A serious question... is Kamala Harris mentally handicapped? Not a joke.

Over time, social conditions and other factors such as religious beliefs etc. develop patterns of behaviors that are widely practiced, good or bad. An example, after WW II there was a very strong patriotic culture in America. No one doubted the goodness of their country. But by the 1960s into the 70s this was changing. The very unpopular Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK, the assassination of MLK, Watergate, LBJ caught lying to the American public wildly about the war - this very patriotic culture radically changed. Distrust of government, and establishment as a whole. Free spirited, experimentation in sex/drugs and breaking traditional ways of living life - started a new culture, much different than before. One example. There are many.

Devils here, devils there.

It's nice to know that there was a time before the devils.

She's probably a good lawyer, but can't speak on random subjects. I doubt she is even interested in those subjects.

I have always said they should have made her Attorney General, not VP.
This is a very cogent point. A few months back, I saw a video, of her, while she was in the Senate, grilling the crap out of Jeff Sessions.

She is not as dumb as she has made herself come off, running as an elected politician. She is terrible at it, really bad.

It is seriously like, a whole different person. I think the laugh is either from her being nervous, or she takes some sort of drug to relax, in order to be able to do public speaking. . . .

Because, IMO, she has no ability to speak on her feet in front of the public, or be a politician, talking on things she is not prepared to speak on which she has no in depth knowledge. But she does seem to be a very competent lawyer and bureaucrat. . .


This is a very cogent point. A few months back, I saw a video, of her, while she was in the Senate, grilling the crap out of Jeff Sessions.

She is not as dumb as she has made herself come off, running as an elected politician. She is terrible at it, really bad.

It is seriously like, a whole different person. I think the laugh is either from her being nervous, or she takes some sort of drug to relax, in order to be able to do public speaking. . . .

Because, IMO, she has no ability to speak on her feet in front of the public, or be a politician, talking on things she is not prepared to speak on which she has no in depth knowledge. But she does seem to be a very competent lawyer and bureaucrat. . .


Below is a better video to show the point.
This is a CNN interview in 2019. A number of things she says here is her opinion, easily disputed, but nevertheless at no time in the entire interview does she not make sense. At no time does she ramble off random words that have no meaning or make any cohesive sense.
Only in the past year or so has she repeatedly made appearances and speak in this odd/broken style peppered - literally - with nonsensical ramblings.
This is the Vice President of the United States.
No one cares that she can't formulate a cohesive sentence??

Below is a better video to show the point.
This is a CNN interview in 2019. A number of things she says here is her opinion, easily disputed, but nevertheless at no time in the entire interview does she not make sense. At no time does she ramble off random words that have no meaning or make any cohesive sense.
Only in the past year or so has she repeatedly made appearances and speak in this odd/broken style peppered - literally - with nonsensical ramblings.
This is the Vice President of the United States.
No one cares that she can't formulate a cohesive sentence??

Biden’s not dumb enough, they need someone stupider as VP
This is a very cogent point. A few months back, I saw a video, of her, while she was in the Senate, grilling the crap out of Jeff Sessions.

She is not as dumb as she has made herself come off, running as an elected politician. She is terrible at it, really bad.

It is seriously like, a whole different person. I think the laugh is either from her being nervous, or she takes some sort of drug to relax, in order to be able to do public speaking. . . .

Because, IMO, she has no ability to speak on her feet in front of the public, or be a politician, talking on things she is not prepared to speak on which she has no in depth knowledge. But she does seem to be a very competent lawyer and bureaucrat. . .


She could have the morning orders from the globalist leaders to read off of. She needs a script and is terrible at talking without it. So she is either doing this on purpose or is a not qualified to being a leader of a nation. Like the 1960's and other decades a little we are going through a change, and we do not want to. Obama pushed the end game of the old era, and it is active now. The new era wants more personal responsibility which we have to some degree. The old ones collecting checks are partially in the way.
She is AA who blew to the top and is the result of “black women only need apply”

And who gained a great head start by being a whore. If not for the boost that she got by sucking Brown's Willie, she would never have amounted to anything more than a low-grade ambulance chaser.

Here is a text of her words.....

"what I think culture is... it is a reflection of our moment in our time....
And and.... and... and present culture is our expression of how we are feeling at the moment.
And and we should always find time to express about how we feel at the moment that is a reflection of joy...
cause...ev...eh.. you know... it comes in the mornin' hahahahaha
we also have to find ways to express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and and and...a connection about how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way too".

Go ahead and even begin to make sense of that. It truly is akin to the type of random nonsense that a meth head might say. It makes positively no sense.
How is she that way? She does this all the time. Absolute nonsensical rambling. A 12 year old has more ability to answer a question than this.

If I close my eyes I can see Pelosi on an LSD trip.
This was yesterday... this is actually NOT an example of weird ramblings.
THIS is actually classic Kamala Harris. Dumb as a post trying very hard to sound intelligent, but makes herself look even dumber than she is.
First - everyone knows that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. That is condescending as hell.
Second - What she says is not even correct. What she describes is what a computer from 1990 does.
A computer that can only operate within the exact parameters of it's programming. That is computing, Not A.I.

WARNING - YOU MAY LOSE .07 IQ points after watching this video!!!

The very worst caricature that the lying press tried to make Dan Quayle out to be, is orders of magnitude more intelligent and capable than Kamala “The Whore” Harris could ever dream of being.
Dan Quayle had several things going against him - a childish look being number one. His voice also sounded younger than he was. And he didn't interview well because he is a nice guy.
But - read about him. He is actually a pretty smart guy who hasn't exactly sat around drawing a pension.
Kamala and Biden have destroyed the idea that completing law school indicates intelligence.
And the effectiveness of tutors and all the help there is available to pass the bar exam.
Anyone over an IQ of around 95 and above can pass a bar exam with enough specialized tutors and practice test. The bar exam is meaningless really. Right at 80% of people pass it on the first try
And who gained a great head start by being a whore. If not for the boost that she got by sucking Brown's Willie, she would never have amounted to anything more than a low-grade ambulance chaser.
Nice to see your misogyny showing itself.

So Harris has a relationship with a man, and that's bad.

Trump cheats on all three of his wives, pays a porn star for sex, assaults another woman in a dressing room in a department store, and he's fine with you.
Dan Quayle had several things going against him - a childish look being number one. His voice also sounded younger than he was. And he didn't interview well because he is a nice guy.
But - read about him. He is actually a pretty smart guy who hasn't exactly sat around drawing a pension.

What is really funny is to compare the way the press treated him before Bush the First announced his choice as running mate, to how the press treated him afterward.

Above all else, what I saw in their treatment of Mr. Quayle, was what caused me to become very skeptical of the mainstream news media.

They went, in a day, from praising and building him up, making the case that Quayle was who Bush the First should pick as his running mate; to smearing and slandering him as viciously as they thought they could, once Bush the First had made that choice.
Nice to see your misogyny showing itself.
So Harris has a relationship with a man, and that's bad.

Everything that Kamala “The Whore” Harris has achieved, everything that she has, everything that she is, she built on the trade of sexual favors to a man who was married to someone else, in exchange for political opportunities.

What can possibly be more misogynistic than defending that as the way for a woman to get ahead, rather than succeeding on her own legitimate merits?


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