned. But you don't fool many.

Biden has the DHS looking at the root of the chemicals used:

In March, DHS launched “Operation Blue Lotus” to target fentanyl traffickers, and authorities say the operation led to 284 arrests and the seizure of nearly 10,000 pounds of the drug during its first two months.

“The intelligence and investigative work being conducted by DHS Agencies and with our federal partners to disrupt the fentanyl supply chain is unprecedented,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.

Biden administration extends campaign targeting fentanyl trafficking​

DHS officials said the new phase of their campaign will consist of two efforts, Operation Artemis and Operation Rolling Wave, that seek to cut off fentanyl shipments and catch more traffickers.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection teams will lead Operation Artemis to “target the fentanyl supply chain” by stopping precursor chemicals and other materials used in the illicit manufacture of the drug by criminal organizations in Mexico.
first, you post it totally uninformed post here ...all you had to do is google it as I did ...it on YouTube a video of him telling people its a secret document ... why you posted this is beyond me "My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter your opinion of the indictment at all?"
heres the recording
first, you post it totally uninformed post here ...all you had to do is google it as I did ...it on YouTube a video of him telling people its a secret document ... why you posted this is beyond me "My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter your opinion of the indictment at all?"
heres the recording

I've had more than one of them tell me that ALL of the evidence against Trump in ALL of the cases is phony, manufactured. So when they hear a tape of him doing exactly what the charges said he did, they must think it was computer-generated, or perhaps a paid impersonator. One of them told me it's just AI.

So the videos, emails, texts, documents and sworn testimony from his staffers and lawyers are also phony. Someone created them.

There appears to be no communicating with these people, there is no proving anything, there is no explaining anything.
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first, you post it totally uninformed post here ...all you had to do is google it as I did ...it on YouTube a video of him telling people its a secret document ... why you posted this is beyond me "My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter your opinion of the indictment at all?"
heres the recording

Back when George Zimmerman was having his head bashed in by a black thug, he called 9-11. When the Lame Stream Media got their hands on that recording, they editted it to make George (A Democrat voter) seem like a racist. I trust no Lame Stream Media anything....
I've had more than one of them tell me that ALL of the evidence against Trump in ALL of the cases is phony, manufactured. So when they hear a tape of him doing exactly what the charges said he did, they must think it was computer-generated, or perhaps a paid impersonator. One of them told me it's just AI.

So the videos, emails, texts, documents and sworn testimony from his staffers and lawyers are also phony. Someone created them.

There appears to be no communicating with these people, there is no proving anything, there is no explaining anything.
Back when George Zimmerman was having his head bashed in by a black thug, he called 9-11. When the Lame Stream Media got their hands on that recording, they editted it to make George (A Democrat voter) seem like a racist. I trust no Lame Stream Media anything....

Actually Zimmerman made the 911 call before ever leaving his truck and going hunting.


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