A Republican Candidate Is Being Sued After Allegedly Sawing His Neighbor's Garage In Half.

cute, a one sided story and the leftist just know he's guilty.

no witness
just hearsay for evidence

yea, case closed
Note how the cited liberal rag and the OP liberal hack both promote the political bent of the guy ahead of the actual story.....as if liberals are immune to such actions, crimes and stories. Pathetic.

The biggest crimes in history have been perpetrated by leftists, but we are supposed to forget all that with articles like this just weeks before a major national election....we can expect MUCH more of this in the weeks to come, and of course the "October Surprise" that will attempt to weak the conservative base.....
cute, a one sided story and the leftist just know he's guilty.

no witness
just hearsay for evidence

yea, case closed

Yep, thats how they roll. And the rest of the story....

Besemann said he asked the Itasca County Sheriff’s Office to investigate, but they declined, Besemann said, because it was a property line dispute. Besemann said the Itasca County Attorney’s Office also declined to prosecute Weber.

“Everything on my side of the line is going to go,” Weber told the paper. “I took it down like I told her (Anderson) I was going to.”

On Oct. 3, 2013, months after the garage had been halved, Roger Weber paid to have the land re-surveyed. Indeed, the correct property line between what had been Robert Weber’s land and Roger Weber’s land runs about halfway through the garage, almost exactly where the garage was cut.
cute, a one sided story and the leftist just know he's guilty.

no witness
just hearsay for evidence

yea, case closed

Yep, thats how they roll. And the rest of the story....

Besemann said he asked the Itasca County Sheriff’s Office to investigate, but they declined, Besemann said, because it was a property line dispute. Besemann said the Itasca County Attorney’s Office also declined to prosecute Weber.

“Everything on my side of the line is going to go,” Weber told the paper. “I took it down like I told her (Anderson) I was going to.”

On Oct. 3, 2013, months after the garage had been halved, Roger Weber paid to have the land re-surveyed. Indeed, the correct property line between what had been Robert Weber’s land and Roger Weber’s land runs about halfway through the garage, almost exactly where the garage was cut.

So maybe it wasn't the best way to handle it, but the half of the garage was on his property.

Methinks this has less to do with an issue with the new owner, and more to do with a sibling grudge that has probably been going on for decades.
cute, a one sided story and the leftist just know he's guilty.

no witness
just hearsay for evidence

yea, case closed

Yep, thats how they roll. And the rest of the story....

Besemann said he asked the Itasca County Sheriff’s Office to investigate, but they declined, Besemann said, because it was a property line dispute. Besemann said the Itasca County Attorney’s Office also declined to prosecute Weber.

“Everything on my side of the line is going to go,” Weber told the paper. “I took it down like I told her (Anderson) I was going to.”

On Oct. 3, 2013, months after the garage had been halved, Roger Weber paid to have the land re-surveyed. Indeed, the correct property line between what had been Robert Weber’s land and Roger Weber’s land runs about halfway through the garage, almost exactly where the garage was cut.

So maybe it wasn't the best way to handle it, but the half of the garage was on his property.

Methinks this has less to do with an issue with the new owner, and more to do with a sibling grudge that has probably been going on for decades.
I would think Besemann has an issue with Webers sister, who sold him the property. Then again Besemann knew about the land dispute and just assumed (hoped) it would end in his favor.
cute, a one sided story and the leftist just know he's guilty.

no witness
just hearsay for evidence

yea, case closed

Yep, thats how they roll. And the rest of the story....

Besemann said he asked the Itasca County Sheriff’s Office to investigate, but they declined, Besemann said, because it was a property line dispute. Besemann said the Itasca County Attorney’s Office also declined to prosecute Weber.

“Everything on my side of the line is going to go,” Weber told the paper. “I took it down like I told her (Anderson) I was going to.”

On Oct. 3, 2013, months after the garage had been halved, Roger Weber paid to have the land re-surveyed. Indeed, the correct property line between what had been Robert Weber’s land and Roger Weber’s land runs about halfway through the garage, almost exactly where the garage was cut.

So maybe it wasn't the best way to handle it, but the half of the garage was on his property.

Methinks this has less to do with an issue with the new owner, and more to do with a sibling grudge that has probably been going on for decades.
I would think Besemann has an issue with Webers sister, who sold him the property. Then again Besemann knew about the land dispute and just assumed (hoped) it would end in his favor.

Oh well, he hoped wrong. I guess if a more civilized path was taken, the only other forms of rectification would be to 1) have Besemann demo the garage half himself, or 2) pay Weber for enough property to keep his garage.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

A rational person would have sought a legal remedy, which proves this Republican (like most) is irrational.
Takes a great imagination to even remotely think there are such things as property rights in Obamerica!

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.

Ask the President, if he doesn't get his way, Constitution be damned and he uses an executive order to get his way, so you tell me, are you asking in all cases or just one because they are a Republican? You. Are a partisan nut, so rational is out the window with you anyway.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

A rational person would have sought a legal remedy, which proves this Republican (like most) is irrational.
The remedy was legal. Go built something on someone"s property and try it.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.

Ask the President, if he doesn't get his way, Constitution be damned and he uses an executive order to get his way, so you tell me, are you asking in all cases or just one because they are a Republican? You. Are a partisan nut, so rational is out the window with you anyway.

Baby Bush issued 291 executive orders. Obama needs more than100 to equal that.

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