A Sad Day for Truthers......Another 9-11 Aniversary

what the fuck do you know about normal explosions in office fires
Instead of you questioning others' credentials, perhaps our time would be better spent discussing yours.

Where did you get your degrees in engineering? Physics? International relations & diplomacy? Aeronautics? Where did you get your training in building demolitions? Firefighting?
I showed you the video where the side that was damaged did give out. that doesn't mean that the top of the building will fall all the way over. But you can see it lean then drop straight down into the lower floors. Use your head. Also please provide an audio/video tape of the collapse where we can hear the controlled demolitions. No one else has been able to provide this.
Are you saying Newton's universal laws of motion did NOT apply on 911?

Imagine a recently sharpened scythe slicing through a stalk of corn.
In which direction will the stalk fall?
It's widely believed the same laws apply to buildings.

I try to find some video/audio tapes proving explosions.
This eyewitness testimony from first responders seems convincing to me:


"Several individuals reported that they witnessed an explosion just before one of the towers collapsed. Battalion Chief John Sudnik said: “we heard . . . what sounded like a loud explosion and looked up and I saw tower two start coming down” (NYT, Sudnick, p. 4). A loud explosion?

" Several people reported multiple explosions. Paramedic Kevin Darnowski said: "I heard three explosions, and then . . . tower two started to come down” (NYT, Darnowski, p. 8).3 explosions

"Firefighter Thomas Turilli said, “it almost sounded like bombs going off, like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight" (NYT, Turilli, p. 4). 7 or 8?

"Craig Carlsen said that he and other firefighters “heard explosions coming from . . . the south tower. . . . There were about ten explosions. . . . We then realized the building started to come down” (NYT, Carlsen, pp. 5-6). about 10?

"Firefighter Joseph Meola said, “it looked like the building was blowing out on all four sides. We actually heard the pops" (NYT, Meola, p. 5). pops?

"Paramedic Daniel Rivera also mentioned “pops.” Asked how he knew that the south tower was coming down, he said:

"It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was---do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear 'Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop'? . . . I thought it was that. (NYT, Rivera, p. 9)" more pops?

Destruction of the World Trade Center

Finally, consider this.

Purely HYPOTHETICALLY... If proof beyond a reasonable doubt surfaced that your government was not only aware 911 was coming but also loaded up all three towers with explosives to enhance the drama, which event -- the attack itself or your government's complicity -- would Change Everything for you?


Like this:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79sJ1bMR6VQ]YouTube - Landmark Implosion[/ame]

or this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRaNwPGcQcM&feature=related]YouTube - Aladdin Hotel Implosion[/ame]

More videos here:

AE911 Truth

Ever notice how the side of the building seems to be pulled in as it starts to collapse? And still no explosions..... And I don't count the normal explosions you will find in an office fire.

ROTFL!!!!! Typical PussyOllie. So basically any audio of any explosion will be dismissed just like you dismissed all the testimonies.

Yep. We all know a few cans of Glade air fresheners exploding on the 40th floor can easily be heard on the ground..........
No dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. If they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. What we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled Demo.
Let's have some more fun exposing hypocrisy. Here is a link for people like Ollie to dismiss just like he dismissed all the first hand eyewitness accounts of explosions:


4 seconds? With some sounds of a large building falling. Surely you can do better than that.

Do you really think I'm dumb enough to keep posting links just so you can ignore them? You're such a mother fuckin' Princess.

Just like I predicted you ignore the facts. Let me have more fun in revealing your hypocrisy:

Show us a video of flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. What? No video? That must mean it didn't hit the pentagon!

Show us a video of the hijackers stating why they did it? No? How about a letter? An audio? Got none of those? Then the planes weren't hijacked!

You fuckers are nothing if not hypocritical to the core.

Actually dumb ass we do have the flight recorders and tower tapes of the conversations with the hijackers. You have zero physical evidence that there were any controlled demolitions. We have plans and maps and manuals that the hijackers left behind. We have DNA evidence. What have you got again? Opinion?

You have DNA evidence of what? Flight recorders that say what? Tower tapes that say what? You're such a dishonest American hating ****.
Let's have some more fun exposing hypocrisy. Here is a link for people like Ollie to dismiss just like he dismissed all the first hand eyewitness accounts of explosions:


4 seconds? With some sounds of a large building falling. Surely you can do better than that.

Do you really think I'm dumb enough to keep posting links just so you can ignore them? You're such a mother fuckin' Princess.
You're a Troofer, so it's already well-established that you're dumb enough.
No dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. If they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. What we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled Demo.

Your explanation is self contradictory. If the planes themselves were enough to bring the towers down why would it require precisely placed charges precisely detonated by precisely precisioned professional engineers?
Just like I predicted you ignore the facts. Let me have more fun in revealing your hypocrisy:

Show us a video of flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. What? No video? That must mean it didn't hit the pentagon!

Show us a video of the hijackers stating why they did it? No? How about a letter? An audio? Got none of those? Then the planes weren't hijacked!

You fuckers are nothing if not hypocritical to the core.

Actually dumb ass we do have the flight recorders and tower tapes of the conversations with the hijackers. You have zero physical evidence that there were any controlled demolitions. We have plans and maps and manuals that the hijackers left behind. We have DNA evidence. What have you got again? Opinion?

You have DNA evidence of what? Flight recorders that say what? Tower tapes that say what? You're such a dishonest American hating ****.

And you claim I ignore stuff? You have been shown the evidence dozens of times and you continue to make yourself look stupid by ignoring it. I hate stupidity. You just can't fix Stupid.
No dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. If they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. What we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled Demo.

Your explanation is self contradictory. If the planes themselves were enough to bring the towers down why would it require precisely placed charges precisely detonated by precisely precisioned professional engineers?
:clap2: You're finally getting it. The impact of the planes and the resulting fires WERE enough to bring down the Towers.
no dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. if they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. what we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled demo.

but yet it did come straight down orville and nist rejected the pancaking theory.. So you just proved you do not even know the official explanation you claim to support
No dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. If they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. What we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled Demo.

Actually dumb ass we do have the flight recorders and tower tapes of the conversations with the hijackers. You have zero physical evidence that there were any controlled demolitions. We have plans and maps and manuals that the hijackers left behind. We have DNA evidence. What have you got again? Opinion?

You have DNA evidence of what? Flight recorders that say what? Tower tapes that say what? You're such a dishonest American hating ****.

And you claim I ignore stuff? You have been shown the evidence dozens of times and you continue to make yourself look stupid by ignoring it. I hate stupidity. You just can't fix Stupid.

So instead of backing up what you claimed you rely on moldy cliches. So why exactly is it you can take a giant shit all over the first responders who heard the explosions? Do you think it's possible firefighters maybe......just maybe.....can tell the difference between "normal explosions" of "office fires" and the explosions they reported? Between a crusty fuck paper pushing bitch like you and firefighters, which would have more experience with office fires?
no dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. if they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. what we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled demo.

but yet it did come straight down orville and nist rejected the pancaking theory.. So you just proved you do not even know the official explanation you claim to support

Isn't always a good time when you have to educate people about their own positions before you can actually debate?
No dumb fuck, to bring down a building that is larger than any other controlled demo in history it would take engineers to place charges in specific spots and fire them at specific intervals. If they didn't the building wouldn't drop nearly straight down. What we see here is a pancaking effect without the sound of those synchronized explosions. Not sporadic explosions but synchronized, as in a real controlled Demo.

Your explanation is self contradictory. If the planes themselves were enough to bring the towers down why would it require precisely placed charges precisely detonated by precisely precisioned professional engineers?
:clap2: You're finally getting it. The impact of the planes and the resulting fires WERE enough to bring down the Towers.

It's scary to think your stoopidity is natural. You're missing the contradiction you dumbfucking bitch. If the planes were enough then it wouldn't require the amount of prep work you dumbasses keep preaching about.
Your explanation is self contradictory. If the planes themselves were enough to bring the towers down why would it require precisely placed charges precisely detonated by precisely precisioned professional engineers?
:clap2: You're finally getting it. The impact of the planes and the resulting fires WERE enough to bring down the Towers.

It's scary to think your stoopidity is natural. You're missing the contradiction you dumbfucking bitch. If the planes were enough then it wouldn't require the amount of prep work you dumbasses keep preaching about.
My goodness, you're terribly confused, aren't you?

Troofers claim it the planes weren't enough and massive prep work to bring off controlled demolitions was required.

Normal people say the impact of the planes and the fires they caused was enough.

So you're complaining that I'm not making your case for you? :lol: :cuckoo:
:clap2: You're finally getting it. The impact of the planes and the resulting fires WERE enough to bring down the Towers.

It's scary to think your stoopidity is natural. You're missing the contradiction you dumbfucking bitch. If the planes were enough then it wouldn't require the amount of prep work you dumbasses keep preaching about.
My goodness, you're terribly confused, aren't you?

Troofers claim it the planes weren't enough and massive prep work to bring off controlled demolitions was required.

Normal people say the impact of the planes and the fires they caused was enough.

So you're complaining that I'm not making your case for you? :lol: :cuckoo:

You. Dumb. Fucking. Bitch.

I've never seen any troofer say it would require massive prep. You are the ones making that claim, hence the contradiction.
It's scary to think your stoopidity is natural. You're missing the contradiction you dumbfucking bitch. If the planes were enough then it wouldn't require the amount of prep work you dumbasses keep preaching about.
My goodness, you're terribly confused, aren't you?

Troofers claim it the planes weren't enough and massive prep work to bring off controlled demolitions was required.

Normal people say the impact of the planes and the fires they caused was enough.

So you're complaining that I'm not making your case for you? :lol: :cuckoo:

You. Dumb. Fucking. Bitch.

I've never seen any troofer say it would require massive prep. You are the ones making that claim, hence the contradiction.
Oh, that's right...you bozos are saying an entire building can be rigged to implode with none of the occupants seeing any of the preparations. That is, of course, utterly laughable.

However, there is no contradiction in the claims made by normal people. The damage caused by the impact of the planes and the ensuing fires was enough to bring down the Towers.

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