A "report card" on Trump's tax scam......


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
Pretty much the same reaction you parasites report on anything Trump, says, said, did or is alleged to have said or done....


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In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
Still talk a lot when lying don't you?
Still talk a lot when lying don't you?

If a libturd is COMMUNICATING at all, posts, irrational psychobabble rants, sign language or by gestures, they're either lying or repeating a lie someone else programmed them with.

When I libturd gives me the finger, I know I'm #1.

In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
Big corporations paying no taxes went on during your Messiah’s time too, but you didn’t know this.

Partisans can’t think.
TCJA impact: taxes down 25 percent | H&R Block Newsroom

Reading comprehension issues by the above moron.....Sad....but expected
Uhh, no.

H&R Block (NYSE:HRB) data through March 31, 2019 shows the size of its clients’ tax refunds is up 1.4 percent under the first year of tax reform and new withholding tables, while overall tax liability is down 24.9 percent.
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut...but gnat the OP will be forever bewildered......
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut...but gnat the OP will be forever bewildered......

Funny part is, I'll bet the mother fucker still gets more back than it contributed like 47% of the labor force.

I put my withholding this year at 9, so there was NOTHING with held and we still got a $5000 return.

That's because the bottom half PAYS NO TAXES, like we've been telling these bed wetters for decades. Once our income goes above $50K / Year again then we will see a tax bill.
Well, I did my taxes last week and sent them in. The tax bill that I had this year was around 100 bucks less than what I paid in last year.

But, 100 bucks is only around 8.33 per month. And, that could easily be eaten up by higher prices.

Yes, I manage to make ends meet on my military pension.
H&R Block (NYSE:HRB) data through March 31, 2019 shows the size of its clients’ tax refunds is up 1.4 percent under the first year of tax reform and new withholding tables, while overall tax liability is down 24.9 percent.

Bit of course "tax liability is down"........THAT was the whole fucking point of my thread.......

Now, ask yourself this........IS THE DAMN GOVERNMENT SPENDING ALSO DOWN???
Big corporations paying no taxes went on during your Messiah’s time too, but you didn’t know this.

Moron.....my whole point in my O/P was that corporations paying ZERO doubled under your orange buffoon. DOUBLED, do you get that little fact???
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
The economy is good, tax cuts are good.......deal with it....
as for companies....GET paid none under Obama several years........funny you guys didn't complain....hmmmmmmmmm and you LOVE taxes.......which makes it worse
H&R Block (NYSE:HRB) data through March 31, 2019 shows the size of its clients’ tax refunds is up 1.4 percent under the first year of tax reform and new withholding tables, while overall tax liability is down 24.9 percent.

Bit of course "tax liability is down"........THAT was the whole fucking point of my thread.......

Now, ask yourself this........IS THE DAMN GOVERNMENT SPENDING ALSO DOWN???
Which is it? First you say no one gets a tax cut, now you’re pissed because people that can use it, get it. Because H&R Block users are not the wealthy.
And we don’t know what total tax receipts, overall will be yet. So, your whole premise is moot at this point.
I swear, anything to complain about.

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