A "report card" on Trump's tax scam......

The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
God you're a whiny little bitch.
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.

Like I said earlier in the thread, my tax bill was only 100 bucks less than what I paid last year. That averages out to around 8.33 per month. Maybe enough to buy me a 6 pack of cheap beer and a bag of chips.
Not on here to get your "accolades" Trump CULT MEMBERS.......I'm just here to remind you what complete sheep and assholes you are for joining and following a cult leader who is screwing ALL of us except his rich friends.

I don't like getting screwed by a charlatan....YOU seem to like it........LMAO
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Big corporations paying no taxes went on during your Messiah’s time too, but you didn’t know this.

Moron.....my whole point in my O/P was that corporations paying ZERO doubled under your orange buffoon. DOUBLED, do you get that little fact???
So you talking about a few corporations.....don't act like it just started, which is what you are doing......it happened before Trump.......blame congress and the tax laws.....have them remove the deductions they take........Silicon Valley would love that (sarcasm by the way)
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.

Like I said earlier in the thread, my tax bill was only 100 bucks less than what I paid last year. That averages out to around 8.33 per month. Maybe enough to buy me a 6 pack of cheap beer and a bag of chips.
How much per paycheck did you keep?
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...

Those tax cuts for the rich are permanent only when we have a republican controlled government.

They will be very quickly thrown out the window if we get a democratic controlled government.

The bill that created the cuts just didn't have a date the cuts for business and the rich ended. It didn't say that taxes can be increased at any time.

So yes, while the republicans are in control we're totally screwed but all we need is a democratic controlled government and those cuts for the rich will be gone.

The only way that's going to happen is if people vote. It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get everyone you know to vote. Get your friends to get their friends to vote. Fill your car on Election Day with people to take to the polls to vote. Help people get registered to vote. Throw election parties to get people excited to vote.

People not voting got us into this mess. The only way out is to get everyone to vote.
Big corporations paying no taxes went on during your Messiah’s time too, but you didn’t know this.

Moron.....my whole point in my O/P was that corporations paying ZERO doubled under your orange buffoon. DOUBLED, do you get that little fact???

Gnat, do you expect a corporation that has 0 profit, i.e. didn't earn any income, to pay taxes?

What's the tax rate for $0 income in your world? 25%?

How many dollars is 25% of $0?
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.

Like I said earlier in the thread, my tax bill was only 100 bucks less than what I paid last year. That averages out to around 8.33 per month. Maybe enough to buy me a 6 pack of cheap beer and a bag of chips.
How much per paycheck did you keep?

Not gonna tell you what my pension is. But, last year my taxes were over 8 hundred dollars, and this year, they were 7 something. I'm going by my total tax bill because my pension only sees small COLA increases at the beginning of the year.
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.

Like I said earlier in the thread, my tax bill was only 100 bucks less than what I paid last year. That averages out to around 8.33 per month. Maybe enough to buy me a 6 pack of cheap beer and a bag of chips.
How much per paycheck did you keep?

Not gonna tell you what my pension is. But, last year my taxes were over 8 hundred dollars, and this year, they were 7 something. I'm going by my total tax bill because my pension only sees small COLA increases at the beginning of the year.
Yeah I wouldn't expect you would tell us that....my point is either you got more in each check during the year or it's small and therefore a percentage of it doesn't make that much overall.
Bet you didn’t change your exemptions on your w4, either, and didn’t count your extra on each check. Either that or you live in a blue state...
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.

Like I said earlier in the thread, my tax bill was only 100 bucks less than what I paid last year. That averages out to around 8.33 per month. Maybe enough to buy me a 6 pack of cheap beer and a bag of chips.
The NY Times even said today that 90% of Americans did indeed get a tax cut..

NO WONDER Trump said that he "loves the poorly educated"........Above an example of fucking idiot who cannot comprehend that Trump borrowed $1.4 TRILLION so that everybody got some crumbs and he and his cronies got MILLIONS.

The entire Trump CULT is filled with easily fooled morons who "cheer" at getting fucked.
Your anger shows a lack of knowledge....and a hangup about admitting you are wrong....
So you talking about a few corporations.....don't act like it just started, which is what you are doing......it happened before Trump....

What the fuck is the matter with your reading comprehension, moron?

I did not say that such just happened with Trump.........IDIOT, I said that with Trump corporations paying zero taxes DOUBLED.

Get a grown up to explain the English language to dimwits like you......
I was pleasantly surprised after filing this year. Not only did I pay less in federal, I got some back from the state!

Thank you President Trump! :bowdown:
My taxes worked out just fine there bucko.

Maybe you should get a job so you CAN pay taxes. LOL
Right wing Trump suckholes overjoyed at a few crumbs thrown their way by Trump & his goons. Priceless!

There ya go, give your Dear Leader a good ole reach around!

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