A rush from Rush

My story is that I counsel lesbians. I asked the paint crew to stay away from my window while I was working, and they blew me off. They blasted FEMINAZI and RACIST screed from Rush Limbaugh under my window while I was seeing clients.

My home/office was in a bi-racial, multi-ethnic neighborhood.

I fired them and enjoyed every minute of it. I ended up hiring one of T's friends, another gay man. T had recently died of AIDS, and I was still grieving him.

It's a true story.

I don't believe you, bigot...

This "story" never happened...

Blah blah blah.

It happened. It was 1992. My friend T had just died of AIDS. I was living in Portland.

Blah blah blah...

Your "story" is bullshit...

I fired him for not following my instructions. I told him I worked quietly and had clients and to stay away from that window. Those bozos had their faces in the window when I'm counseling someone.

YOU presume because I'm a lesbian and they are straight that THEY were in the right.

Fuck you.

No one gives 2 shits if you're a lesbian. Get over it. Geeze! Must all libs be victims?
Plenty of people give a shit I'm a lesbian. What they can't stand is that I stick up for myself.

I've never cared one iota that you are a lesbian or were a Buddhist. Nor do I care that you stick up for yourself. What I do care about is that you hate anyone that does not succumb to your demands.

I already told you I don't believe your "story"....

It never happened...

I don't question the fact that she might have fired painters that she hired because they were listening to Rush Limbaugh on the job. The rest of the "facts" that came out after she was put down for it, I do question.


I fired them because they had no respect for me, my instructions, my home, or my clients.

Neither do you. I'm really sorry to see this sadistic side of you come out, Immanuel. You actually enjoy that you've hurt me.

Actually I fully understand anyone who doesn't respect you. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation either.
I don't question the fact that she might have fired painters that she hired because they were listening to Rush Limbaugh on the job. The rest of the "facts" that came out after she was put down for it, I do question.


I fired them because they had no respect for me, my instructions, my home, or my clients.

Neither do you. I'm really sorry to see this sadistic side of you come out, Immanuel. You actually enjoy that you've hurt me.

Actually I fully understand anyone who doesn't respect you. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation either.

Right. It has to do with my big, fat mouth and the fact that I "don't know my place".
No one gives 2 shits if you're a lesbian. Get over it. Geeze! Must all libs be victims?
Plenty of people give a shit I'm a lesbian. What they can't stand is that I stick up for myself.

I've never cared one iota that you are a lesbian or were a Buddhist. Nor do I care that you stick up for yourself. What I do care about is that you hate anyone that does not succumb to your demands.


Bullshit. I love you, Immie. Your opinion matters to me and you treat me like shit.

I fired him for not following my instructions. I told him I worked quietly and had clients and to stay away from that window. Those bozos had their faces in the window when I'm counseling someone.

YOU presume because I'm a lesbian and they are straight that THEY were in the right.

Fuck you.

No one gives 2 shits if you're a lesbian. Get over it. Geeze! Must all libs be victims?
Plenty of people give a shit I'm a lesbian. What they can't stand is that I stick up for myself.

What we can't stand is you're a lying sack of shit.
One of my best friends in this world is a lesbian. I love her because she is honest.
Plenty of people give a shit I'm a lesbian. What they can't stand is that I stick up for myself.

I've never cared one iota that you are a lesbian or were a Buddhist. Nor do I care that you stick up for yourself. What I do care about is that you hate anyone that does not succumb to your demands.


Bullshit. I love you, Immie. Your opinion matters to me and you treat me like shit.

Bullshit, you are the one treating me like shit. I didn't come yelling at you for anything. You called me ignorant multiple times because we disagree about the hate crime issue. I didn't start telling you that you were no longer my friend. It was you that did that.

You said that Michelle Obama would not give someone the time of day and when I said that would make her arrogant, you did everything but call me a racist and you came damn near to doing just that later in your meltdown. Multiple times tonight you have claimed that I said things that I did not say. Yet you continue to play the victim.

It doesn't appear that many are buying the game tonight.

No one gives 2 shits if you're a lesbian. Get over it. Geeze! Must all libs be victims?
Plenty of people give a shit I'm a lesbian. What they can't stand is that I stick up for myself.

What we can't stand is you're a lying sack of shit.
One of my best friends in this world is a lesbian. I love her because she is honest.

I'm honest too. I've told the truth about this incident and you fucks don't believe me.

Piss off.
I had every right to fire them. I was conducting a counseling practice and they were blasting hate through the window when I had clients present.

They weren't going to get anymore of my money when they were costing me business. Period.

What really pisses you off, is that I was powerful enough to do that. I didn't know my place. I should have sat and cowered in my office, right?

Wrong. You're damn right I fired them, and I would do it again.

What I don't understand is why you simply didn't ASK them to turn it off or to a very low sound level; being polite works wonders. I've had the radio of my van on in my own driveway, not realizing it could be heard by neighbors, prompting them to ask me to turn it down and done so. Working crews are especially respectful of client or bystander's preferences. Future work depends on that.

I fired him for not following my instructions. I told him I worked quietly and had clients and to stay away from that window. Those bozos had their faces in the window when I'm counseling someone.

YOU presume because I'm a lesbian and they are straight that THEY were in the right.

Fuck you.

Sky...I didn't know that you are a lesbian. I suppose had I read all the earlier posts, I would've known that, and apparently that you want that known. I live in probably the most G/L friendly city in th US. I work for g/l folks in the course of my doing my job, contractor, and have no prejudices, except for bad behavior. So I'm sorry, to have seemed to have judged you. What i did know was that you are a follower of Buddhism, and that was why I was seeing an inconsistency. I guess explosive tempers can happen to the best of us.
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I had the right to fire that crew. They did not follow my instructions and they were rude.

They can blast Rush in their cars, but not in my window when I'm working.

For the THIRD TIME, I had already asked them to TURN IT DOWN AND GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW.

But, continue to paint me as a bigot, asshole. Believe whatever you like. I was there. YOU were not. How dare YOU think you KNOW more about what happened than I do!

No need for anyone to paint you a bigot or an asshole. You do a great job of that yourself.
I do a great job of not putting up with bullshit.
Here let me fix your typos for you:
I do a great job of spewing out bullshit.
Your not winning the countrywide debate.

Your historically failed ideas are being tossed by more and more Americans.

okey dokey, because some radio show is down in ratings that is what it means.

Then I guess we can assume your Liberal ideas have NEVER caught on because PMSnbc ratings NEVER get out of the toilet?

good grief.:lol:

Is Air America around anymore? :eusa_whistle:

Stephanie, love the new addition to your avi! :lol:
Rush is a right wing, misogynist, anti-gay pig. I did not want his hate speech blasting fragile people who need counseling.

Have you ever actually listened to him or do you let others form your opinions for you?

Yes, I have. I used to like him until he started acting like a racist, misogynist and homophobe.

And when was that? About the same time you started lying about painting contractors?
I fired them because they had no respect for me, my instructions, my home, or my clients.

Neither do you. I'm really sorry to see this sadistic side of you come out, Immanuel. You actually enjoy that you've hurt me.

Actually I fully understand anyone who doesn't respect you. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation either.

Right. It has to do with my big, fat mouth and the fact that I "don't know my place".
No, it has to do with your lack of integrity.
Why the sudden rash of posts about Rush Limbaugh? Is Media Matters burping? Rush is a true entrepreneur. That used to be a good thing before democrats became socialists. He literally came out of nowhere to become the most famous radio personality in history just when the pundits wrote radio off as an antiquated method of media communication. The ignorant left hates him because they don't agree with him.
I don't counsel Christians.

OK. I don't hire lesbians.

Ask yourself this. Why would a Christian want to be counseled by a lesbian who doesn't consider homosexuality a sin?

Forgive me! I assumed you were good at what you do. I try to do business with qualified people and generally don't take their personal feelings into account. I assume a professional would be above personal bias and be able to act.... professionally.

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