A question for the Trump supporters...

Good luck.
Oh by the way… does he have to register as a sexual offender?
Joe Biden?

The PRA is NOT a criminal statute, the president may make a claim that some docs are his personal property, like Clinton's sock drawer tapes.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. These invasion plans prepared by the DoD aren’t government documents. Those are my personal invasion plans.

Good luck.
Obviously not a Trumper--but I can tell you that, to the hard-core, facts are irrelevant if they don't match the narrative.
The claim will be..lessee..."So what?" and "Fake News" and Whatabout Clinton, Obama, Hunter, Biden etc. etc. etc.
They literally do not care about Trump's guilt or innocence~
Marixsts dont care about TRUTH or JUSTICE, just get orange man bad.....At what ever cost, even if it means the US becomes a 3rd world shithole....
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. These invasion plans prepared by the DoD aren’t government documents. Those are my personal invasion plans.
Good luck.
All he has to say is that they were outdated, will never be used, and I declassified them.
But SENATOR BIDEN stealing classified documents is NO BIG DEAL, right?
Oh, what's that? He didn't mean it?
He didn't know????
What a crock of SHIT this whole thing is!
There is an Independent Counsel looking into Biden's documents isn't there?
No. The only way I would change my mind is if I saw indictments or at least serious investigations of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden along with Trump. The hypocrisy and witch hunt bother me. There are plenty of Candidates besides Trump I would vote for but the more they press on him and ignore the other dirty politicians it becomes a thing where on principle I would vote for him out of disgust at what they are doing to him.

If he goes it's Vivek or Robert Kennedy jr for me.

Serious investigations were done to the Clintons, for over 20 years, and to the tune of over $400 million tax payermoney.

Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

So you just want to keep investigating innocent people to assuage your own guilt and ignorance?

That says more about you than it does the Clintons.

And just what exactly is it you are insinuating Obama may guilty of?

Or are you just another yapping bigot that needs to lash out to assuage your own guilt and ignorance?

And I noticed you mentioned Joe Bidens name, but conveniently left out Mike Pence’s name, for investigations into having classified information in n their possession.

Which investigations were done in both cases, and no criminal wrongdoing was committed.

So I guess we can conclude you are just a partisan hack, MAGA trash idiot, of which right and wrong have no real meaning.

Am I right about that sweetheart?
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?

If he shows them, they are no longer classified....that is his power as President of the United States....you can't get around that fact. As President he can classify or declassify with the simple act of showing someone the document....he is not held to any rules because he is the top guy............

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."

In fact, Robert F. Turner, associate director of the University of Virginia's Center for National Security Law, said that "if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president’s authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information with Russia, it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues."

The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president.

The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can change those."
Turner noted, however, that this isn’t necessarily a big distinction, since the president is ultimately the decider of what is classified and not. If his appointees disagree with his actions, "he can overrule their decisions," Turner said. "Within the Executive Branch the president is the boss."

PolitiFact - Does the president have 'the ability to declassify anything at any time'?
If he shows them, they are no longer classified....that is his power as President of the United States....you can't get around that fact. As President he can classify or declassify with the simple act of showing someone the document....he is not held to any rules because he is the top guy............

He showed them when he was no longer POTUS, thus he no longer had those god like powers.

And if the stories of the tape are true, he openly admitted they were not declassified.

If that turns out to be true, and it is a big if right now, will that bother you at all?
Doesn't matter. If there were an independent counsel investigating and they found nothing, the rubes would scream RIGGED and CORRUPT.

It's a handy catch-all device to deal with disappointment and to make excuses.
While lib partisans believe anything the Deep State tells them
He showed them when he was no longer POTUS, thus he no longer had those god like powers.

And if the stories of the tape are true, he openly admitted they were not declassified.

If that turns out to be true, and it is a big if right now, will that bother you at all?

Yeah....sell that bullshit to biden voters........when democrats start getting indicted I'll begin to care about Trump....
Yeah....sell that bullshit to biden voters........when democrats start getting indicted I'll begin to care about Trump....

It was a simple question, not selling a thing.

But thanks for you answer, it is good you can admit you are no different than the Dems
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
Well, I'm not a Trump supporter but, since you think I am, I'll answer. The bottom line to it all is Democrats are abusing their power to go after Trump for politically biased reasons so it doesn't really matter what Trump said or when he said it or if he declassified something or didn't declassify something. Democrats have spent six years turning over every single rock they can to find something to get Trump for and yet they continue making mountains out of mole hills for political gain. They tried to get him with the Mueller investigation, they impeached him twice, once after he had already been voted out, both times knowing the Senate would not remove Trump from office. The New Yorkers are making up new laws to get Trump with, and now they are trying to get Trump for having classified info when others have also had classified info, trying to claim that with Trump it's different. Then Trump recently lost a civil case because the only way the left could get him was in having a trial where guilt was only decided by a preponderance of the evidence.
Well, I'm not a Trump supporter but, since you think I am, I'll answer. The bottom line to it all is Democrats are abusing their power to go after Trump for politically biased reasons so it doesn't really matter what Trump said or when he said it or if he declassified something or didn't declassify something. Democrats have spent six years turning over every single rock they can to find something to get Trump for and yet they continue making mountains out of mole hills for political gain. They tried to get him with the Mueller investigation, they impeached him twice, once after he had already been voted out, both times knowing the Senate would not remove Trump from office. The New Yorkers are making up new laws to get Trump with, and now they are trying to get Trump for having classified info when others have also had classified info, trying to claim that with Trump it's different. Then Trump recently lost a civil case because the only way the left could get him was in having a trial where guilt was only decided by a preponderance of the evidence.

They no longer care about elections.......this is the beginning, not the end.....it starts with Trump and they will now do it to every republican candidate as soon as they can.....they are preparing to do it to the conservative Supreme Court justices ......

This is the end of the country.

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