A Sad Day for Truthers......Another 9-11 Aniversary

how was the damage extensive all the way through if it was not hit by anything.. damged from what ? are you trying to claim there was little or no resistance ..because the steel beams and concrete blow the impact was so weak and extensively damaged ? is that your claim?


the planes went all the way through the buildings ? what and cam out the other side ? is that your claim now and even if they did (which they did not} it was on the horizontal not vertically so how would that damage the structure below ?
Oh, look...the planes went all the way through.


You have to work extra hard to be this stupid, don't you? You're doing a hell of a job! :clap2:


the planes went all the way through the buildings ? what and cam out the other side ? is that your claim now and even if they did (which they did not} it was on the horizontal not vertically so how would that damage the structure below ?
LOL yeah, sure
you know full well they went all the way through and parts flew great distances from the towers

No dwivecon" they" do not..some pieces of something exit from the opposite side that hardly equals a plane going all the way through and it does nothing to explain this extensive damage you claim below the impact point
the planes went all the way through the buildings


the planes went all the way through the buildings ? What and cam out the other side ? Is that your claim now and even if they did (which they did not} it was on the horizontal not vertically so how would that damage the structure below ?
oh, look...the planes went all the way through.


you have to work extra hard to be this stupid, don't you? You're doing a hell of a job! :clap2:

that is not a plane you moron.. It is a fireball
the planes went all the way through the buildings ? What and cam out the other side ? Is that your claim now and even if they did (which they did not} it was on the horizontal not vertically so how would that damage the structure below ?
oh, look...the planes went all the way through.


you have to work extra hard to be this stupid, don't you? You're doing a hell of a job! :clap2:

that is not a plane you moron.. It is a fireball
Okay. You're just as willfully stupid as George.

You're doomed to a life of bitter hatred and utter irrelevancy. Enjoy it.

oh, look...the planes went all the way through.


you have to work extra hard to be this stupid, don't you? You're doing a hell of a job! :clap2:

that is not a plane you moron.. It is a fireball
okay. You're just as willfully stupid as george.

You're doomed to a life of bitter hatred and utter irrelevancy. Enjoy it.


you just proved that you are not even aware of the official claims..you just make up as you go along
I was in NYC this past weekend since I was helping my sister move in her new Apartment in Manhattan and I decided to pay my respects..

So, I go to the WTC Site and some 9/11 Conspiracy nut starts starts talking, I barge in and I'm pretty sure I'm now Internet famous on 9/11 Conspiracy web sites.. Not to mention the 20-30 people standing around me and this dude, he starts blaming the Jews, and keeps screaming "where is the Derbies from the Pentagon?!" And Of course I kept telling him there was Derbies from the Plane scattered all over the crash site.. Crazy people I tell you.
Was that you Eots?

Other than that, Never forget 9/11
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i was in nyc this past weekend since i was helping my sister move in her new apartment in manhattan and i decided to pay my respects..

So, i go to the wtc site and some 9/11 conspiracy nut starts starts talking, i barge in and i'm pretty sure i'm now internet famous on 9/11 conspiracy web sites.. Not to mention the 20-30 people standing around me and this dude, he starts blaming the jews, and keeps screaming "where is the derbies from the pentagon?!" and of course i kept telling him there was derbies from the plane scattered all over the crash site.. Crazy people i tell you.
Was that you eots?

Other than that, never forget 9/11

no as there has been no proper public investigation what if any involvement by israel is not known ,and BTW.. I think your story is a lie
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What Story? Me going to New York going to WTC on Saturday morning? :lol: Come on, you think I'd lie about it? Need proof of pictures and Gas Expense tickets?
Of course, I wouldn't expect you to believe anything really..

Hey, at least I have respect for these folks, unlike you, you're just another Arm chair warrior.. Hey, but it's ok, Internet Awareness is important too..

I was in NYC this past weekend since I was helping my sister move in her new Apartment in Manhattan and I decided to pay my respects..

So, I go to the WTC Site and some 9/11 Conspiracy nut starts starts talking, I barge in and I'm pretty sure I'm now Internet famous on 9/11 Conspiracy web sites.. Not to mention the 20-30 people standing around me and this dude, he starts blaming the Jews, and keeps screaming "where is the Derbies from the Pentagon?!" And Of course I kept telling him there was Derbies from the Plane scattered all over the crash site.. Crazy people I tell you.
Was that you Eots?

Other than that, Never forget 9/11

Thass some lame ass fiction.
yes, god forbid someone actually use logic and reason along with scientific fact with a dumbass moronic troofer

Isn't it time for your diaper to be changed you brokedick dumbass? You didn't know how to properly dive so you hurt yourself (and probably others) so now your life is confined to four walls and a tiny turd rot brain. Also, thanks for proving my last post correct. Cheers brokedick! (How bad does it suck you love to dive and can't do it anymore because your arrogant ass couldn't follow basic instructions????)
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, as usual

now CL will tell me how my Nokia phone has an "airplane mode" and then proceed to prove it doesn't and call me "fuxxing stoopid"

Get your diaper changed, smoke more cigarettes, then kick.....oops! Sorry, forgot you can't feel your legs anymore. Or move them. Glad it happened to a shitwad like you.
Explain Newton's third law to me.
first explain how that has anything to do with the subject at hand?
Why didn't WTC 1 & 2 fall to the sides damaged by the impacts of the planes?

I showed you the video where the side that was damaged did give out. that doesn't mean that the top of the building will fall all the way over. But you can see it lean then drop straight down into the lower floors. Use your head. Also please provide an audio/video tape of the collapse where we can hear the controlled demolitions. No one else has been able to provide this.
YouTube - 911 Call in World Trade Center, while tower collapse

Watch the collapse at the end of the video from the spot where the plane hit upwards, the building tilted to the left then fell straight down.Nothing pulled it back gravity pulled it down. There was no explosion, the guy on the phone even had time to call out "Oh God" before his phone was more than likely pulverized with him.

Again, no explosions, nothing but gravity after the planes did their work.

I get so fucking mad when I watch and listen to these videos. Stupid fucking senseless wholesale murder.
that is not a plane you moron.. It is a fireball
okay. You're just as willfully stupid as george.

You're doomed to a life of bitter hatred and utter irrelevancy. Enjoy it.


you just proved that you are not even aware of the official claims..you just make up as you go along
You, of all people, should not be lecturing anyone about made-up stuff. :lol:
first explain how that has anything to do with the subject at hand?
Why didn't WTC 1 & 2 fall to the sides damaged by the impacts of the planes?

I showed you the video where the side that was damaged did give out. that doesn't mean that the top of the building will fall all the way over. But you can see it lean then drop straight down into the lower floors. Use your head. Also please provide an audio/video tape of the collapse where we can hear the controlled demolitions. No one else has been able to provide this.

I'm not claiming controlled demolition, but I always thought it was really strange that the top starts to fall to the side and then somehow manages to deviate from that path of gravity and subsequently fall straight down with the rest of the pancaking floors.

I'm not an expert in physics but common sense tells me that once that huge mass starts to lean, it's going to take the path of least resistance, which would be continuing to topple towards the side it was leaning.

It was supposed to be the weight of that part that collapses down and causes the rest of the floors to pancake. It looks like the most of the weight would have been towards that side when it starts to lean, and kind of strange that it would still transfer enough force all around the circumference of the building to cause the perfect pancake effect.
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