A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

all at the exact same instance,,even tho fuel tanks where on one side of the building only.. and the distribution of heat uneven.. ever single truss on ever single floor gave in at the exact same moment..uh.. huh
:doh: you are dense, arent you
it didnt take EVERY SINGLE support to fail at once
all it took was a few to fail and the rest wouldnt support the whole load
do you not understand the simple principle of "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link"?
remember, the remaining supports were NOT DESIGNED to carry the whole load, it was spread over the whole support systems
have you seen how they rebuilt WTC7?
they learned from the mess and made the supports much stronger
gee, why would they do that if the previous building had no support flaws and was taken down by a controlled demolition??????

because it wasnt, you MORON
learn something one day
:doh: you are dense, arent you
it didnt take EVERY SINGLE support to fail at once
all it took was a few to fail and the rest wouldnt support the whole load
do you not understand the simple principle of "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link"?
remember, the remaining supports were NOT DESIGNED to carry the whole load, it was spread over the whole support systems
have you seen how they rebuilt WTC7?
they learned from the mess and made the supports much stronger
gee, why would they do that if the previous building had no support flaws and was taken down by a controlled demolition??????

because it wasnt, you MORON
learn something one day

Kind of reminds me of the last earthquake here in Seattle. Most buildings were still standing, but they were close to falling apart because of the damage done. They had to be closed while construction crews rebuilt the inside of the building. They didn't fall all at once, some didn't last until they could be reinforced. It doesn't take an engineer to see that buildings need all the supports to be in tact for a building to stand, as I said before, conspiracy nuts feed off the uneducated and unthinking as much as hatemongers do ... hmmm ... resemblance anyone? :eusa_whistle:
The modern versions of things are never the same as when they started. The oiginal republicans and democrats use to work together more, but now they just keep attacking each other for instance. Most KKK members today are republican ... most likely. Not like they actually tell anyone who they are all the time.

Must be nice to be able to read the minds of people you do not even know and determine the party they belong to.

What IS know is Democrats WERE the KKK and a long serving Senator, Byrd, admits he was one. Yet you do not care that he was a card carrying, sheet wearing racist bigot.
Must be nice to be able to read the minds of people you do not even know and determine the party they belong to.

What IS know is Democrats WERE the KKK and a long serving Senator, Byrd, admits he was one. Yet you do not care that he was a card carrying, sheet wearing racist bigot.

:badgrin: You still think I care about whether dems are good or bad. I don't care because both sides are corrupt. The point of the matter is that the KKK follows republican views, not democrat. There are always some in one party or the other that will be completely opposite their own (*cough* Obama and McCain) but then, that is the flaw with blind followers of all types.
:badgrin: You still think I care about whether dems are good or bad. I don't care because both sides are corrupt. The point of the matter is that the KKK follows republican views, not democrat. There are always some in one party or the other that will be completely opposite their own (*cough* Obama and McCain) but then, that is the flaw with blind followers of all types.

You are ignorant as a box of rocks. The Republican party was more for Civil Rights then the Democrats were, you may want to go check out just how many voted FOR civil rights and the percentage by totals in both parties that supported it. It makes ZERO sense that racist democrats would flee the democratic party to a party even more bent on civil rights and ending segregation.

But then as you noted in another thread, never let facts intrude on a good lie.
You are ignorant as a box of rocks. The Republican party was more for Civil Rights then the Democrats were, you may want to go check out just how many voted FOR civil rights and the percentage by totals in both parties that supported it. It makes ZERO sense that racist democrats would flee the democratic party to a party even more bent on civil rights and ending segregation.

But then as you noted in another thread, never let facts intrude on a good lie.

The key part of your post is the tense, it WAS. Not it IS. They have both swung, and those who follow the party blindly by their names instead of their ideals are ... well ... just plain stupid. Time to move to the present, currently both parties are completely fucked up, neither standing for more than their own selfish ideals. One now has hyper-religious nutjobs running it and the other is hiding the taking of rights in 'what is best for the planet'. The two parties are nothing like they once were.
The key part of your post is the tense, it WAS. Not it IS. They have both swung, and those who follow the party blindly by their names instead of their ideals are ... well ... just plain stupid. Time to move to the present, currently both parties are completely fucked up, neither standing for more than their own selfish ideals. One now has hyper-religious nutjobs running it and the other is hiding the taking of rights in 'what is best for the planet'. The two parties are nothing like they once were.

You must have missed it when the Republican party threw out the far right religious "nut Jobs" But then who would expect YOU to have paid any attention to reality.

The only party run by extremists is the Liberal Democratic party.

You are of course aware that Bush is no right winger? Yet he is President elected by your supposed far right religious nut jobs? That McCain is another Republican that is left of center, yet he is the Republican nominee?

You are aware that Neo Cons are not far right at all? That they are disgruntled Democrats that found that the swing of their party to far left lala land was to much to take?

No I suspect you know none of this. Go pretend religious nut jobs have any real power in the Republican party.
so you read their conclusion.. did you read how they arrived at it ...that was fema's findings..but it was agenda driven science full of contradictions and allowances for along series of highly improbable phenomenon all occurring one after the other..it was a completely flawed study and was based mainly on fire ..which did nothing to explain the collapse of building 7 not jet fuel yet it falls in the same controlled manner the only 3 buildings to fall due to fire ever

Actually when I read the report it first explained how the building was built and it became immediately obvious to me how it collapsed. In fact when I saw the fires building that day on TV I predicted that they would collapse- I just wasn't sure of the exact mechanism. The report's conclusion mirrors my own.

What is this "series of highly improbable phenomenon all occurring one after the other" that you speak of? I predict that you don't really know and this just some line of bullshit that you read and decided to parrot back. So prove me wrong or lose credibility big time. :badgrin:
Actually when I read the report it first explained how the building was built and it became immediately obvious to me how it collapsed. In fact when I saw the fires building that day on TV I predicted that they would collapse- I just wasn't sure of the exact mechanism. The report's conclusion mirrors my own.

What is this "series of highly improbable phenomenon all occurring one after the other" that you speak of? I predict that you don't really know and this just some line of bullshit that you read and decided to parrot back. So prove me wrong or lose credibility big time. :badgrin:

He doesn't do information, except his cut and past jobs. When asked he just claims he is providing us with the information and we should read it our selves.
EOTS - Most these puppets are here just to waste your time and you will never win them over. You are doing a great job, just wax it up and get the move on.

They will not believe you unless you show them your degree and credential's. We are not people of Authority to them, which they worship. They are taught to bow to the slave masters and no one else. The only way we can show them is to walk of the plantation.
EOTS - Most these puppets are here just to waste your time and you will never win them over. You are doing a great job, just wax it up and get the move on.

They will not believe you unless you show them your degree and credential's. We are not people of Authority to them, which they worship. They are taught to bow to the slave masters and no one else. The only way we can show them is to walk of the plantation.
Wow you're full of shit too. Nice try at cheer leading though.

For proof, I'll extend my simple challenge to you as well:

What is this "series of highly improbable phenomenon all occurring one after the other" that caused the WTC towers to go down? Answer in your own words or lose credibility. I don't care if you never passed the 8th grade. Come up with something remotely plausible. :eusa_whistle:
EOTS - Most these puppets are here just to waste your time and you will never win them over. You are doing a great job, just wax it up and get the move on.

They will not believe you unless you show them your degree and credential's. We are not people of Authority to them, which they worship. They are taught to bow to the slave masters and no one else. The only way we can show them is to walk of the plantation.
i dont care if he has 40 PhD's
hes still a fucking nutcase, the same as YOU
EOTS - You see all how all of them take offense and have to defend their views, they are now realizing that it is true but a mental block is making them act like those crying adults on the Jack in the Box commercial when they are hungry.
EOTS - You see all how all of them take offense and have to defend their views, they are now realizing that it is true but a mental block is making them act like those crying adults on the Jack in the Box commercial when they are hungry.
I see that you didn't accept my simple intellectual challenge, but instead went back to cheer leading, then adding insults.
I see that you didn't accept my simple intellectual challenge, but instead went back to cheer leading, then adding insults.

It gets old, since morons like you just ignore real facts and science, choosing instead to focus on your lame book of myth. If you'd at least show a bit of intelligence and learn once in awhile you might be able to actually show the conspiracy nuts a thing or two, but all your other stances just show you are not better than they are.
It gets old, since morons like you just ignore real facts and science, choosing instead to focus on your lame book of myth. If you'd at least show a bit of intelligence and learn once in awhile you might be able to actually show the conspiracy nuts a thing or two, but all your other stances just show you are not better than they are.
Read post 199 and get back to me sister. :lol:
It gets old, since morons like you just ignore real facts and science, choosing instead to focus on your lame book of myth. If you'd at least show a bit of intelligence and learn once in awhile you might be able to actually show the conspiracy nuts a thing or two, but all your other stances just show you are not better than they are.
uh, someone didnt read the whole thread

Read post 199 and get back to me sister. :lol:

Picking and choosing which science you will not ignore does not make it any better, you still ignore science, and quite often. I know you religious nuts keep holding everyone else to the 'all or nothing' motto, why not yourselves?

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